My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 506

Dagran Thaurissan persuaded Arthas endlessly.

"I think you forgot something, dwarf. You are just our captive now. You can answer whatever I ask, otherwise...I will be very troubled."

Arthas interrupted Dagran Thaurissan coldly-he believed that if he didn't do this, this guy would chat with himself for a day.

"Since you said that... well, it was Ambassador Flelas who took me to meet Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames. That ambassador seemed to just wave his hand casually, opening up a scorching space... …Oh, by the way, I remembered it, it seems that even Ambassador Flairas must open this space at the bottom of this mountain, where the magma emerges."

Dagran Thaurissan replied helplessly.

"So... did you see Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames? What did you say?"

Arthas nodded, and then asked.

"What else can I say? That huge monster... just glanced at me with disdain, and then shouted something like maggots, tiny dwarves, etc. with a thundering voice... I was terribly scared at the time, and I didn't It was quite clear what he said, and then he was kicked out."

It seems that even the Dark Iron dwarves have a direct tradition. Dagran Thaurissan didn't cover up his cowardice, and said truthfully to Arthas and others.

"That space...what kind of place is it?"

Duke Hydraxis asked.

"I don't remember very clearly. After all, I was afraid of being killed by those monsters and didn't pay much attention to my surroundings... I only remember that the place was very big, and it was full of flaming red. Things that I haven’t seen are moving. Some are fire monsters like Ambassador Flairas, and some look like huge dogs like a hill, but they have two heads...I don’t know, maybe I am dizzy. Up."

Dagran Thaurissan took a sip of wine to moisturize his throat, and then he said with a mouth; even though he was talking about serious things, he didn't seem serious at all, but he enjoyed spirits more.

"Lava Dog, that is also one of the iconic creatures of the Elemental Plane of Fire, the pet of Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrogs."

The Duke Hydraxis said to Alsace.

"That is to say... Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames, opened up a small plane of fire in this world, and then hid there? What is he plotting? Why not directly destroy the world?"

Alsace discussed with the Duke Hydraxis.

"I have a little guess... I think the ruins excavated by these dwarves belong to trolls-only this race is old enough to invent magical weapons that can summon ancient creatures."

"Perhaps they learned how to perform rituals from those murals, but...the rituals of trolls are all full of blood and sacrifices. I think these dwarves must not have sacrificed enough to make the ritual perfect."

Said the Duke Hydraxis.

"Of course not! Where do we get so many cows and sheep?"

Dagran Thaurissan stared and said.

Arthas did not remind His Majesty the Emperor of the Dark Iron Dwarf-living dwarves can be used for sacrifice. Trolls often use their fellow citizens to perform sacrifices; of course, Arthas believes that the young Dark Iron Dwarf leader will not Do it this way, because he looks no different from the dwarves of Ironforge—just go straight, there's nothing tricky.

"So you think the ritual for summoning Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrog, is not perfect? ​​That's why he died?"

Arthas asked the Duke Hydraxis.

"It should be like this... Even my master knows that there are some magical artifacts in this world that can connect to the channel between the elemental planes, even if it is like my master or Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames. Existence summons to this world, but obviously, doing so requires a high price."

"The barriers of those powerful creations cannot be broken so easily. The strength of the Balrog Lord Ragnaros has already suffered damage in his eyes, which makes him have to sleep in this place similar to the plane of fire... if we Now is undoubtedly the best time to defeat Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrog."

Said the Duke Hydraxis.

"Take us to find that ambassador, Dagran. If you don't want your subjects to continue to be enslaved, and you want to avenge your father."

Arthas nodded, and then said to Dagran Thaurissan-he thought this was something that could be communicated with words, and there was no need for Frostmourne to capture the memory of the Dark Iron Dwarf Emperor.

"You are really crazy! I've said that how many times, Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames, is not a force that mortals can defeat...For us, he is a god, do you understand?"

Dagran Thaurissan snarled loudly—even though he didn't have much friendship, he still didn't want to see these guys in front of him go to death—at least he didn't want to watch them go to death in front of Ragnaros, the Balrog Lord.

