My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
16. Mr. Glasses, solve the mystery of numbers
I'm worried about the numbers, but not until I finish the red bear first.
If my predictions were met, the numbers would be higher from here on out.
Connect the arrows and pull the strings.
- One, an attacker seal.
Wake up your torso and shake it down from body to body, a blow in your right hand with your weight on it.
Swing it up, I'm gonna swing it down, and at the same time, an arrow runs.
The arrows ran as they aimed, with different dimensions, and shot through the palm of the approaching right forefoot.
- Two, stop.
Set up a second arrow with a red bear who interrupted the attack on pain.
Aim is the left hind leg knee that remains unbalanced and up.
- Three,... is, well, don't you want it?
He was pierced through his knees and his torso broke, and the red bear's head lowered so that he could fall.
There's no distance between me and the red bear.
I already have a third arrow at a zero distance where I can touch my nose if I reach for it.
Anger, agitation, and fear.
The eye of a red bear matched by the height of my point of view shifts emotions in an instant.
Anticipating your own death.
The moment he realized he had lost, the iron arrow pierced his head from the right eye of the red bear.
"... All right, over."
I just shot the third arrow and the number over my head was "100".
And from the red bear lying slowly, the numbers could disappear.
That number, I think, is a winning percentage.
I don't know what kind of calculation it was based on, but I think it probably is.
When I set up the tree arrows, when I was found, when I was across the street.
That explains why the numbers fluctuated due to trends in red bears.
The only reason I've ever looked like Rolobel is because she's not the only person I've seen as an enemy and wary of in the last few days.
Rolobel is strong.
From the first time I met him, he decided he was stronger than me.
So I was wary and guessed if I could win.
That's when I saw the numbers.
The first time I sat next to me, the numbers were "52".
That number would surely be a "chance of winning by trick".
Conversely, if you strike unintentionally, you can't win 50% of the opponents. I decide that's about it, too.
Because I don't feel like I can beat Lorobel, even in battle from accidental strikes.
Besides, I don't even think she was on alert then. Still 50% chance of winning. If you do it right, I can't beat you.
Next time, when you come to my room.
I wonder if Rolobel's number to sit in bed alongside Lyla was "31".
Simply because you were facing me.
I guess the odds of winning are lower than when I'm next door, simply because I was right in front of you. Because if you make weird moves, you'll find out.
And finally, the moment I gave you my glasses.
The numbers jumped to "74".
At the same time as I was happy to think about it normally and get "glasses," you must have been distracted and alarmed by me.
Think of it that way, the muscles go through.
- Whatever, because if you look at Lyla coming down from a tree consciously like that, you can see the number "99" overhead.
Lyla is confident that she can win any state.
You don't seem to work for a subject who recognizes you as "not the enemy" that way, but if you are conscious, you may see all the creatures.
"... Oh, you know what! Because I'm good at Flame Balls! When it seems like this is my strength, it feels like it's me!
Lyla said something.
The thing about numbers is I'm going to try a few more things, so let's put them down now.
"Yeah, okay. Then help me judge you."
"No, say something! Feedback!"
No, I don't have any thoughts.
"It's amazing how magic works."
"It's awesome to hear just the words, but you're appropriately saying that emotional lack!?
"What a waste of fur"
"Listen! Interested! I don't care anymore. Tell me!
When the red bear fur is thoroughly washed and finished with a softener, it finishes so fluffy that the bristles that did not pass through the blade are also gentle on the baby's skin. It can be described as the most valuable area.
If you get your hair mowed at random so uselessly and meaninglessly, the amount of fur redeemed will definitely go down. Waste.
"... you know, it turned out like this, but I'm glad I came."
I took out the demolition knife and started judging me, and Lyla's saying something.
"Look, people on the same team, they're pretty strong. A red bear is a sword wave. It's easy to defeat a demon that's supposed to be stronger than that.
Thanks to me, I just thought the red bear was a weak demon. No, you're strong at all. "
"Wouldn't it be nice if you had something to learn?
