My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 146

"Just pile it up here." Anduin Lothar waved his hand, "Here is across the sea from Baradin Bay. When the news of the defeat of the orcs reaches the orcs base camp, those orcs will surely be able to see these same corpses. It’s also time for them to taste the fright."

The next arrangement seemed a bit trivial. Anduin Lothar arranged for a lot of human soldiers to be stationed in Fadier Bay to prevent the orc army dogs on the opposite side of the narrow sea from jumping over the wall, and then using some trick to get through this narrow. Hai, launched a surprise attack on Stromgarde.

The severely wounded human soldiers and most of the high elven rangers were ordered to return to Stromgarde to rest. The Knights of the Silver Hand and the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse suffered the least losses and had the strongest remaining combat effectiveness. They assumed the heavy task of garrisoning Fadier Bay.

Anduin Lothar, Arthas and others first returned to Stromgarde, and went to find the two most powerful kings in the human alliance, Terenas and Thoras, to discuss the next battle plan of the human alliance .

Of course, there are some small episodes in this. When the Red Dragon Queen knew that she didn't need to fly over the narrow sea to help Arthas perform the mission to kill the orcs, she began to cheer, and she couldn't see the pretending to faint. It looked like he hated Arthas, and wanted to find a chance to give this hopeless Red Dragon Queen a lesson.

Under the city of Stromgarde, King Terenas drove his horse, carefully avoiding the corpses of orcs all over the ground, came to the front of the castle, and looked up at the head of Stromgarde.

"Terenas? Is that you?" King Thoras' voice came from the head of the city.

"It's me, Thoras, how is the situation in your city?" King Terenas replied loudly.

"We are fine, but... this damn city gate, this group of trash can't be opened. I have always wanted to go out of the city to fight alongside you, but Garin and Kurbanke refused to agree with me to use a rope to get out of the city. Go, I even doubt if I continue to insist, they will tie me up with the rope I originally intended to get out of the city." King Thoras' tone sounded very dissatisfied.

"Haha, there is no need for this, Thoras. You see, we have already won." King Terenas smiled and comforted Thoras-the two are old acquaintances-for these years, Lordan Ren and Stormgard, the two most powerful human kingdoms, have had a lot of quarrels around Thoradin's Wall, but now, under the tremendous pressure of the orcs, they have turned from half opponents to solid allies.(To be continued.)

Chapter 401 Dad, I'm back

"Oh, by the way, Speaking of the battle just now, Terenas, what is going on with that dragon? Was it the reinforcement you found?" King Thoras asked.

"It's not like that, Thoras, I don't know how the dragon came." King Terenas shook his head slightly-but Thoras must be invisible on the wall.

"I heard...I heard Garin say..." King Thoradin hesitated, "You sent your son Arthas to check the Red Dragon's base... Is this matter and that? Child-related?"

"Alsace?" King Terenas frowned, but the image of the long-haired blue dress appeared in his mind, and then shook his head, "I don't know, I don't know where the child has gone. "

"Is that so?..." King Thoras hesitated for a moment, and then held back his words-on the wall just now, Garin seemed to mention that he was on the back of the dragon and saw The figure of Alsace.

After all, King Terenas was old, and his body couldn't bear it if he raised his head for a long time. He shook his neck from side to side, trying to relax.

At this moment, there was an exclamation from the top of the city. When King Terenas was still surprised, he felt a shadow passing over his head.

Without waiting for King Terenas to look up, the royal guards of Lordaeron who were in charge of protecting him were all in the back and didn’t want to disturb the dialogue between the two monarchs, but now they all rushed to King Terenas. By his side, he formed a guard formation.

King Terenas raised his head, and a red curtain fell from the sky-it was the dragon!

The red dragon that appeared on the battlefield before, like a mountain range descending from the sky, pressed towards King Terenas.

The old king knew that he should get off his horse quickly and ran to the city gate to avoid this possible attack; but his age was too old to make such complicated movements for a time; besides, the horse was frightened and it was not so easy to control. .

King Terenas was completely stunned. He didn't expect that the red dragon, who was still on the side of humans, would now attack himself.In the face of this tens of meters long dragon that fell from the sky, although the most loyal warriors gathered around him, they were powerless and did not have enough time to respond.

At the very last moment of the coming life, King Terenas had only one thought in his heart-hope this time, Arthas... don't make the wrong choice!

However, the expected thing did not happen, just a red light flashed, the dragon disappeared from the night sky, and the moonlight re-projected.

"Hey, you idiot, what are you doing! Can't you just land somewhere else? You have to land on my father's head?" King Terenas' familiar voice came from not far away. Following the voice, he saw the figure of his beloved son.

Little Alsace now looked like a thunder. He waved his fist tightly, not knowing who he was angry with; beside Alsace, almost all the main figures of the human coalition were present. Their faces also looked blank, King Terenas also saw Lady Alleria? Windrunner, and even a dwarf.

"What are you yelling at? Isn't this nothing? Besides, how did I know that it was your father, and you never told me about it." Faced with Alsace's accusation, the human-shaped red dragon queen dismissed it. Talk back.

"You... Didn't I say that when you just started landing? Did you intentionally scare me like this?" Arthas was so angry that he wanted to jump up and hit the Red Dragon Queen in the head.

