The second episode of the program was recorded as scheduled. Ruan Ningwei’s problem still has not been overcome, let alone Ji Yuyan and Jing Xun for help in private.

After the official performance, Ruan Ningwei and Lu Min's performance was not right, and no one had concealed it. Liang Zhenxu did not point out the real problem in order not to slap her in the first period. Instead, he treated Lu Min's performance more harshly.But Jing Xiu and Gu Lingfeng didn't have any affection, they pointed to the crux of Ruan Ningwei, hit the nail on the head.

After the recording, Ji Youyan and Tao Xingruo called to communicate and explained Ruan Ningwei's situation with her.She euphemistically said that she tried her best, but she may be helpless regarding the outcome of the game.Unexpectedly, Tao Xingruo seemed to have expected it, and calmly replied to her: "I know. It doesn't matter, the result of the game is not important, you did a good job." She calmly said: "The next time comes. Could you please push Ning Wei for a while, so that you can solve it."

Ji Youyan breathed a sigh of relief.Tao Xingruo looks like he has already arranged a back move?

The evening of the recording was also the day when the first issue of "Producers for All" was officially released.After finishing recording the show in the afternoon, Ji Yuyan rushed to the airport non-stop and flew to Beicheng to attend an annual fashion celebration.

Because of the hurried schedule, Ji Yuyan dressed in the clothes he had recorded the show in Lingzhou, changed his windbreaker jacket to a thicker woolen coat and left.Unexpectedly, the weather in Beicheng at the end of November and the temperature difference between Lingzhou and Lingzhou was huge. Ji You said that when he got off the plane, he was shivering with the cold.

The back-up team will organize fans to pick up the plane. In the cold weather, the lips are white, but they are still enthusiastic.Ji Yuyan felt sorry for them for waiting so long, so even if the time was tight, she took off her sunglasses, took off her gloves, and slowed down.While instructing the bodyguard to keep the distance gentle, she asked Lin Yue and stylist Kai to help pick up the posters and postcards handed over by the fans, sign them and pass them back.In the end, she personally hugged the gift and the fans waved to the nanny car.

As soon as they got into the car, everyone invariably raised their hands to warm their hands, warming up their frozen hands.

Lin Yue saw Ji Yuyan's nails turned blue and white, and said distressed her: "Sister Ji, now it's not better than before. In fact, there is no need to be so gentle every time, so you are too hard." Ji Yooyan’s popularity in the "Beicheng Bells Night" has risen, and more and more people like Ji Yooyan. How could Ji Yooyan come over gently?Moreover, there are too many people and staying for too long. Lin Yue is always worried about uncontrollable accidents.

She often feels that Ji Yuyan sometimes takes fans too seriously.

When I was following Wang Junchan, Ji Yuyan was a frequent visitor to search for the promotion and marketing strategy she developed, so in addition to daily publicity and data collection, fans also had heavy tasks of controlling reviews and anti-criminals.Lin Yue saw Ji Youyan's mood more than once after he checked Weibo.

The most recent time was the publicity period before the broadcast of "The Bells in the North City".

At that time, Ji Youyan and Lin Yue went to record variety shows in other places. In the evening, after Wang Junchan greeted them, they planned an oolong car accident.She asked someone to break the news that Ji Youyan had a car accident on the road to record, and she also attached a picture of it. Then the marketing account and the media quickly followed up, and the news quickly fermented. Wang Junchan responded at the right time and said that he could not be contacted temporarily. Ji Yuyan.For a while, the city was full of wind and rain, and the fans were going crazy. They stayed late at night and dared not go to bed, waiting anxiously for further news.

At about one o'clock in the morning, under Wang Junchan's nod, Ji Youyan sent a clarification on Weibo, saying that the matter was an oolong and she was fine.The car was the car she was riding in, but she was not in the car at the time. The car was just parked there and was inexplicably rear-ended by others.

Fans immediately happily sent a lottery on Weibo, thanking for this beautiful false alarm, and at the same time filled with outrage and sincerely responded to Ji Yooyan's remarks that mocked her hype.

At that time, Lin Yue and Ji Yooyan lived in the double room. It was past three in the morning. She woke up in a daze and suddenly saw Ji Yooyan still sitting on the bed.Ji Yuyan lowered his eyes under the pale reflection of the phone screen, his expression low.

She was taken aback and called her dazedly: "Sister Ji?"

Ji Youyan looked at her sideways, and Lin Yue could see that there were tears in her eyes.She woke up immediately, got up to her feet and asked Ji Youyan anxiously: "Sister Ji, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Youyan sniffed, blinked away from tears, and smiled at her reluctantly: "I'm fine."

Laughing is more uncomfortable than crying.Lin Yue choked her throat and was at a loss for a while.

She squatted in front of Ji Yooyan’s bed and glanced at her mobile page which was still on Weibo. She thought she had seen something unpleasant, and quickly comforted her: "Ji, don’t watch the screams of keyboard guys and Li Zhongguers on the Internet. , Those people just have too much failure in their lives and they are too idle..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Yuyan interrupted her, smiled and said, "It is not wrong for them to scold me. I should be scolded."

Her eyes were silent, falling in the darkness not far away, and said in a low voice: "Yueyue, am I the main criminal or an accomplice? It's disgusting to use me like this..." It was like asking Lin Yue, more Like talking to himself.

"It's disgusting..." She muttered to herself, suddenly raising her hand and biting herself fiercely, suppressing the feeling of nausea.

Lin Yue didn't have time to reach out to stop her, froze.She later realized what Ji Yuyan was feeling upset-she was guilty of using the fan's likes and playing with the fans' feelings.

Lin Yue looked at her, her eyes flushed with discomfort.