I'd like you to help me dismantle it sooner than that.
"I still can't work with strong people. We're not even at that stage yet."
Hmm. I was wondering if you could get some water.
"Well, you're stronger than that... glasses."
Oh, yeah.
"I think 'these glasses' are amazing"
It may have been unnatural in words, but you don't have to know what it means.
With these "glasses," maybe we can really do a lot of things.
That could make you a hero of the world.
I don't want to be bothered.
Peel off the fur of the stiffness and red bear, and remove from the heart the nucleus of the demon, which is bound to be in the demon. These two are the most expensive, most important parts to sell.
Next, cut out the area of meat that is supposedly good to eat. This is also eligible for redemption.
The weight is the weight, so me and Lyla can't take everything home.
The part that you can't sell, the part that sells but only turns into change, you just have to leave it.
And then... Oh, yeah. There's something I shouldn't have forgotten.
"Do you know what meat is?
Lyla, who was saying something, also participated in the dismantling, and the process was finally over.
It's an arrogant sight that leaves huge chunks of meat and guts, but you can't leave it like this. The smell of blood may call for distant beasts, so let's dig holes and bury them.
But before that.
"Poached meat? What's that?"
"It's a dish where you chop the meat finely, consolidate it, and bake it."
"... no, I don't"
Although they explained and imagined it, they couldn't come up with a dish to adapt to it.
Then I wonder if it really is the master's original.
My master proudly taught me how to cook, and he said confidently, "I invented it," but you didn't really believe me.
Because I thought the pride was frigid.
Well, true or false, I haven't had meat in a long time either. I knew I'd have to do this when I hunted the red bear.
"Want some?"
"I'm not sure what I'm going to eat... should I think I'm going to float a meal?
"Then I'll eat"
All right, that's for two.
I take lean meat from one of the red bear's bare bones. Red bear meat is hard everywhere, so I was taught that this is the softest place.
Take it for two and wrap it in the odour-repellent leaves you brought it to. That's it.
The rest of the red bear's bones, guts, etc. were buried on the ground and left the scene.
When I travel near the river where I always hunt, I shed my hands, demolition knives and other blood in the water of the river, and wash my leaves well.
It is just noon. Let's eat here.
"Can you boil me some water?
"Oh, yeah."
Although small, a set of cooking tools seems to be a must for adventurers. I've brought it once too, but I'll light the river water in Lila's own pot.
In the meantime, I'm cooking.
Finely beat and chop the well washed abalone meat, chop the odour-repellent leaves as well, chop the large onions you bring, add salt and mix them all together. The point is to mix well but not well.
One for one. Drop the meat, shaped round and flat, into boiling water - discard the water immediately.
"What, are you throwing it away?
"Yeah. All you have to do is lighten up the fat"
Remove the moisture from the stowed meat with a dry cloth and cook carefully this time. If it burns now, it's done. It already smells like delicious fat dissolves.
'Cause there's bread too.'
Eat it pinched and it's good.
"Ready... you're not interested in me"
That would be different from this. I just want good meat.
"Red bear meat hey... you don't really like me, do you? The smell is strong."
"Oh, I know. So did I (...)"
The burnt meat is also brightly and thoroughly cooked. Pinch the meat in the bread and pass it to Lyla first. I'm going to bake my share. It's a small frying pan, so you can't cook two at the same time.
"I don't expect much... hmm? Oh, good!? Oh, this is red bear meat!?
That's right.
I was surprised when I first ate, too.
It would taste good if the cook cooked well, but I didn't have such a noble way to cook it in my village.
The red bear I ate as a child only had the evil impression that it was hard and smelly meat, but when I eat it with this passing meat taught by my master, it tastes very good.
"If you leave it a little longer, the smell will disappear."
"Yeah, faint, but weak enough not to bother! I feel the taste of meat firmly! Yum!"
Yeah. Good for you.
Do I eat too?
Thus, the hunt for the red bear was completed.
I'm going to look into that number in more detail.