My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be This Cute Chapter 96

Xi Xi Suo Suo, Xi Xi Suo Suo... Alsace heard the uninterrupted sound of clothing rubbing behind him.After holding it for a long time, finally couldn't help but ask: "Vereesa... are you sure you can untie your pants with one hand?"

After hearing Alsace's words, Vereesa's face turned red again-this time it was not urinating, she was really shy-"No... shameless! I don't want you to help me take it off!"

Vereesa felt very angry at this time-this leather armor sewn by her mother, which was given to her by sister Alleria, was originally worn by the ranger on the mission. The fabric was made a little tight and deep. In such a difficult posture of squatting, it is really not easy to take off one hand; more importantly, people are in such a hurry, but this human little person/ghost only wants to flirt with himself.Take off your own clothes!It's so annoying!

"I... what are you talking nonsense?" Alsace felt that his whole life was gloomy-why these women who appeared around him, no matter what race they were, from Xiaoshuang to the Red Dragon Queen, to the current Wen Lei Sa.Do you always think about color/color things in your mind?——"I want to say, if it is really hard, you can let go of my hand first."

"No... no need." The so-called wrong is wrong, Vereesa just misunderstood Alsace's meaning, and the high elf ranger who wanted to be crooked was agitated, but violently used force.He tore off his pants; but now that he heard Alsace's true thoughts, Vereesa really wanted to fall back and fall into a puddle of flesh-oh my god, what happened to me?Why do you have the same idea?Really ashamed, even ashamed than peeing in pants!

"You... have you taken it off?" Alsace asked in a mouthful.

"Um... Um." Vereesa didn't know how to answer, so she could only give a positive answer with a simple hum, but she complained shyly in her heart-how can Alsace, annoying, ask such a question?

Damn it, the holy light is on—Alsace shook his head, and drove out the undeniable Qi Nian from his mind—what happened to him?How can you ask such a question?And Vereesa...How could this stupid high elf girl really answer her own rude question?More importantly, she answered so decisively, how could she resist thinking about...not thinking about...

In Alsace’s mind, there was another round, oh no, it was a half-round full moon-that was the only part of Vereesa that could be called upright/upward, commonly known as buttocks/part-he was in Nanhai Town has indeed pinched it, and it feels very good. At that time, it is naked through the clothes...

Cough, not good, bad—Alsace shook his head again—what happened to himself?In front of a lady who went to the toilet urgently and was in distress, it was not a paladin's act to seduce her body!

Arthas, who condemned his own wicked/trivial behavior from the bottom of his heart, held his breath under the baptism of the Holy Light and began to quietly wait for the end of Vereesa.

There was silence.

The wind here is much larger than the hollow of the joints of the red dragon queen's wings. The air flow passed by Arthas, making a soft whine.

Arthas licked his dry lips with his tongue, and moved his arms on his knees slightly.

Arthas moved the leg that touched the ground on one knee, and put the weight of his body more on the other leg—the scales on the back of the Red Dragon Queen were too hard, making the little prince’s knees slightly pain.


Arthas finally couldn't bear it. He coughed slightly, trying to make his voice softer, and then asked: "Vereesa, are you okay?" (To be continued. If you like this one Works, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.) (To be continued.)

Chapter 280 Holy Light, are you playing with me?

"No..." Vereesa's soft voice sounded behind Arthas.

"Oh, okay." Alsace had nothing to do, although the hands clasped with Vereesa gradually became sweaty and very uncomfortable, but out of respect for a lady, Al Sas can only endure it—Alsace, who has a sister at home, knows that ladies, especially young ladies, always spend a lot of time taking care of their bodies, such as makeup and bathing. , Maybe... I have to flood the toilet?

There was silence, only Arthas coughing with a special meaning sounded from time to time, as if to tell Vereesa the time.

"Cough cough." When Alsace coughed lightly for the sixth time, oh no, by this time, he was already coughing heavily!Arthas really couldn't bear it. He had already decided that if Vereesa procrastinated and could not give himself a reasonable explanation, he would decisively leave Vereesa here alone and return to the Red Dragon Queen. Go to sleep at the base of the wings!——Although the Paladin will always give generous assistance to the ladies, as the future king of Lordaeron, it is absolutely not allowed to be played around like this!

"I...I...I can't pee!" Vereesa's trembling voice was crying, and the high elf kept that shameful half/naked position, squatting in a place where Arthas could not see. On the back of the Red Dragon Queen, some cold wind brushed Vereesa's bare buttocks/skin in the air, causing her body to shudder from time to time.