She feels sorry for Ji Yuyan.People who are too gentle and delicate are actually not suitable for survival in this circle stepping on the border between white and black.

Lin Yue actually once wondered if Ji Youyan was...a little depressed.

Fortunately, she felt much more at ease watching Ji Youyan, who was now calming herself while playing on her mobile phone.In the past few months, Jie Ji has been reborn and has become more open-minded.

"Like is a precious emotion, whether it was before or now, you must cherish it." Ji Youyan still has a hoarse voice as his cold is not over.She turned on the phone camera and took pictures of her hands that were red and purple with cold."Besides, there are too many hours of hard work for them, and it should be done to make them happy." The tone was gentle and nice.

She took a satisfactory picture, smiled and sent it to Jing Xiu, actively looking for a topic: "Teacher Jing, Beicheng is so cold tonight, was the temperature so low when you were shooting the commercial that day?"

It took five minutes before Jing Xiu replied briefly: "Yeah." "The other party is typing." After walking and stopping, Ji Yuyan finally waited for her second sentence: "Where is the glove?"

Ji Yooyan's eyes were about to burst into water, and she replied: "I just signed the fan and took it off."

Jing Xiu didn't react.The cold is not healed, what are you brave about!

There is still some distance from the hotel, Ji Youyan gave a sigh of relief, and continued to harass Jing Xun: "The dress sponsored by CH at night has only one layer of gauze on the shoulders and most of the back. I suspect I will be frozen to death."

"In the room." Jing Xiu seemed to be a topical terminator without emotion.

"The ones on the red carpet are outdoors. They will have to stay for a while." Ji Yuyan said cheeky and half-heartedly.

It took several minutes for Jing Xiu to return to her: "Wear long trousers."

Ji Yuyan gave a chuckle. Of course she wanted to, but it was a bit difficult.The bottom half of the skirt is also tulle, and if you put it on, you will be able to see her directly in the dumpster picture tomorrow.When the hotel arranged by the organizer arrived, Ji Youyan returned a picture of Jingxun's skirt and a "I'm here, get out of the car first".She collected her mind and got out of the car, and went to work.

The rest rooms and dressing rooms in the hotel are already full of busy figures. Ji Yuyan greeted people he knew all the way, took over with the people arranged here, changed the dress, and then went to the dressing room to put on makeup and style .

Lin Yue confirms the process and various issues with the organizer, and asks Ji Yu to say something from time to time.The organizer left, Ji Youyan watched her for a few seconds, and inadvertently saw an acquaintance.

A capable woman with short hair, about thirty-five and sixty years old.It's Jiang Chun, Jing Xun's agent.

It seems to be walking towards you?

Ji Youyan was stunned for a moment.

She knew that Jiang Chun couldn't say she liked or disliked herself, so even in her previous life, she had been with Jingxun for many years, had a good personal relationship with Yao Xiao, and had only a mild relationship with Jiang Chun.

"It's been a long time since Teacher Ji." Amidst Ji Youyan's doubts, Jiang Chun really stood still beside her.

Ji Youyan patted the hand of makeup artist Xiaohua and motioned her to stop first.She bent her lips and said generously to Jiang Chun, "Sister Jiang hasn't seen her for a long time. What kind of teacher is her name? Don't tease me, Sister Jiang, just ask me to talk as before."

Surprise flashed in Jiang Chun's eyes, and said politely: "It's different now. Say you can bear this teacher now. I haven't had time to congratulate you for taking the White Oak before, and I have never had a chance."

Ji Yooyan knew that what she was saying was just a polite remark, and answered her old fashionedly: "I just changed the brokerage company, so it's not easy to contact. It's better now, look at sister Jiang, congratulations now, I can't review it I felt the joy of winning."

Jiang Chun raised his eyebrows almost imperceptibly, and he was a little surprised that Ji Yuyan was now slick.In the impression, Ji Youyan is restrained and slow, and he is a little more melancholy after following Wang Junchan. He is not such a good talker.

Her cell phone rang, and the artist Xu Feiqi's assistant who brought me today called her to find her.Jiang Chun didn't have time to greet him, so he took the time to hand in serious errands.

"I just heard Xiao Xu tell me that you are borrowing baby warming stickers, I have extra here." She said, she took a few warm baby stickers from her handbag and gave them to Ji Youyan.

The ghost knows how embarrassing she is to find someone to ask if there are any extra warm baby stickers!

Where does she borrow warm baby stickers?Ji Yuyan was dazed.She sensitively followed Jiang Chun's gaze and swept the sights that occasionally cast her and Jiang Chun around, and understood Jiang Chun's concerns.In the past, in order to avoid suspicion, she didn't have much contact with Jing Xiuming, and she naturally paid attention to the contact with Jiang Chun.

Ji Yuyan accepted the warm baby post and thanked him: "Thank you, sister Jiang, for sending charcoal in the snow. I'm worrying, I'm saved now."

After Jiang Chun left, Lin Yue asked Ji Youyan: "When did you borrow, Sister Ji? Why don't you let me borrow if you want?"

"Sister Jiang is pretty good." Lin Yue said with emotion.

Ji Yuyan couldn't help the sweetness in his heart, and the corners of his lips were raised.

Xiao Hua suddenly exclaimed: "Sister Ji, Sister Ji! Don't laugh, put on lip gloss!"

Ji Youyan couldn't stretch it anymore, pushed away Xiaohua's lip gloss hand, and laughed softly.

She sneered at Lin Yue and said, "Idiot." Would Jiang Chun send her warm baby stickers so intimately?how is this possible.

It's her Axun.

The author has something to say: Sister Ji is a little bit melancholy today: Will I still like me with a dark history?o(╥﹏╥)o

Jing Xiu raised his eyebrows: Which little cutie do you want who likes you?