My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 799

Despite being fleeting, the girl who boldly expressed her love blushed. She tried to escape the room in a panic, but almost tripped over the chair behind her.

Malone quickly held Altea who was about to fall, and then took the girl's delicate and soft body, and slapped her in his arms half-wrapped.

"Ma...Ma Long, you...I..."

Altea felt as if there was a cheerful little deer in the forest ramming around in her chest, she was leaning weakly in Ma Long's arms, and her head became dizzy.

The pure girl had never had such close contact with a man, and in just an hour, it was the second time that she and Ma Long hugged like this.

"We still have time, Altea, I will not leave until Paul returns at least."

Marlon was almost a head higher than Altea, he easily put his chin on the girl's shoulders, sniffing between Altea's hair, and said in an ambiguous tone.

"Also... there is still time... what... what?"

Altea said nervously, she even turned around to look at Ma Long's face ashamed.

"The kiss just now... it seems that you kissed the wrong place? Let me teach you about kissing this kind of thing..."

While smiling narrowly, Ma Long gently pulled Altea's body, drew close to her pink cheeks in the girl's shy gaze, and kissed the two moist and somewhat seductive pink lips.


Althea's little exclamation was blocked in her own mouth.

The girl's head became more dizzy, and her face and body became hotter; gradually, she was once again lost in Ma Long's passionate kiss.


Outside the city hall.

"Strange...Why can't Sister Altea and Malone come out yet?"

Maria grabbed Rubes' tail and ran down the silver-white hair while muttering to herself.


Rubes let out a low growl of inexplicable meaning, obviously, it has not been able to communicate with the little girl.

"Rubos, do you think it's weird? Then let's go in and have a look!"

Maria thought that Lubos was answering her own question, she excitedly let go of the wolf's tail, then patted Lubos and said.


Rubles tilted his head, and then followed the little girl amid Maria's constant urging, and ran into the city hall.

Elro Eberlock and the pastor apprentices, who were busy dealing with the injuries of the refugees in Lakeside Town, did not notice that the combination of the little girl and the big white wolf quietly passed through the promenade of the city hall and ran deeper.


"Hush! Rubes, don't say anything, let's quietly see what Malone and Sister Altea are doing!"

Maria whispered to Rubes, who was only one leg taller than her, and then carefully scratched the door frame without door panels, and looked into the room where she had just left.

"Huh? Malone is eating Sister Altea's lips again! Moreover, he put his hand inside Sister Altea's clothes!"

Maria just took a look, then quickly retracted her head and whispered to Rubes to report the situation in the room.


Rubes stuck his huge head forward, passed Maria's short body, and looked into the room he was not familiar with.

"I was right!"

Maria's voice was soft, as if it was a mosquito barking-but it didn't make a difference to Rubes, he couldn't understand it anyway.

However, this white giant wolf seemed to understand something--because it, like Maria, quickly retracted its head, closed its beautiful dark brown eyes, and shook it gently. Head-as if being disgusted by his master's behavior.(To be continued.)


"Sir Lothar, if I remember correctly, we are now on the edge of the Twilight Forest."

De Jong took off the branches and forks in front of him, and walked to Ma Long's side and said.

"However, we didn't meet the orcs."

Ma Long shook his head helplessly, and then glanced around - five soldiers of the Xiquan Garrison who accompanied him were scattered and sitting on the exposed roots of the surrounding trees, cherishing the rare. Rest time.

It has been two weeks since leaving Yese Town. The food prepared by Vera and other cooks for this squad has been consumed nearly half. Considering the return journey, Ma Long felt that if they did not encounter it in the next three to five days As for the orcs, if you go out to investigate this time, you can declare a failure.

"We have too few people after all, and this forest is so big, it is very likely that we missed the orcs and didn't find it."

De Jong explained-he has changed drastically compared to what he was when he first came to Yese Town; he took a hot bath under the force of Richard the Beard, and put on clean clothes and stock locks. Zijia, with a one-handed sword and a hand crossbow worn around his waist. Although he is no longer young, he feels somewhat majestic.

"No, De Jong, you don't understand... We are not just such a few people. Our eyes and ears are all over this forest. If they have no new discoveries, it can only mean that the orcs have left this area."

Malone shook his head and said.

"Ears and eyes? They? Sir Lothar, I don't understand what you mean."

De Rong asked suspiciously.

"I mean... this is a joint operation."

As Malone explained, he touched Lubos, the silver-white giant wolf leaning against him.

"Union? But who else can we unite with? Are there other human beings who have survived in Nightlight Town?"

De Jong continued to question.

"Ooo~ Ooo~"

Just as Ma Long wanted to speak, a distant wolf howl came over him coldly, making his face very serious, and the explanation he wanted to say to De Jong stopped abruptly.


As if echoing, Rubes swiftly jumped away from Malone, looked around vigilantly, then craned his neck and howled loudly.

"There is a situation, Paul, Harry...and De Jong, everyone will come with me!"

Malone shouted, then patted Rubes on the back lightly.

The white giant wolf jumped forward like lightning, while Ma Long and the soldiers of the Xiquan Garrison were chasing after him.

De Jong's movements were a little slower, but he also knew that it was not the time to fall behind. Despite his doubts, he still tried his best to put himself behind Ma Long and the other soldiers.

Ma Long ran desperately forward in the dense twilight forest. He kept jumping and dodge so as not to trip over the protruding branches and huge roots on the ground.