My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 286

When Alleria asked her question, she got an affirmative answer from Sylvanas.

"Those guys are not immune. They committed the same crime as you. Anyway, after you go back, you guys will definitely not end well."

Sylvanas said angrily.

Alleria was silent.

For herself, she only wanted to kill the orcs and avenge her parents, so she was dissatisfied with the passively resisting Silvermoon Council, and came here with the same dissatisfied subordinates.

But now... the punishment of the Silvermoon Council is about to come, Alleria couldn't help feeling sorry for her subordinates.

Some of them could have had a better future.

"Aurelia, don't take the punishment seriously. My friends in the Silvermoon Council told me that the punishment this time might be very serious."

Sylvanas warned her sister.

"How serious can it be? It's nothing more than confinement?"

Alleria didn't care too much, and replied one by one.

"It's more serious than that, maybe... it will be exile, or even..."

Sylvanas said solemnly.

"Exiled? Is there something more serious?"

Alleria exclaimed again.

Exile is a serious punishment in Quel'Thalas itself. As for the more serious... Is it possible to lose your life?How could Silvermoon Council impose such severe punishment on compatriots?

That's right, this is not only a punishment, but a punishment.

"Why? You forgot how our Quel'Thalas came? Forgot that we are on the opposite side of the endless sea, and there are a group of compatriots?"

Sylvanas asked with a sneer.

"Thousands of years ago, a split caused us to lose a lot in Quel'Thalas. We were forced to leave our hometown and cross the oceans. And your previous behavior, in the eyes of the Silver Moon Council, is undoubtedly a precursor to a split. So they won’t let you off easily, and the guys under you.”

Sylvanas explained.

"That...what can I do?"

Alleria had no idea.

This high elf ranger can kill people on the battlefield without blinking, and can initiate a duel to Uther for his sister. However, studying the psychology of the politicians of the Silvermoon Council is not all that Alleria is good at.

"What to do? Then don't go back!"

Sylvanas said indifferently.

"Not going back? Where shall we go?"

Alleria asked.

Although her father, mother and Lilas were gone, Alleria still felt that Quel'Thalas was her home.

Besides, even if Alleria does not go back by herself, where are the rangers under her?They still have family in Quel'Thalas!

If these people will be punished if they go back... Alleria would rather go back together.

Even if she will be punished, Alleria has to bear the consequences for her subordinates.

After all, they left Quel'Thalas with them in the first place.

"I didn't think about it either... but I advise you not to go back. Isn't it nice here? With me, Vereesa, and you, it would be nice for the three of us to be together!"

Sylvanas said.

"You don't want to go back either? Are you also implicated by me?"

Alleria asked in surprise, her heart a little sad-Sylvanas had repeatedly made extraordinary achievements in the ranger team, and when she thought of her actions affecting Sylvanas, Alleria felt a while Sad.

"That's not true, but not long ago, I beat a guy who advocated punishing you in the Silvermoon Council, so this time...I can also say that I ran out."

Sylvanas explained.

"You... Silvanas, how old are you? Are you still so impulsive?"

Alleria is furious--Can the people in the Silvermoon Council fight casually?Such behavior is a complete provocation to the authority of the Parliament!

"Not as big as you anyway!"

Sylvanas didn't care about Alleria's angrily, and smiled and wiped a hand on Alleria's chest.

"Don't mess around, Sylvanas! I'm talking business to you!"

Alleria groaned and hit Sylvanas's hand of the stranger, and then said.

"Anyway, I can't accept what those guys are doing. I think many of your subordinates can't accept it. If they don't want to go back, do you have any plans for them?"

Sylvanas asked.

Naturally, not all rangers were willing to return to Quel'Thalas to accept punishment, and where did these rangers go? This burden fell on Alleria.

"Maybe... someone can do it."

Alleria pondered for a while, then said uncertainly,


Sylvanas asked curiously.

"Prince Arthas."

Alleria said.


Sylvanas raised her eyebrows, she had no impression of the name.

"It's the little boy who was outside with Vereesa! Don't you know his name?"

Alleria looked at Sylvanas strangely.

"He seems to have said it, but I didn't pay attention."

Sylvanas replied.(To be continued.)