My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 493

"So... what can I do?"

Even though he knew it was unlikely, Dalin Proudmoore asked.

"Of course... When we arrive at Blackstone Mountain, we need you to summon the Duke Hydraxis."

Arthas replied.

"No problem...Should we set off now? If that's the case, we'd better go back and find Archmage Jaina and Modra-they can use the teleportation circle to help us get back to my ship.

Dailin Proudmoore suggested.

"No, before that... I still have a lot of preparation to do."

Arthas shook his head and said-Daelin Proudmoore can go to Blackrock Mountain by himself, and Arthas himself, he must first go back to Lordaeron's palace to see if the Red Dragon Queen returns.

Arthas was not sure whether Frostmourne could defeat the Balrog Lord Ragnaros with the power of one person, and at the same time suppress the unknown Duke Hydraxis; but if the power of the Red Dragon Queen was added , It should be more secure.

And after that... Arthas also hoped to visit King Magni? Bronzebeard in Ironforge-if, as the Duke Hydraxis said, Ragnaros, the King of the Balrog, was born and black Regarding the iron dwarf, Arthas felt that he had to let the King of Ironforge know about it.

"Let's go, time waits for no one."

Arthas took a deep breath, then hurriedly turned and left the shore-there were too many things to be done for him, and the arrival of the Balrog Lord Ragnaros was just one of them. .


To Alsace's surprise, when he explained the whole thing to his father, King Terenas, his father did not show the same surprise as Daelin Proudmoore.

"Father... do you understand what I'm saying?"

Arthas asked suspiciously.

"Of course not, my child."

King Terenas gave a negative answer, but his demeanor and tone made people feel as if he was saying "yes".

"In short...our world is on the verge of crisis, and Xiaoshuang and I are going the world."

Arthas' words made him laugh-he remembered the righteous himself before being controlled by the Lich King Ner'zhul.(To be continued.)

821 The Question of Rona Crowley

"I see what you mean, my child...what do I need to do?"

King Terenas is sitting in Gene Greymane’s study. The chair under him is the chair that Gene Greymane sat on when he ruled this land-King Terenas seemed to enjoy this conquest The feeling of the person.

"It is not necessary... Our army had better not participate in this battle... Our enemies are those elements, and ordinary weapons can hardly hurt them."

Arthas shook his head and replied.

"Well... Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames? The name is pretty impressive... Go, Arthas, do what you want."

King Terenas smiled and nodded, and said to his son.

Arthas was stunned for a moment. He hesitated to ask something, but did not ask. He just nodded, and then left the study with Frostmourne.

Standing on the promenade of the Gilneas Palace, the trace of doubt in Alsace's heart once again drifted away-why did his father say the name "Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames" So smooth?Smooth to... as if he had heard the name before.

Arthas still remembered that six years ago, when he first said the name "Burning Legion" to his father, King Thoras looked strange when repeating the word, but his father...

Had his father heard of these far beyond mortal things?Who told him that?Or...I'm just overreacting, and his father is just more calm and smarter than others?

——Alsace did not come up with the answer to this question; he still has a lot to do before solving his father's problem.


When Arthas found Jaina who was chatting with the Windrunner sisters and Lorna Crowley, and wanted her to activate the magic teleportation circle in the Gilneas Palace, several girls in the room were surprised. Looked at Alsace.

"Alsace, where are you going?"

Jaina certainly wouldn't refuse Alsace's request, she asked as she stood up from her seat.

"Go back to Lordaeron's palace and find the Queen."

Arthas replied simply.

"You...have the matter between my father and you...resolved?"

Jaina nodded, then asked timidly.

"Not yet, but...there is already a plan."

Alas smiled and comforted Jaina.


Jaina nodded obediently, and then walked to the door of the room, planning to go to the hall where the magic teleportation circle was placed, and help Arthas return to the palace of Lordaeron.

"Wait... Alsace, what is going on? What are you looking for, the Queen?"

Alleria also stood up from her seat, shouted at Arthas who was about to leave, and asked worriedly.

"Nothing... Jaina's father, Your Majesty King Dalin needs Xiaoshuang's help for some things; but I'm not sure. If the Queen comes back, it would be great to call her together."

Arthas replied vaguely.

"That's it... Is there anything we can do to help?"

Alleria realized that Arthas didn't want to tell her the truth, but she couldn't help asking.

"Nothing...Ms. Alleria, you don't have to worry about us; it's just that this time things are really dangerous, so I..."

Arthas said apologetically-even though he knew that Alleria and Sylvanas were both excellent high elf rangers, this time the opponent was Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames. If possible, Al Sass hoped to prevent these mortal forces from interfering as much as possible.

It’s not that Alleria, Sylvanas and others can’t help, it’s just that... Alsace is worried about what Duke Hydraxis will do against him, if this happens. In fact, the stronger your partner, the less you need to worry about secret calculations from around you.

After Arthas, Frostmourne, and Jaina left the room together, Alleria returned to her seat, gently grabbed the hand of her little sister Vereesa, and rubbed it in her palm.

"Sister Alleria... Alsace will be fine, right?"

Vereesa asked with some worry - when Arthas came in, she didn't have time to ask, and Arthas left with Frostmourne and Jaina - no matter what she was doing, Vereesa wanted to follow Al. Sass went together.

"Nothing will happen, don't worry."

Alleria said with a smile.

"Hmph, that guy is really impolite... Alleria, you said that, but he refused us to help."

Sylvanas hummed dissatisfiedly on one side.