"I believe what you said, Dagran Thaurissan; but you have to believe what I said... In this room, there is no mortal except you and me."

A smug smile appeared at the corner of Alsace's mouth and said softly.(To be continued.)

838 Magma Pool

The Emperor Dagran Thaurissan of the Dark Iron Dwarf walked on the promenade of his palace, but for the first time, he felt that walking in his own house felt unrealistic.

Dagran Thaurissan looked back-not long ago, he was told that the group of guys behind him were not mortals.

As the emperor of the Dark Iron Dwarf, Dagran Thaurissan certainly knows the meaning of this sentence, but... the black-haired, blue-skirt, and slender human girl has never gone into her bedroom. Talk; don't talk about the gods, Dagran? Thaurissan doubted if she was a dumb.

As for the red-haired woman, it’s even more ridiculous-Dagran Thaurissan remembers how hard it took the young man who had been talking to him not long ago to remove the red-haired woman from his own Pulled up on the bed/and how this red-haired woman looked like a few years old when she was rolling around.

As for the water element...for the mage, the water element is certainly not a mortal, but... is it not something that is too cherished?Basically every mage who has learned a little and accomplished can summon the water element...Although this one is a little special and can talk...but what's the use?

Now this group of guys are actually going to challenge the terrifying Balrog Lord Ragnaros, and they are so ghostly and willing to take them to see the Flairas Ambassador...

——Dagran Thaurissan felt that today must be the craziest night he has experienced since he was born.

Dagran Thaurissan has repeatedly persuaded these uninvited guests not to be sent to death, but they did not listen; after weighing it, Dagran Thaurissan gave up his intention to continue persuading-these guys are not his own acquaintances. , And always threaten their own safety...Since they want to die in the lair of the Balrog Lord Ragnaros... Then why do they forcibly stop it?Whether they succeed...what does it have to do with themselves?


Behind Arthas and Dagran Thaurissan, he didn't know what the Emperor of the Dark Iron Dwarf was thinking in his heart, and he didn't care too much-in his opinion, this guy was too young.

The leader of the Wildhammer dwarves is the undead Cardros? Wildhammer Prince, and the king of the Bronzebeard tribe is the bold and combative Magni? Bronzebeard-both of them have unique personality charms, leading Walk with their tribe.

As for the Dark Iron Dwarves... it is inevitable that they lack a strong leader, are deeply involved in the fire element they have created, and gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

The only thing that worries Arthas is whether this Dagran Thaurissan will play a conspiracy — Arthas did not completely listen to this guy — in case he has already taken refuge in the Balrog King. Gnarros, everything I just said was just deceiving himself, maybe.

But Arthas thought that it was not bad, anyway, he caught the fire demon, and Frostmourne would know everything at first interrogation.


"Here, that's it, Ambassador Flairas lives here."

Dagran Thaurissan stopped and said to Arthas and others.

"Are you kidding me?"

Arthas stared suspiciously at the pool of magma in front of him, and he felt as if he had been tricked.

"Of course not. The underground magma comes out from here. Ambassador Flairas likes magma, so he lives in the innermost part of this tunnel... I remind you in advance that there is hot lava and poisonous steam. , If you really want to go in, you'd better think clearly."

Dagran Thaurissan replied-he stood at the top of an artificially excavated stone step, and said to Arthas and others beside him-and further ahead were the places where the fire element was active, even though he was The puppet of Ragnaros, Lord of the Flames, but Dagran Thaurissan still didn't want to go one step further.

The memory of the last time I came here was not very pleasant. Dagran Thaurissan was really worried that he would die in this hot spot at any time.

However, Dagran Thaurissan failed to leave as he wished-he suddenly felt that his body was being lifted by something; in his screams, he had been moved from the steps to the bottom of the steps. Above the schist magma pool.

"What do we do with this guy?"

While struggling hurriedly and shouting for help, Dagran Thaurissan heard such a sound coming from the body of the water element.