My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 586

"I used to think it was easy, but in fact... even I couldn't sort out the chaotic timeline until I spent countless energy and finally found the end of a timeline, and then I found... there There is nothing but barrenness."

"I thought this was just a special case, but next, the end of every timeline I pursued is the same wasteland... Until then, I began to realize that maybe... there is no future in this world. ."

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu may have accumulated too many secrets in his heart. He no longer concealed it, but said to the Red Dragon Queen with emotion.

"Wasteland? Why?"

The Red Dragon Queen was stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly.

"For various reasons, Alexstrasza... sometimes because of the invasion of the Burning Legion, sometimes because of Neltharion’s Black Dragonflight, and sometimes because of the endless war between mortals. Sometimes it’s because of the resurrection of the ancient gods... I used to think it was my duty to stop this, but..."

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu shook his head sighingly, as if he remembered some bad memory.

"but what?"

The Red Dragon Queen asked seriously.

"But even if I stop all of this, the world will still be in ruins-even if there is no Burning Legion, no Elemental Lord, no Ancient Gods and Black Dragon Legion... Sometimes I will even see it at the end of the world Neltharion’s huge body was nailed to the top of the Temple of Wyrmrest, or I saw you and Ysera floating on the surface of the endless sea for some reason I don’t know..."

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu replied.

"Huh? Me? And Ysera? Why on earth? This...this can..."

The Red Dragon Queen suddenly became panicked-she has been happily living a life of eating and waking up and then eating, but she never thought that one day she would die!

"Who knows... Alexstrasza, listen to me first... I doubt that this world, no matter what I do, cannot undo the fact that it will eventually be destroyed."

Bronze Guardian Dragon Nozdormu spoke to the Red Dragon Queen in a low tone.

"Ha! How is that possible! Did you forget? Nozdormu, we have lived in this world for hundreds of thousands of years... We will definitely continue to live like this! What the end of the world must be ...You are not serious, Nozdormu?"

As always, the Red Dragon Queen wanted to resolve the concerns of the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu, and patted the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu on the shoulder to show her comfort, but almost ran into the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu The hourglass on her shoulders scared her to get her hand back quickly, and then asked carefully.

"Of course it is true... After discovering these, I have tried countless ways and traversed countless timelines, but they will eventually converge to a time node with no future-the last moment, that is what I gave The name it takes, when that moment comes, everything is scorched, even eternal time is no exception."

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu shook his head and said.

"Really...really? What should I do? It's over, then... when will the last moment come? We have to do something as soon as possible to save it! I... what can I do to help Shall we go and wake Ysera, let's discuss countermeasures together!"

The Red Dragon Queen suggested in a panic.

"I want to communicate with Ysera... About this final moment, maybe the Emerald Dream can be a place for us to hide... But it's only for us, you know, Alexstrasza, we can't Move the whole world to the Emerald Dream. If it is not a last resort, I still hope that this problem can be solved in this world."

Bronze Guardian Dragon Nozdormu said.

"That's why you used the dragon eggs of the bronze dragon to create the dragon beast with the orcs? But... why don't you ask us for help? If our dragon army is united together... why sacrifice those... those Where is the dragon egg of the bronze dragon?"

The Red Dragon Queen said sadly-she didn't know what kind of enemy the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu was trying to fight against when he made the dragon beast, but she felt sorry for the bronze young dragons that hadn't been born yet, even more important. However, she felt that the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu did not consider the other guardian dragons as companions—the Red Dragon Queen always regarded all dragons as family!

"How do you know that I didn't ask other guardian dragons for help? Don't you want to know why Neltharion chose to betray 10,000 years ago?"

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu said with a wry smile.

"Huh? Is it because..."

The Red Dragon Queen was surprised to cover her mouth-she never understood why the black dragon Nesario would suddenly attack other dragons when fighting the Burning Legion 10,000 years ago-that time Sarrio's betrayal has always been a shadow in the heart of the Red Dragon Queen, making her unable to forgive herself for a long time in the past.

"Yes, it is precisely because I showed everything I saw to Nesario that he, who was worried about his fate, made such a crazy move... As you know, for a long time, Even after he betrayed the Dragonflight, we still kept in touch..."

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu said in a low tone.

"By the way, I haven't asked you about this, Nozdormu! What's the matter between you and Neltharion? Obviously he has betrayed us, why are you still hooking up with him?"

The Red Dragon Queen was angry as soon as she mentioned this. For Nesario, who had betrayed the Dragon Legion and slaughtered many dragons by herself, the Red Dragon Queen has never been able to forgive.

"I tried to convince Neltharion, but... his stubbornness, you also know... He always thought that since the Titans gave up this world, it would be better to turn to the ancient gods for help... other than that. He has other ideas besides."

Bronze Guardian Dragon Nozdormu said to the Red Dragon Queen.(To be continued.)

960 Bronze Dragon = Eternal Dragon

"Do you think I haven't tried it? But you also know the horror of those ancient gods. It is impossible for Neltharion to go back in time, Alexstrasza... Except for imprisoning you in Grim Batol Besides, he once wanted to kidnap Ysera...I can't stop him, but that's just what happened before. Now I am different..."

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu shook his head and said.

"Oh yes, you have changed your clothes now."

The Red Dragon Queen nodded stupidly.

"It's not that simple thing, Alexstrasza... Do you remember what I mentioned to you, the guy who is destroying the timeline everywhere?"

The bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu said with a wry smile.

"Remember! Although I have forgotten when, I remember you mentioned that a group of guys were destroying the timeline everywhere and messing up your duties...what's the matter? You caught that group of guys?"

The Red Dragon Queen rubbed her head, then asked in retrospect.

"The same can be said...because that guy is me."

Bronze Guardian Dragon Nozdormu said to the Red Dragon Queen.


The Red Dragon Queen thought she had a problem with her ears-how could it be possible?Could it be that the guy that the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu has been looking for is himself?That is how the matter?

"Yes, it's me... I who gave up the faith in Titans and turned to pursue the power of time and space... You know, Alexstrasza, in order to facilitate the management of the timeline, I can be in every timeline. Acting alone—in this long river of time, it can be said that there are countless me—they all have the same ability and strength, but they have their own different experiences and ideas."

"Until one day, one of me had the idea to change all of this-he didn't want to wait helplessly for the end, but tried his best to stop all this-even disrupting the flow of time Do whatever you want."

"The change started from that time stream and spread to other timelines-he began to call himself the Dragon of Eternity, and changed his name... From then on he traveled through the various timelines, trying to convince everyone he encountered The same me, and successfully transformed them from the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu to the eternal dragon Mnozdor... In order to avoid the coming of the end, they paid a great price... This is me 'S story, Alexstrasza, that's why I am the way I am now."

"The reason why I want to tell you this is because... Alexstrasza, who gave up my loyalty to the Titans, will not be afraid of destroying the stability of the timeline-I locked you here because I went I found that human, Arthas."

Bronze Guardian Dragon Nozdormu said to the Red Dragon Queen.

"Alsace? What did you do to him?"

The Red Dragon Queen asked nervously.

"I sent him back ten thousand years ago."

A narrow smile appeared on the face of the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu, looking at the Red Dragon Queen and said.

"Ten thousand years ago? Wait, you mean..."

The Red Dragon Queen was relatively sensitive to this point in time 10,000 years ago. She suddenly thought of a possibility, and then realized that this was not a so-called possibility, but a ridiculous but obvious fact.

"Did you think about it? In fact, you should have thought about it long ago—how could there be two people with the same appearance and the same name in this world? In fact, what we met ten thousand years ago was the human that you knew before. ."