My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 69:

Jing Xiu stood up so that his legs were a little soft.Ignoring the dissatisfied eyes of the people behind her and the camera walking around, she quickly walked out.

The scene was too noisy to call back.Jing Xiu sent a WeChat to ask where Ji Youyan was, and walked quickly towards the background.

The staff subconsciously wanted to stop her, and after seeing Jing Xiu's face clearly, they let her go.Ji Yuyan was probably doing an interview, so there was no reply.

Jing Xiu didn't want to talk to the media people in the background.She asked where the interview room was, put on a mask, let the staff lead the way, and ran to the interview room.The backstage was in turmoil and no one noticed Jing Xiu's arrival.

Jing Xiu called Yanzhou back as he ran.

The other party quickly answered the call, and it was a woman's voice: "Miss Jing, you can count as returning the call."

"What's the matter? How is it now?" Jing Xiu said solemnly.

"Professor Ji has extremely high blood sugar and ketoacidosis. He was in a coma when he was sent to the hospital. He is still in emergency treatment."

Jing Xiu trembled and said, "Which hospital?"

"The City No. 1 Hospital. I contacted Miss Jing the first time you left me with the phone number. The hospital takes it very seriously, and now many experts have come."

Jingxun was upset and rebuked, "I asked you to take care of them, and especially pay more attention to Professor Ji's body. How could this happen!"

A few months ago, she asked someone to investigate Ji Yooyan's parents, and then bought the suite next door where Ji Yooyan's parents lived, and asked two people to pretend to be neighbors and take care of them nearby.

The other party was a little aggrieved and argued: "I have felt that Professor Ji is not in good spirits in the past few days, but Professor Ji said that he may have a cold. I persuaded him to go to the doctor. He felt it was unnecessary, and a neighbor of mine did not say much. At night, I was worried. I cooked more dumplings and asked Xiao Ke to send it there. By the way, I would see if Professor Ji was better. Then I found that Professor Ji was vomiting and Professor Zhong had already called the emergency call. We quickly contacted people. Followed them to the hospital, helped take care of Professor Zhong, and ran up and down..."

Jing Xiu took a sigh of relief, then sensibly returned to the cage and said, "Sorry, I was too anxious, and my tone was a bit heavy."

It was almost in the interview room. After turning the corner, the media reporters were waiting in front of him. Jing Xiu stopped in time.She was afraid that her presence there would cause riots, sprawl, and cause more trouble to Ji Yuyan's departure.

She hung up the phone and asked the accompanying staff to go out to see if Wei Yizhen or Lin Yue were at the door.

A few seconds later, the staff came back and replied that Wei Yizhen and Lin Yue were both at the door, and Ji Yuyan was still interviewing.

Jing Xiu stood in the stairwell and called Wei Yizhen.

"It's me, Jing Xiu." As soon as Wei Yizhen answered the phone, he heard Jing Xiu report his home.She was still wondering, Jing Xiu continued to say: "Sister Wei, Yanyan father has an accident, and he is now trying to rescue her.

Wei Yi trembled for a moment, and subconsciously questioned: "What did you say?"

"Yanyan's father is rescuing, Sister Wei, can you arrange the itinerary here for Yanyan? The location is Yanzhou." Jing Xiu repeated.

Now Wei Yizhen reacted and immediately agreed: "Okay, yes, I will arrange it right away."

The relationship between Jing Xuan and Ji Yooyan is extraordinary, so Wei Yizhen doesn't doubt why Jing Xiu knew the news earlier than Ji Yooyan.She turned her head and said a few words with Lin Yue, and immediately left the door of the interview room, went to the stairwell to find Jing Xuan, took Jing Xuan to Ji Yuyan's lounge, and then called one by one to arrange the follow-up itinerary. .

After Ji Yuyan finished the interview, he smiled and asked Lin Yue for his mobile phone, and couldn't wait to go to the scene to find Jing Xuan.

After walking through the corridor full of reporters, Lin Yue handed the phone to Ji Youyan, embarrassed: "Sister Ji, Sister Wei said that the itinerary has changed. Let you go to the lounge to find her. She will talk to you in detail." They will return to Lingzhou tomorrow afternoon to prepare for the program to be recorded the day after tomorrow.After finishing this interview tonight, it is free time.

Ji Youyan responded to Jingxun's text message: "I'm done with the interview, and I will find you later." She reluctantly said, "Did Sister Wei say anything?"

Lin Yue was also very puzzled: "No, Sister Wei answered the call, her face became heavy and she hurried away."

Ji Youyan frowned. I'm afraid it's not a good thing to make Wei Yi really uneasy, right?

While they were talking, she and Lin Yue went to the lounge. She opened the door, turned around and saw Jing Xun sitting next to the chair. She immediately forgot all the worries, and said in surprise: "Axun, why are you here?"

Contrary to her joy, Jing Xiu looked at her with heavy eyes, without a smile.

"Yanyan..." she said with difficulty.

If it was normal, if Jing Xiu called her nickname like this, Ji Youyan would definitely be overjoyed.But Ji Yuyan saw the sadness in her eyes, and his smile disappeared.

"What's the matter?" She squatted in front of Jing Xiu and tentatively took Jing Xiu's hand.

Jing Xiu turned his hand over and held Ji Youyan's hand.

Jing Xiu's uncharacteristic initiative made Ji Youyan's heart drums louder.

"Yanyan, your father is ketoacidosis and is being rescued at Yanzhou No. 1 Hospital." Jing Xiu couldn't bear to tell Ji Youyan the bad news, but he still said cruelly and gently.