In fact, Vereesa was even more anxious than Alsace in his heart-his current posture was really too shameful!

The so-called "in broad daylight, naked/body/naked/body" is just that, right?As the first high elves to board the back of the Red Dragon Queen and enjoy the honor of flying with the Queen, if anyone knows, he actually used such a posture to complete this journey, and he still has Face to face the two sisters, face the Queen?

But Vereesa can't help it!Not long ago, the urination came like a flash flood.Make Vereesa ashamed and disgusted; but at this time, Vereesa can’t wait to make the feeling stronger-because now, although every inch of muscle from the lower abdomen to the hips/parts and even the thigh/groove is exhausted strength.However, a certain "gate" on the lower body remained motionless like a mountain-even a drop, Vereesa could not squeeze it out of the gate!

"Why..." Alsace felt unbelievable-not long ago, Vereesa cried and said something like "It's about to leak out" and rolled her eyes.Her legs kept twitching, and it seemed that for a second at night, between her pair of pale yellow leather pants, she was about to be wetted by an unknown liquid... This is not correct, it should be a large piece of liquid that we know but cannot say Up!——In order to avoid this kind of tragedy, I used the holy technique "Divine Intervention" that should have been developed by the gradually mature Knights of the Silver Hand only a few years later, and temporarily relieved Wen Lei. Sa's physical discomfort...

broken!——Alsace frowned, he thought of a possibility, and this pair of Vereesa.Even to myself, there is absolutely no good thing...

"Vereesa, you still... can't do it... um... that... get it out?" Arthas was making the last attempt. How much she hoped that at this moment, she could hear the day coming from behind. The sound of dripping water, or... at least Vereesa's denial!

However, Arthas was disappointed after all. He could clearly feel that Vereesa's small hand holding his palm suddenly used a lot of strength.Obviously Vereesa was still trying some sort of excretion. Then, Vereesa passed into Alsace's ears with a crying voice, as if the bad news hit—"No. Still not...Alsa. Si, what should I do!"

"Hmm..." Alsace was hesitating whether to tell Vereesa his guess, but he was a little worried. Once he listened to his words, would Vereesa just fall to the ground like this...

"That, Vereesa..." hesitated.Arthas felt that he still shouldn't hide something from Vereesa-after all, if his guess is correct, then the situation has developed into such an embarrassing situation, and he has to bear part of the responsibility.

"Wh, what?" Vereesa's voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth—and in fact, it was the same. The High Elf Ranger was mobilizing his whole body, just like not long ago—the difference is only The reason is that it used to be to prevent the "flood" from raging, but now it is to break through the "gate" of his lower body.

"Two minutes have passed." Arthas said nonchalantly.

"Yes, yes." Vereesa understood it tacitly—this "two minutes" should refer to the time when Alsace had previously said that the power of the Holy Light had no effect on his body. , It is indeed long gone now.

"I wonder... Is there something wrong with the holy technique I use..." Although he had decided to tell Vereesa and his own guesses, Arthas still wanted to use as gentle a way and tone as possible, so Wen Lei After Sa learned the seriousness of the matter, maybe he could be less...excited.

"What's the problem?" In another attempt, Vereesa exhausted all of her strength again; now she has fine beads of sweat on her forehead and cheeks, and her soft silver-white hair Under the blue and white moonlight, it adhered weakly to the temples, behind Alsace's invisible, showing the unique feminine charm.

"That's... Maybe the effect of this holy technique is better than I thought..." Arthas said hesitantly-with his back to Vereesa, he couldn't see the high elf ranger's face now; and Wen The hand that Resa connected to himself did not change because of his own words. Therefore, Arthas had no confidence in Vereesa's current mood.

"It's better? What does that mean?" Until just now, Vereesa hadn't thought about whether the abnormality of her body was related to Alsace's holy arts; but since Alsace said so, it must be It's related--Vereesa thought so, but didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

"That's... Maybe, it will take a while before you can get back... the feeling of wanting to go to the toilet..." Arthas gave the final explanation, and at the same time sighed in his heart, waiting for Wen Lei Sa's rage was thunderous-after thinking about it a few times in his heart, Arthas became more affirmed of his guess-it must be a problem with his holy art.

I thought that, once the Lich King, I used to use the method of enslaving the Holy Light from those strange high elves. When performing this holy technique that tests the level of devotion to the Holy Light, the effect will be greatly reduced. ; Unexpectedly, the Holy Light did not punish her own heresy, making this holy art work on Vereesa for a longer time than just a few minutes.