"No...No, how could it...Ahaha..." The Red Dragon Queen showed an unnatural expression on her face, denying it.

Your expression is already admitting!——Alsace is even more angry: "How can you do this? My father is old, what if I get frightened?"

"Why... how could it..." Seeing Arthas's reluctance to get angry, the Red Dragon Queen was also a little afraid, she quietly shrank behind Vereesa, and then quibbly said, "Your father is not a king. How can you be so easily scared?"

Arthas became more and more angry as he listened and said loudly, "Why not? Even if my father is not frightened, he is still riding a horse. What if the horse is frightened and throws him down? You will take this responsibility?"

"I...even if that's the case, I can save him back!" The Red Dragon Queen said unconvinced-she has such confidence that even if something happened to Arthas's father, as long as she is not dead, she Can be saved back-the title of life-binder is not for nothing!

"'re still talking back! Xiaoshuang, teach her!" Alsace decided that he had to give this guy some color, and she has become more and more arrogant since she gave in to the Baladin Gulf. !

"Good master!" Frostmourne was ready for a long time-how do you say something?Xiaoshuang is always ready to teach the vixens who appear next to the owner!

"Alsace!" At this moment, the familiar and kind voice sounded in Alsace's ear--with a hint of excitement.

"Father!" Arthas turned around and saw that his father King Terenas had dismounted, standing not far from him, looking at him excitedly.

Seeing the future "father-in-law" appeared, Frostmourne also quickly put away the golden disk that had been spinning on his shoulders, and sent it back to the void to hide it; the small fist that had been raised high was also He quickly retracted and hid behind him-in front of the future "father-in-law", Xiaoshuang is more gentle!

"Father!" Arthas ran forward two steps, greeted King Terenas, and then...

"Haha, Arthas, you really are all right!" King Terenas took two steps forward, picked up his son, turned around in the air, and said with a big smile.

"Uh...yes father..." Alsace had a weird feeling in his heart-why should everyone treat themselves like this?Isn’t it just a bit smaller?Can't you give yourself a normal, adult hug?Whether it is Wrynn or his own father, he hugged himself in the air like a child. It was so shameless!

Alsace had long forgotten how much he looked forward to such a close interaction between his busy father and himself when he was a child. He had been thinking about Rodin for decades. Lun Kingdom and the future of mankind, while ignoring the changes in his father, King Terenas.(To be continued.)

Chapter 402 Where's My Feast?

However, Arthas felt that there was something wrong with his father's words-why would his father say that he was fine?Doesn't he worry about being injured at all?Has his trust in Mograine reached this point?

Anduin Lothar and others stood aside, watching the father and son who had reunited. Everyone understood the mood of the two, and no one spoke to disturb the warm atmosphere between them.

After a while, King Terenas put Arthas down, and then took his hand to the front of Anduin Lothar and others, nodding their heads like these people: "Master Lothar, you have worked so hard. Up."

"King Terenas, you are serious. If there was no Prince Alsace, we would have already lost this battle." Anduin Lothar replied.

"Oh? Really? Arthas, I haven't asked you, why are you here?" King Terenas lowered his head and asked his son.

Arthas felt awkward when he was held by his father, but he couldn't get rid of it. Taking advantage of King Terenas's ability to ask this sentence, Arthas quickly took off his hand and coughed dryly. Said: "Well, this is a long story, father, let's go to the city to talk about it!"

"Well, that's fine." King Terenas nodded, and then said again, "but I'm afraid it won't work right now. The gates of Stromgarde Castle are sealed and cannot be opened for a while..."

As soon as King Terenas had spoken halfway, the Red Dragon Queen jumped out from one side. She did not recognize the birth, smiled at King Terenas, and asked Arthas: "Hey, Where is my meal?"

In Fadier Bay not long ago, in order to be able to return to Stromgarde as soon as possible, Arthas and others asked the Red Dragon Queen to change back into the dragon form and fly them back together.

Of course, the Red Dragon Queen refused—because as the aloft Red Dragon Queen, you can’t say that I will become a dragon, right?

But Arthas was very good at showing facts and reasoning. He made the Red Dragon Queen lie on the ground obediently with just one sentence—"Do you want to eat a big meal? Then you should know whether to fly back quickly, or Go back quickly!"

Even if the brain is not easy to use, the Red Dragon Queen knows that it is better to fly back faster; so before calling, the Red Dragon Queen chanted "three together" at the Dun Mode Fortress, which is already at the limit. Once again, she has no principles. The earth allowed more people to board her back, and the humans and high elves who were fortunate enough to be "dragon knights" also had an extra batch.

The red dragon queen who had to bear the humiliation now arrived at Stromgarde, and naturally she was about to ask Arthas for her own meal.

Arthas had nothing to do with the mentally ill queen. He pointed to the gate of Stromgarde and said weakly: "It's in that city, but now that gate can't be opened, you can open it for us! "

The Red Dragon Queen narrowed her eyes and looked at the city gate of Stromgarde. Although the entire hardwood door was unattainable from a human height, it was really nothing in the eyes of the Red Dragon Queen.

"Is it here?" The Red Dragon Queen came to the city and shouted to Arthas from a distance.