Ji Yooyan seemed to be confused as if he couldn't understand what Jing Xiu was talking about.In the next instant, all the blood on her face faded and her body shook.

Jing Xiu was shocked, and quickly squatted down to support Ji Youyan: "Yanyan!"

Ji Yuyan pushed Jing Xuan away, stabilized, staring at Jing Xun, and said coldly and firmly: "Impossible! Who said that!"

She obviously didn't believe it, and she said it was impossible, but her tears fell uncontrollably.

Jing Xiu's heart was like a knife twist, followed by red eyes.

She didn't care about Ji Yooyan's stern words, holding Ji Yooyan's face in both hands, wiped Ji Yooyan's tears with her thumbs, "It's true, news from Yanzhou."

Ji Yooyan felt heartbroken as if he was about to suffocate, and the whole figure was motionless as if his soul had been drawn away.

Suddenly, she stood up abruptly, and Jing Xuan also quickly stood up, guarding her to tilt her body at any time.

Ji Youyan murmured: "Impossible." How is it possible?When she left home, her father didn't even have a single white hair on her head, and she was in good health. How could she be seriously ill?She convinced herself.

As if grabbing the last straw, she raised her phone to call her parents.But the moment she opened the address book and broadcasted, she suddenly remembered that she didn't have their contact information at all.

As she expected, the note that was broadcast was a "mother" call, and the response to her was merciless: "Hello, the number you dialed is empty."

Ji Yuyan tears like rain, and her guilt and regret tore her heart apart.What kind of daughter is she, she doesn't even have a phone number from her parents.

"Where is Sister Wei? I want to go back." Her mind was dull, unable to think, and she was filled with nothing but she wanted to go back to see them.They must all be living well in Yanzhou.

Wei Yi came in really well, seeing Ji Yooyan and Jing Xiu's state, knowing that Jing Xiu had already informed Ji Yoo Yan.

She focused directly: "Yu Yan, I have arranged it, the nearest flight, the Yanzhou plane in an hour, please go quickly, don't delay." She said: "Yueyue, go and take your sister Ji's Take coats, masks, scarves and bags."

Jing Xiu had already collected it in one step and handed it to Lin Yue.

"Yanyan, please take care of Wei sister." Jing Xiu glanced at Ji Youyan, and cherished Wei Yizhen.

Wei Yi was really surprised by the affection that Jing Xiu showed.She nodded solemnly and said: "It should be. Then we go first."

Ji Youyan is like a puppet man led by Wei Yizhen. After walking two steps with Wei Yizhen, he turns around thinking of something.

Jing Xiu stood there, watching them sadly.

Ji Yuyan felt his heart hurt even more.Her mind is messed up, she wants to say, but she doesn't know what to say.

Jing Xiu stared at her and comforted: "Don't be afraid, uncle will be fine. Go on, pay attention to safety on the way." His eyes were tender.

Ji Youyan choked his throat, nodded, turned and left.

Jing Xiu stood there, looking at the closed door and the empty lounge, feeling that his heart seemed to have been plucked away, empty, and painful.

She leaned on the back of the chair and sat down.

When Ji Yooyan needed her like this, she couldn't accompany him by her side.

She could not do anything except watch her away.

She cannot go.She is not suitable.She will only cause her trouble.

In the eyes of the world, in the eyes of Ji Yuyan's parents, she is an unqualified person.

Jing Xiu raised his head, tears silently sliding down his cheeks.

She took a deep breath, held back her heartache, dried her tears, and began to call methodically.

She first called Jiang Chun and asked her to suppress all the scandals about herself and Ji Yoon tonight.Tonight, Wei Yizhen will focus on promoting Ji Youyan's singing skills. She does not want to be the mainstay. Then she called her friend Guan Zhimei in the circle and asked her to help save Ji Youyan the day after tomorrow as a temporary mentor.Finally, she informed Tao Xingruo to contact Wei Yizhen in time to help with the hospital in Yanzhou.

She could not accompany Ji Yooyan by her side, and could only do her best to make Ji Yooyan worry-free.

On the way to the airport, Ji Yuyan slowly calmed down.She took Wei Yizhen's mobile phone number and called her mother Zhong Qingyu's mobile phone again.

This time, the phone was finally connected after a long beep.

"Hello." The woman's voice was hoarse.He obviously cried.

Ji Yuyan grasped the phone, tears shed first.

Mother's unfamiliar and familiar voice seemed to have awakened her memories of years of deadly silence, and all the past rushed to her in Haiti.No matter how many estrangements and contradictions there were afterwards, the care and warmth that her parents had given her during the two decades of living together day and night is still one of the softest places in her heart.

After she was born again, she had not gone back to find her parents, and she admitted that she had a grudge in her heart.She was heartbroken. In her last life, even if she died, her father would not come to see her.As if she was dead or alive, as he said when he drove her out of the house, she had nothing to do with them anymore.

But now she suddenly didn't dare to think, is her father really unfeelingly unwilling to come?

Still, he can't come.

"Mom, it's me..." Ji Youyan choked out.This sound of mother, after a lifetime, eight years.

The breathing on the other end of the phone suddenly became heavy, followed by a clearly audible sob.

"Mom, don't cry, where is Dad? How is Dad?"

At the same time as Ji Yoon’s comfort rang, there was also the concerned male voice on the other end of the phone: "Auntie, what's the matter? Whose call?"

A few seconds later, Ji Youyan heard his mother replied in a crying voice: "Xiao Fang, it's words."

Is he here?!Ji Youyan's mood is even more chaotic.

The author has something to say: Xiaofang: Guess who I am?

Teacher Jing is cold-eyed: You are a cannon fodder :)