If it’s normal, it’s nothing. Alsace has no reluctance to master more power; but now, on this occasion, the power of the Holy Light has been inexplicably increased, and it has produced such an embarrassing effect. , This made Arthas have to put up a middle finger in his heart against the magical, mainstream belief in the subjugation of mankind-holy light, are you X playing me?(To be continued.)

Chapter 281 is not far enough

"For a while?" Vereesa raised her voice slightly.

"Also... maybe it will take a little longer." One ebb and flow-Arthas' voice was so small that it was almost drowned in the wind.

"How long?" Vereesa asked each word, and the hands clasped with Arthas strengthened heavily.

"No... I don't know!" If it weren't for Vereesa's tight grip, Arthas would have run far away; but now, he can only see the expression on Vereesa's face. Next, answered the high elf ranger's question tremblingly, "A few minutes, or... or a few days are possible."

"Why..." Vereesa's exclaim was full of despair, "Alsace, how are are too much!"-Great crisis!Poor little Vereesa is in a big crisis!In every sense, now is undoubtedly the worst situation-whether it is a few minutes or a few days, it is better than the current state of uncertainty!

"I...I can't help it either. I...have ever used this sacred art before, this is the first time, it is inevitable that some...have been out of order, let alone I am just a child and I have not mastered the holy art well. The effect is also very normal." Alsace quibbleed subconsciously.

"Don't use the excuse of'still a child' at this time!" Vereesa angrily rebuked Arthas, who didn't want to be responsible, "How can such unreliable spells be freely released on others." Ah!"-I blame Alsace, what should I do now?——Vereesa had no idea at all.

"This... how can this be all to me? At that time, you said you were going to leak it out. If it weren't for me, you would have been ugly now!" It is not for a man to shirk responsibility, but Alsace does I feel aggrieved-although it was my fault not to grasp the effect of the holy technique, in the final analysis, Vereesa did not handle her troubles properly, and then everything happened!

"Don't say it!" Vereesa blushed, and squeezed Alsace's hand hard-this guy has mentioned something that he "will leak out" for the third time, so shameful words.Once you hear it, you have to forget it right away!

"Huh...huh..." Vereesa's fierce gasping sound came from behind, and Arthas closed his mouth knowingly-since the other party is a lady, let her a little!Since she insisted that it was her own fault, then she should be regarded as it.Anyway, it wasn't him who squatted there and couldn't pee... The young Paladin was full of impure thoughts.

Silence spread between Arthas and Vereesa, and time stagnated in this silent night, only the brilliance of the two moons, as always, spread throughout Azeroth.

"Now... what should I do now?" Vereesa bit her lips tightly and broke the silence first.

"No... I don't know..." Arthas answered truthfully.However, she felt the hand between Vereesa and her squeezed tightly, and quickly changed her words, "I don’t know when the power of the holy light will subside. It’s better... Let’s go back to the original place. It's safe and easy... to be noticed by Mograine and Xiaoshuang..."

Arthas didn't know how to deal with the current situation-under his own lame holy technique, Vereesa's incontinence changed from a bomb about to explode to a bomb that did not know when it would explode. , And it is not clear whether the situation has improved.It's still bad.

"Yeah!" After hearing Alsace's words, Vereesa realized that his current posture was too ashamed!It would be better if only himself and Alsace, after all, although this human little devil is usually charming, he is still very aristocratic at critical moments. He has not done anything unruly like turning his head and peeking at himself. Generally speaking, It’s quite reassuring; but the Queen’s back is more than just himself and him, there is also a lady Frost who likes to ridicule herself, and Alsace’s guard Mograine, if they see him now Posture.Then...

I have lost my face in front of Alsace tonight, but there is no way; those shameful things have already happened, and what we need to do now is not to expand the scope of shame—Vereesa doesn’t want Mogg Lenny saw what he was like now.What's more, if Ms. Frost saw it, it would almost mean that the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron knew about it-she would laugh at herself for squatting naked and squatting naked on the Queen's back regardless of occasion. of!

After thinking of this, Vereesa was frightened for a while, and hurriedly looked at the front of the queen's back. Fortunately, Ms. Frost has been dancing like a horse, and Mograine has been watching the night view passing by the queen. , Vereesa let out a little relief.After confirming that there is no risk of exposure/exposure for the time being, he stretched out the hand that was not implicated with Arthas, wanted to lift his pants, and then decided how to deal with this ghostly urination. .