My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Chapter 343: Official Zone

Bai Jinxuan spent more than a month with Chen Xu in the game. In reality, it was about an hour later.

In fact, she was also busy, and when she was invited to the game, she was recording a show. And then she said she was tired, she needed a break, so she cared, and the show group announced the break.

She left all the important work behind and came to accompany Chen Xu, mainly because the two of them had too little time to meet, so she doubled the treasure.

As for whether there will be rumors of her playing cards in the future, she can't help it.

But she didn't want to leave the show group there long enough for an hour, so it wouldn't be appropriate to drag it further. So, despite her reluctance, she decided to leave the game.

As soon as she left, Chen Xu also quit the game. He was helpless and wanted to spend some time with them. As a result, they were busier than one, and his idleness was his own.

At the end of the day, he had to be alone in the game, unaccompanied. Where does that make sense?

He has plenty of time to stay until tomorrow morning, more than a dozen hours. So, a game was re-selected for entry.

He is not very interested in mainstream games that play weird upgrades and prefers to try other types, such as gun warfare, fighting, and various sports...

“Your points meet the criteria, you are about to enter the official game area, countdown, three, two, one...”

Chen Xu was lying on a surfboard on a beach, climbing to a huge wave head. He was climbing halfway. He heard a hint and had to stand still. Then, the image in front of me turned and automatically exited the game.

He appeared in a bigger square, more ambitious, more people. It can't even be called a square, because it's too big to see the edge at a glance.

He looked at it curiously, probably because of the size of the space, but the crowd here seemed less crowded.

He remembered the pastoralist, and he sent a message back, "Here I am. ”

After a while, no reply was received, knowing that this guy was mostly in the game.

They've already made friends, so if they're both in the square, you can text anywhere. But if one of you is in the game, you won't get the message.

However, before entering the game, the pastoralist texted him the name of the game.

Instead of rushing to make a decision, he thought about it, and when he was in the beginner's area, he could enjoy all kinds of games. But when you get to the formal zone, you're going to start thinking about your credit point.

On average, he earns at least 1,000 credit points a day. Here, deduct the time you just entered the game. When you're low, you want to make money? It was a dream.

“Which game should I choose? ”

He recalled the posts he had read earlier and taught some aspiring professional players how to pick a game.

In dream devices, the number of games still running is more than 100 million, any one classification point opens, the top 10 most popular games, surely have the most opportunities to make money, likewise, professional players are the most.

As a newbie, these popular games are not the best option because they often run for a while. The professional players in there have been playing for a long time and the level of equipment must be very high. As a later person, it takes a long time just to catch up with them, up to some hard money in the first period.

Competition is too intense.

So it's best to choose a game that suits your talent and has the potential of fire. If you look good enough, it's easy to make money when the game is on fire.

Even if the game doesn't fire and becomes one of the top players in the game, there is certainly a chance to make money.

Of course, if the game doesn't go on, it's a real blood loss.

As for the game chosen by the herders, it is a popular game that has long dominated category number one and just opened a new area.

This is a common way to play popular games, well-known games, equivalent to a quality IP, a new area, like a sequel to a movie that used to be hot, low-risk, high-yielding.

This game has been on fire for years and is a very long-lived game. This time, it's division 53. Imagine how awesome this IP is.

Chen Xu thought about it for a while and decided to meet up with the herder in this game. In terms of perspective, he felt that he was definitely no better than a pastoralist. He had long ago aspired to be a professional player, and his knowledge of the game was far superior to his.

Plus, the two of us used to have a nice time working together, playing games together, and having a look at it.

After he made his decision, he didn't stay much for a minute and immediately chose to enter the game.


Chen Xu opened his eyes and saw the blue sky.

He stood up, a piece of grass, two bodies lying next to him, and from the wounds on his body, it was likely that he had been bitten to death by a beast.

“I'm a cop? ”

He thought in his heart that this was the identity that the game had given him.

[Beginner mission, kill a mutant black wolf. Success, gaining 50 experience, failure, death.

This game is a comprehensive game, what it means, is that any type of player can find their favorite items in this game.

As if you like to fight and kill, the game gives you the identities you need, and then through various tasks, you keep fighting and escalating.

Here, you can fight alone, you can form teams with others, you can even enter some copies, you can command large groups of NPCs to fight.

I like to fight, I can compete in fights, I like music, I can compete in music, I like to play ball, I can compete in ball games...

Anyway, in this game, you're the only one who can't make it.

There's a name for this game, it's called Second Life. Players can think of this as a second life. It is said to have a history similar to that of dream equipment.

For a long time, this game had the largest number of people online.

When entering the game, the game will give you the background according to your own talents.

Like him, it is normal for a policeman to be arranged for precise throwing and a sense of crisis.

Chen Xu looked around vigilantly and his hand had pulled out the gun in his waist.


All of a sudden, an alarm burst into his heart and he turned his head and saw a big black shadow coming towards him. The gun in his hand had been fired, and a bang had sounded, and the shadow had fallen.

[Mission accomplished, kill one mutant black wolf, gain 50 experience rooms]

He was relieved to see the hint.