My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 300

"Very good, Xiaoshuang, how could you still do this?"

Arthas asked while complimenting.

"Hehe, Xiaoshuanghui has a lot of things! When the master no longer only has six seconds, you can always let the master have a try!"

Frostmourne said with a smile.


Arthas coughed dryly, no longer paid attention to Frostmourne, but began to concentrate on reading letters and information from various places.

More than a month has passed since Stromgarde’s defense battle, the orc warchief Orgrim Doomhammer is still imprisoned in the dungeon of Stromgarde, and it is said that he will be executed soon.

From the orc's head and neckline, there was no useful news.

Although the ownership of Alterac Valley has caused great disagreements within the Alliance, King Terenas' plan is proceeding unsteadily.

Uther took the Knights of the Silver Hand into Alterac Castle and the Broken Ridge. From now on, this communication artery connecting the Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Kingdom of Lordaeron is just here. A paladin armed to guard it.

The Minister of Finance Alfonso Diarda is more busy than Alsace and King Terenas. He now has to allocate every material that will be sent to the south by the fleet of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras. , Also need to prepare a part of manpower to move from Hillsbrad Hills to the old land of Alterac Kingdom and reclaim the land there.

Gene Greymane's coveting of Alterac Kingdom was in vain, and he also sent the nephew of Aiden Pernault as scheduled.

Although this guy's uncle was still locked up, he did nothing wrong, so he really became the clerk of the Alterac Kingdom—now it was just Alterac Valley.

The alien love between Paul and Helena quickly spread in the palace of Lordaeron. Both humans and high elves had curious and worried ideas about this couple.

But as the person involved, Paul was still very shy, but Helena didn't think so at all. Arthas saw her running wild in the palace many times, while Paul tried to chase behind.

Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa almost settled in the palace of Lordaeron, and Arthas was also very happy to see that his sister Carria had so many female companions.

Regarding the fact that Alleria and these high elf rangers did not return to Quel'Thalas, the Silvermoon Council has not responded.

However, Arthas believed that this should only be a short period of peace, and those arrogant high elves were definitely not opponents who would be dismissed so easily.

When Arthas picked up a document under the service of Frostmourne, there was still a lazy look on his face.

However, as he read the document, Arthas gradually became serious, and in the end, he even took a little anger on his face.

"Arthas got up from his chair, walked to the door of the study with Frostmourne's surprised eyes, and then opened the door.

"Go to my father, there is a very important thing for him to handle."

Arthas gave orders to the royal guard of Lordaeron at the door, and then closed the door again.

This time, Alsace did not return to the seat behind the desk, but instead sat on the guest sofa, waiting for his father's arrival.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Frostmourne ran to the front of Arthas, sat on the armrest of the soft chair, nestled softly on Arthas, and asked curiously.

"There are some difficult things that I can't handle by myself..."

Alsace explained.

"Master is in trouble? Is someone doing the blame? Xiaoshuang go and kill them all!"

Frostmourne volunteered.

"No, it's not like this..."

Arthas smiled bitterly and shook his head, then patted the back of Frostmourne's hand, comforting.


Frostmourne felt sad to hear that he could not help, and could only hold Arthas tighter.

Not long after, King Terenas pushed open the door of the room and saw Arthas sitting in a soft chair.

"What happened?"

King Terenas asked, walking towards his seat while asking.

The king of Lordaeron gave Arthas a lot of autonomy. Not only could he use the king's seal, but he almost didn't need to ask his father how to deal with most things.

For example, the matter of the Archmage Modra. Although King Terenas quickly figured out the role that Arthas played in this matter from the Archmage Modra, he did not seem to be too angry, nor did he feel too angry. And deprived Alsace of power.

"It's Quel'Thalas. This is a letter from the Silvermoon Council just today. The problem is serious."

Arthas pointed to the document placed in front of King Terenas and said.

King Terenas nodded, sat down in his seat, picked up the letter and read it carefully.

Like Arthas, the expression on King Terenas's face became more and more serious, and then gradually became angry.

"These guys, what do they want to do?"

King Terenas slapped the letter heavily on his desk, and said angrily.

Arthas understood that this "they" was referring to the Silver Moon Council, and the content of the letter really had to make people angry.

The content of this letter from Quel'Thalas is entirely an accusation against Lordaeron and the Human Alliance.

The Silvermoon Council reiterated in the letter that they must give priority to protecting their own homeland rather than providing assistance to mankind.

More importantly, in addition to justifying and condemning human beings, Arthas did not see in his heart the high elves congratulating the Alliance on defeating the orcs.

At the end of the letter, the Speaker of the Silvermoon Council even revealed a little threat.

That's right, when the messenger sent by Lordaeron asking for "compensation for missed appointments" arrived in Quel'Thalas, the reply from there said that the people of Lordaeron could get these compensations by themselves.

In national rhetoric, this is already a provocation that can break out of war.

"These proud high elves, do they want to fight?"

King Terenas frowned and shouted in a low voice.(To be continued.)

Chapter 608: Who is Sylvanas and Alleria together?

"That's not the case, their tone in the letter is not so tough, I think...Is there some misunderstanding in it?"

Arthas walked to the desk and answered his father's question.

"What's the misunderstanding?"

King Terenas asked.

"The messenger we sent to Quel'Thalas did not return this time... What happened to make the whole Quel'Thalas so hostile to humans? I think our messenger should not have brought too much. Hostility?"