My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
38. Mr. Glasses, I'm gonna have my last lunch break.
"You will arrive tonight"
During the lunch break on the eighth day, the old man said:
Though it rained lightly and lightly, the weather was blessed. It is still sunny today.
If it rains too hard, the horse will lose strength, and he will be the worst sick. Besides, the rain made the road worse, and the rate of progress would have fallen no matter how.
Maybe when that happens, I rented an inn in a nearby village or a city or something. Because if you can't move on and you can't stay in an environment where you can rest, there's no point in going wild.
Without obstruction by demons and other external enemies, the in-car environment seemed to have progressed without stumbling when it came to travel, although it was the bad one.
Sash's voice had no energy.
I hear it's the end of this harsh journey, and relief is probably stronger than joy.
I know. We were all tired from a long carriage trip by then. Me? Me too. I'm usually tired just because I'm the type who doesn't show up on my face.
By the way, lunch breaks don't take much time. So I don't have time to hunt, and Sash saves me time cooking.
On day five or so, I said, "Are you okay with using your horse so badly?" I heard, "the old man replied only," Don't worry. "
As a result, there was no abnormality in the horse who worked the most on the long journey, no tiredness, and he is still eating grass well.
Anticipated, but the old man... no, the old man, too, wonders if something as restorative magical can be used as a celier. Weren't you recovering in due course while watching the horse's health?
Whatever it is, isn't it something I care about? You won't tell me you cared.
"So, I have something to tell you"
Is that it? My old man talked.
There were two main types of responses, "I can't answer" or "I don't need to know," even though it was about the dates and progression of the journey that gave me a proper answer.
Of course it's not just me, but three other people besides me who are surprised and paying attention. I talked to him, I talked to him. What are you going to say?
"Where we arrive, everything becomes self-sufficient. I have a house available but no furniture or household items. There is no food distribution. I can't even buy it because I don't have a store in the first place.
You have to do something about everything in your life. "
Yeah. That's right.
"Huh? Even though it's school? School, right?
That's what school is all about - beside me I convinced myself that Celier, who restored motion sickness, was surprised.
"At the school I went to, everything was provided by the school except for classes... oh, of course, I was paying for it in the form of tuition"
Oh, that's the daughter of a nobleman. Have you ever been to a school where only the rich can go?
"I would have learned on the road"
But the old man's reply is cold.
"Assassins basically act out of sight. Rent an inn, stay in the city, get out in front of people, these are things to avoid if you don't have the reason you need to be an assassin.
Being self-sufficient is the technology you need to take care of yourself so that you don't rent an inn and stay in the city and don't go out in public.
That, too, is the least necessary technology. If you can't, you won't be in school. "
I see.
So you never stayed at the inn during your carriage journey? It was all Nojuku.
No village or city passed, and on the contrary, I didn't see it, so I guess it all bypassed and proceeded.
"Well, I know I'm self-sufficient. I mean... is that it? So this is gonna be your last break?
To Sash's question, the old man affirms, "Yes."
"That's why I talked. This is one of the roles. That's all from me."
Oh, you mean that.
"Florentine. Let's go hunting"
Florentine looking back at me as she gagged at the dried meat and listened to the old man.
"What the hell? Hunting?"
"Yeah. - In short, dinner's ready for now, right? I don't know what will happen when I get there, but for now, meals will go into self-sufficiency"
That's why they won't be ready.
Then we need to have it ready first.
It's also a hand to go hunting after you arrive at school, but that's what you don't know about the school environment, suddenly you won't be able to do it.
Maybe there's no hunting grounds around, no prey if you don't go away, what a location.
Fortunately, this place, which stops for a lunch break, is close to the mountain. Right next to it is the hunting ground. Hurry up and it won't take that long.
"Why didn't you call us?
"Because I want to hunt big so I don't have trouble with food for a few days. I need you to carry it."
"Oh, I see... All right, yeah. But you're gonna get a share?
Florentine standing up with dried meat thrown into her mouth. And Sash and Celier stood up, too.
"I'll take care of the smell and other edible weeds. Cook too. Give me the meat instead."
"Sash, I'll help you. Please share the food with me."
The two of you who understood the outline of the story also seem to have managed to think in the direction of sourcing here.... Well, I'm going to split it without saying anything, and I was going for a bigger one that the four of us could eat for a few days.
... but given the school's education policy of self-sufficiency, maybe I'm more wrong.
From now on, there is no free division.
Because otherwise you won't be self-sufficient.
Early into the mountains, he finished off a fine boar.
Actually, you were seeing "dark vision" from the resting place, right?
While I'm draining blood, I'll collect the wild grass and fruit. I don't have any information on where I'm going, so it won't hurt to be prepared.
Florentine, who had picked up a lot of things just like me, said.
"I'll tell you what."
"Hmm? What?
"Our cultivation is called" Weird Ghost. "It's called physical strengthening… it's a kind of magic that strengthens your arm."
Heh.... oh so you can hold something so heavy flat. You were walking fine in charge of the big boar.
"I thought you were born strong."
"See you, too. Until I received the ritual of selection, I simply wondered if I was born strong. But the truth is, when you use magic unconsciously, it's just..."
Unconsciously, huh?
That's the case, isn't it?
By the way, I've never heard of "The Material of a Weird Ghost," but there's quite a bit of "The Material of Strong Arms".
My mother was also a strong agricultural farmer.
If you beat the Mukimuki man with thin arms with arms and plow fields or plant seeds, the vegetables grow just a little faster or better in quality.
But I thought about Florentine stories, but my mother could also be a pie who was unconsciously using magic.
Because the power is still there, and the growth of vegetables is like magic.
"So, why did you talk about it?
"Think about what's ahead. If you're hunting a big man, call us. I don't know if hunting will help, but I can carry enough."
... I see.
Sounds like a simple word of mouth, but this is close to a contract by exchange terms. Or a request for a job called "Carriage".
I told you to turn the job around.
And I should put the meat on the reward.
Right. Maybe not bad.
If I hunt a big guy, there's a part of me that really throws away because of the weight. It would help if Florentine was there then. I can collect it for nothing.
Besides, collecting it and then dismantling it means something completely different than dismantling it and then collecting it.
You shouldn't have dismantled it in the hunting grounds. Sometimes demons come over because they smell blood. Because the danger on the hunting grounds can be reduced as much as possible.
"Okay. I'll ask for it then."
"All right. Spin the meat."
Is it still for meat purposes? Sounds like a carnivore in the first place. Well, as a meat lover, I know exactly how you feel. Even I like very much meat just because I don't put it on the table.
- Thus, the last lunch break of the carriage journey ended.