My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 643

"Yes, I'll make arrangements..."

Counselor Harves nodded repeatedly, and he ran towards the wizards under his own hands-he still remembers that when Lord Mannoroth came, even several huge teleportation circles were scrapped. If it were this stronger Ah Lord Kermond's words...Counselor Harves felt that he needed to prepare more portal magic circles.

"Let's go, Hakkar..."

Mannoroth twisted his huge body and slowly followed behind the counselor Harves. He turned his head and called the dog king Haka who had been staying aside.

"Yes, Master Mannoroth..."

Dog King Haka nodded respectfully-if Lord Mannoroth's appearance only brought the world into crisis, then Lord Archimonde's arrival...will only bring destruction and despair!


"Master, I caught a captive!"

When Arthas and Frostmourne finished a round of patrols without gain, they landed on the edge of the Well of Eternity, intending to correct their direction, Sindragosa appeared treacherously in Artha By Si's side, Hao's wrist flipped lightly, and a night elf turned out of nowhere, and threw it under Arthas's feet, shouting excitedly.

"Captive? That's great... Where did you find this guy? Xiaoshuang and I have been walking around for a long time, but we haven't found a living person."

Arthas knelt down, stabbed the night elf with his finger-it seems that this guy was fainted by Sindragosa using some spell without knowing it-and then asked in surprise.

"I went to the vicinity of their palace, and saw this guy there... he looked like a sentry, and when he saw me he asked what I did... I caught him."

Sindragosa said angrily-these night elves are getting more and more excessive now, don't they know that this world is actually guarded by dragons?

"That's right, we can interrogate him... Xiaoshuang, leave it to you."

Arthas pointed to the stunned night elf sentry, and said to Frostmourne-even though this guy is considered loyal to his duties, he is a foreign race to Arthas after all, and Arthas has no need to care about him. Life and death.

"Good host!"

Frostmourne nodded obediently, and then pointed his index finger on the forehead of the comatose night elf, and closed his eyes—Little Demon Sword had the idea of ​​competing with Sindragosa in his heart— Look!Even if you, the bone dragon, captured a prisoner, wouldn't you ask Xiaoshuang to interrogate him?

Frostmourne’s interrogation method is completely different from that of others. She obtains information by directly capturing the memory of the other person’s soul. No matter whether the night elf in front of him is unconscious or not, it will not affect her methods, nor will she be affected by those. The determined guy used patience to escape the torture.

Of course, perhaps the tortured person will have the aftereffects of soul loss, but... that is no longer within the scope of Little Demon Sword's consideration.

Not long after, Frostmourne stood up, ran back to Arthas, and excitedly told his master what he had discovered; while Arthas listened to the little magic sword intermittently. Narrating, he opened his eyes wide-he didn't expect it to be like this.

Arthas knew for a long time that the Burning Legion had attacked the world in this era, but failed—but he never knew the specific process—he could roughly guess the failure of the Burning Legion and the guardians of this world. It's related, but I don't know why the Burning Legion found this world, and why it can enter this world.

However, after listening to the narrative of Frostmourne, combined with what he had learned about the Burning Legion... Alsace finally understood that ten thousand years ago, in this glorious palace, there is endless in this area. What kind of conspiracy is taking place next to the Eternal Well of Arcane Energy.

Arthas looked at the unconscious night elf lying on the ground in front of him, and realized that he did look different from Malfurion, Tyrande, and Illidan. In the soul memory of this night elf, Al Sass found the reason for this difference.(To be continued.)


The night elves were born in a long time ago that Arthas was completely unable to reach, and after that, they established a prosperous civilization on the still empty and desolate continent.

Many different races and creatures survive in this land and fight against the harsh natural environment.In the center of the night elf territory is a lake full of mysterious energy.This lake-which was later called the Well of Eternity-is the source of magic and natural energy for the entire world. While drawing energy from the boundless darkness outside this world, the Well of Eternity is continuously released to the entire world. Its energy provides nutrition for all kinds of creatures in the world.

At that time, an ancient clan of humanoid creatures who worshipped the night was attracted by the strange energy in the well and established a permanent residence on the bank of its tranquil lake.As time passed, the great cosmic power in the lake had a subtle influence on this race, making them stronger, wiser, and possessing eternal life.Their skin became various shades of violet, and their height gradually increased.This tribe calls itself Kaldorei, and this name means "son of the stars" in their language.To celebrate the continuous development and growth of the tribe, they built tall buildings and temples around the Well of Eternity.

Kaldorei—the race known as the night elves in Arthas—belied in the moon goddess Elune, and believed that during the daytime, the goddess would sleep at the bottom of the lake of the Well of Eternity.Early night elf priests and prophets studied the Well of Eternity with extreme caution, trying to understand its secrets and power.When the night elves society gradually grew, they began to explore the unknown continent of Kalimdor, and they met many compatriots.The only thing that can stop them from exploring is the ancient and powerful dragons-although these giant beasts are usually reclusive creatures, they will do their best to guard some mysterious places.The night elves believe that dragons are the patron saint of the world, so it is best not to violate them and the secrets they guard.

The night elves' constant exploration made them encounter many powerful creatures and became friends with them. One of them was the demigod Cenarius, the patron saint of the virgin forest.The great Cenarius was very friendly to the curious night elves and spent a lot of time teaching them about the natural world.Kaldorei has established a good relationship with the vibrant forest and enjoys a harmonious natural balance.

Of course, night elves also have enemies—their relationship with other races has been good and bad. From the memory of the night elves sentinel, Arthas knew that there is another strange race called "Pandamen" in this world. The allies of the elves, and the trolls, tauren and earth spirits, and the night elves are not friendly.

