My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 502

The tone of the Duke Hydraxis was a little sad, a little tragic.

"But Xiaoshuang didn't find the trace of Ragnaros, Lord of the Fire Demon... Did you make a mistake? Xiaoshuang's judgment is always accurate."

Arthas said suspiciously.

"The Balrog Lord Ragnaros is not here, but he has established a way to connect to it from the Elemental Plane of Fire. I have been wandering here for a long time, and I can feel the scorching heat from the Elemental Plane of Fire. Breath, but still can't find the entrance of that passage."

The Duke of Hydraxis looked up at the Frostmourne and the Red Dragon Queen who were fighting together in the distance, and then suddenly stunned.

"Is that Alexstrasza the Life Oathbinder? How could she appear here?"

Duke Hydraxis asked in surprise.(To be continued.)

832 Dark Iron Dwarf

"I know you! You are... the subordinate of Neptulon the tide hunter! Arthas, how can you mix with such an evil guy? You... you disappoint me too much!"

The Red Dragon Queen stood beside Arthas, watching him yelling in surprise.

"Shut up, you idiot! If it wasn't for you, the so-called guardian of the world, all day long besides eating and sleeping, why should I worry about the Balrog Lord Ragnaros."

Arthas yelled at the Red Dragon Queen irritably.

"Alexstrasza, the life-binder, you don't need to be hostile to me like this; my lord's legion has already abandoned the ancient gods, and the war between us and the guardian dragon is over."

Duke Hydraxis lowered his head slightly in front of the Red Dragon Queen and said calmly.

"Who knows if you guys are secretly brewing some conspiracy, huh!"

The Red Dragon Queen murmured quietly, but after taking a sneaky glance at Arthas, she closed her mouth obediently-now this human kid is even more terrifying than Lord Iona, in case it makes him lively, Not to mention that you will be beaten up by this nasty woman who is absolutely frosty, and you may be thrown into a caveman’s nest and forced to lay eggs. The most important thing is that there is no way to continue every day except for eating and sleeping. Live.

After several trade-offs, the Red Dragon Queen chose to temporarily ignore the glorious mission entrusted to her by Iona-sama... a little bit.

"So... even as you said, Duke Hydraxis, Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrogs, has really come to this world... But how can we defeat him without him? "

Arthas blocked the Red Dragon Queen's mouth with his own strength, then frowned and asked the Duke Hydraxis.

"Before you arrived, I tried to catch a few wandering fire elements and interrogated them... What surprised me was that they didn't know anything about the Balrog Lord Ragnaros, but they had With the breath of Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames."

The Duke Hydraxis replied.

"This shows what?"

Arthas asked questioningly—he knew humans, dwarves, orcs, trolls, and even undead very well, but he was not so proficient in these looming elements.

"This shows that these fire elements are new-they did not come to this world from the plane of fire elements, but just a part of this world elementalized by the existence of Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames. This is sitting The fact that Ragnaros, the King of the Balrog, has arrived, is true, but... It’s a pity that the many fire elements here cannot help us find this powerful enemy. To be honest, I really don’t understand the King of the Balrog Ragnaros. Why did he hide, but it is his behavior that shows that he is brewing a bigger conspiracy."

The tone of the Duke Hydraxis was inexplicably more melancholy.

"In addition to the fire element, there is another creature here. Maybe we can go to them and ask."

Alsace suddenly spoke.


Duke Hydraxis asked in surprise.

"Those dark iron dwarves. I learned something about the civil war in the dwarven kingdom in Ironforge. The birth of this plain and this volcano you mentioned happened when the Dark Iron tribe was defeated by the Wildhammer tribe and the Bronzebeard tribe. After that... I heard that those dark iron dwarves were intoxicated by the abuse of spells, maybe they knew why these fire elements came to this world."

Alsace analyzed.

"Good idea, then where do we find these dark iron dwarves?"

The Duke Hydraxis asked.

"Xiaoshuang, find out where the dark iron dwarves are."

Arthas ordered Frostmourne.

"Okay, Master!"

Frostmourne agreed and closed his eyes. At that moment, countless soul tentacles centered on the small magic sword, quickly spreading in all directions; Duke Hydraxis seemed to pay attention too. At this point, his body twisted slightly to avoid being passed through by these soul tentacles - he instinctively felt the threatening smell from those soul tentacles.


"Master, this is it!"

When Frostmourne stopped, she stretched out her slender fingers, pointed at the mountain in front of her, and said loudly to Arthas.

Alsace raised his head and looked up to the mountain—this was still the volcano towering on the burning plain, but Frostmourne brought himself to the other side of the mountain.

In front of Arthas, a man-made path winded up; at the end of the path, Arthas could see a gate—two heavily armed dwarves were guarding both sides of the gate.

With the moonlight and the body transformed by the Red Dragon Queen, Arthas could clearly see the appearance of the two dwarves-they were different from all the dwarves that Arthas had ever seen.

As far as Alsace had seen and known, due to the fact that the dwarves of Ironforge lived in the Dun Morogh Snowfields, their beards and hair were denser, and their skin was lighter.

Wildhammer dwarves, because they have lived in Eagle’s Nest for hundreds of years, have long been accustomed to living on mountain tops and hills; their complexion is much darker than Ironforge dwarves; in addition, in order to be able to survive in the hot sun Cooler, they will shave most of their hair, and of course they will keep the big beard symbolizing the tradition of dwarves.

In addition, some Wildhammer dwarves--especially those griffon riders, have weird patterns on their bodies--Fustard said that Wildhammer dwarves communicate with nature in this way, so Only then can he release some lightning spells without being a mage.

Arthas was skeptical of this statement. He thought that the kind of tattoo must have played a similar role to the rune; but he had only seen a wildhammer dwarf griffon rider and didn't know much about these tattoos.

But the two dwarves guarding the gate were different from any dwarf Alsace had seen before—their skin was black, the kind of pure black, just like... the ink-like darkness of Black Rock Mountain .

They still have beards, their hair and beards are red, like lava flowing everywhere on the burning plain; they hold warhammers and battle axes in their hands, watching the path in front of them vigilantly, and beware of sudden enemies. .

Obviously, these dwarves are the "dark iron dwarves" that Alsace has never seen before-they look the same as their names, like a piece of cast iron-if not for the brighter beard and hair color , Arthas could hardly distinguish these guys under the bright moonlight.(To be continued.)

833 Invasion

"What are you going to do, human?"

The Duke Hydraxis asked while standing beside Alsace.

"This must be the entrance to the lair of these dark iron dwarves... Let's go in, find their boss, and see if he knows something about the Balrog Lord Ragnaros."

Arthas replied.

"It's really troublesome..."

The Red Dragon Queen hid behind Arthas, muttering quietly; at the same time, she did not forget to stare at the Duke Hydraxis-the Red Dragon Queen and her guardian dragon companions used to fight The element lords fought a protracted war, and the Duke Hydraxis, as a powerful general under the command of the tide hunter Neputulon, also clashed with the Red Dragon Legion.

The Red Dragon Queen thought that this water element would not have the kindness to save the world. She planned to stare at this guy closely, reveal his conspiracy, and then make Arthas look at herself with admiration.

"I see... I can prevent these dwarves from discovering us."

The Duke Hydraxis spoke, and then his arms condensed by the water waved gently, and Arthas felt as if his eyes were covered with mist.