This is of course because of the night elves themselves-at least Arthas thinks so-as Sindragosa said, in the beginning, many creatures and wise races lived near the Well of Eternity, but the night elves After their rise, they drove away other races and monopolized the Well of Eternity, which was used by the night elves as the habitat of the moon god Elune.

Although the dragons don’t want to dispute the production certificate with the night elves, other races don’t think so-the trolls have fought a long war with the night elves for their forest territories, and the two sides will win each other’s battles. Until the empire of the trolls fell apart due to years of internal friction and battle with another mysterious enemy, the night elves became the most powerful overlord in the world.

After that, the civilization of the night elves has made great progress in terms of territory and culture.Their temples, roads, and settlements are spread throughout the Kalimdor continent.Azshara, the beautiful queen of the night elves, built a magnificent palace next to the Well of Eternity for her favored servants to live in.These were called Quel'Dorei, the servants of the upper elves in the lingua franca are obedient to the queen, and they think they are more noble than other lowly compatriots.Although Queen Azshara is loved by all the people, many people hate the Highborne.

Azshara, like other priests, has a strong curiosity about the secrets of the Well of Eternity. She orders the knowledgeable Highborne to unlock its secrets and reveal its true function.The upper elves studied the Well of Eternity day and night, and finally, they found a way to enable them to use and control the powerful energy of the Well of Eternity.As their experiments proceeded further, the upper elves discovered that they could use this newly discovered power to create or destroy at will.The upper elves decided to master these powerful magic thoroughly. Although they knew the disastrous consequences of improper use of magic, Azshara and her upper elves still began to recklessly experiment with magic. Some old-fashioned night elves expressed this. Against, they thought that joking about the capricious magical energy would only bring disaster, but Azshara and her followers still stubbornly wanted to boost their energy.

Disagreements occurred among the elves. Some of the night elves who were dissatisfied with Queen Azshara’s decision escaped into the forest. They reached a sleepwalking relationship with Cenarius, the king of the forest, and learned how to use the power of nature-they called themselves Drew Yi, Malfurion whom Alsace knew, was one of them.

As for the high-level elves...As their energy increased, Azshara and the high-level elves changed significantly-the arrogant and indifferent high-level night elves became more and more severe and cruel to their people.Azshara covered her face with a black veil, began to alienate her people, and refused to associate with anyone except the Highborne wizards she trusted.

Obviously, the night elf sentry caught by Sindragosa was also a member of the high elves. He was not a wizard, but as a guard in the palace, he did know some useful things.

From the memory of this sentinel, Arthas learned that for a long time, the upper elves in this palace were performing some rituals... The significance of these rituals is to summon the "warriors of heaven" here. Spoof the world and become the army of Her Majesty the Queen.

Arthas even knew why Illidan could no longer use spells—it turned out that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the summoning ceremony, these upper elves frantically deprived other compatriots of the right to use spells, cutting off the connection between them and the Well of Eternity. Contact, in this way, the night elves outside Azshara's palace can no longer use arcane energy to cast spells.(To be continued.)


Of course, even these high-level elves are not completely puzzled by the orders of their Queen—from the soul memory of that high-level elven sentry, Frostmourne reads with doubts and fears—obviously, for those The huge and ugly demons that appeared suddenly, these upper elves were not without worry.

What made them even more frightened was the massacre that took place in the city of Essalin. Although Queen Azshara gave them a guarantee of safety, they listened to the endless screams and bloody breath of massacre outside the wall... The elves are also panic inside.

Arthas still understands this very well—he understood the difference between the high-level elves and ordinary night elves—taking the human society as an example. Obviously, the high-level elves are the nobles, and the night elves are the farmers and commoners.

For the night elf queen Azshara’s behavior, Arthas can still understand-in the human kingdom, there have also been many times when the nobles tried their best to show their superiority, and let the commoners enjoy poverty and poverty. Things like hunger...

Of course, Alsace was scornful of this behavior-in terms of politics, he completely inherited the idea of ​​his father, King Terenas, and believed that the rule of the nobility was based on the people...Alsace I feel that Azshara, the elf queen, is completely irrational.

However, how the nobles of the night elves want to torture their civilians has nothing to do with Arthas. He only needs to know where these high-level elves have arranged the teleportation circle that summons those demons, and they To what extent has the "plan" of China been carried out.

"Master, these guys seem to have set up a teleportation circle on the west side of this lake... Let's pass now!"

After Frostmourne straightened out the soul memory of the upper elf sentry, he said to Arthas.

"Okay... Xiaoshuang, take me to fly over!"

Arthas nodded, took Frostmourne's hand, and said to her and Sindragosa.

"Good host!"

Frostmourne nodded, glanced at Sindragosa, then hugged Arthas's body from behind, soared into the air, and flew to the west of the Well of Eternity.

"Master, wait for me!"

Sindragosa also cast a floating spell quickly, hanging behind Frostmourne.


To the west of the Well of Eternity, in the middle of the camp temporarily set up by the Highborne, countless highborne wizards are busy, marking out six-pointed stars or five stars on the ground with the paint with the lake water from the Well of Eternity. The magical array of the awn star formed a huge teleportation array with countless runes.


Counselor Harves stood in front of the teleportation circle, waving his hands while chanting some complicated and obscure spells out loud—in fact, these spells were a bit strange to the counselor Harves himself, because it was not. It was the language of the night elf, but the demon language he learned from Mannoroth and the dog king Haka.

Mannoroth and Haka the Dog are standing far away from the magic circle-although they are much stronger than the mages of these upper elves, Mannoroth and Haka the Dog are not strictly magical masters. , Some simple spells can be used by their own race's talents, but it is more reasonable to hand over such complex summoning spells to these upper elves.

"Master Archimonde...really coming?"