My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
42. Mr. Glasses, I'll get the poison.
If the positive-attack method prevents hunting, it is the hunter who takes different means.
Speaking in the first place, humans aren't that strong.
Animals and demons are basically more athletic than humans. I don't know if we can beat herbivores if we do it naked to each other without weapons.
It is wisdom that fills and overturns the difference.
Develop tools to give you an advantage, sharpen your skills, and do the best you can to derive an optimal solution to go hunting.
That's how hunters have fought for a long time.
Once you descend the mountain thinking about the art of fighting a powerful enemy, you look around the assassin's village.
- Let's find the poisoner first.
There must be one assassin here. Because poison is a combination of iron plates as much as the image color of an assassin. It's just a general theory though.
I haven't decided yet whether to beg for teachings or just get poison pills, but I'd like to talk to the poison experts, including around there.
Because all the poisons I can use are fairly commonly known and easy to obtain.
That's why I don't know about dramatic drugs or powerful poisons.
I can make it myself if it's an easy thing, but my master didn't tell me anything that would involve my life if I was in the wrong shape. The master himself said he wasn't very good at formulating it, so I don't think he even knows the type of poison.
I asked the old man plowing the field, "Does anyone handle poison? If you ask," he told me in one shot. I can't seem to attach a replacement condition to the extent that I ask where it is located.
Is that old man some kind of assassin, too? I wasn't sure.
With that in mind, I went around behind a big cowshed - it happened.
He's putting out a sign with a painting of a medicine bottle, looking like a regular private house.
Yes, this is the pharmacist's house.
"Hello -"
I tried to open the door.
"Oops. Don't open it all of a sudden. You're a nasty girl."
My grandmother, who must be my family, was in the process of dressing up. Well, let's not.
"I'm looking for poison."
"Oh? I'm half naked now, though. I was wondering if you could pull me in."
"Oh, I'm not interested, and I don't care"
"I care!
"Well, then I guess I should get dressed."
"I'm telling you to lose it because I'm gonna wear it! Pull in quickly!"
Oh, no.
I closed the door and dispersed because my old lady threw it at me like a cyph or a bottle or a herb or some weird form of stone.
He came out with me, I'll try to pick up what was thrown.
The contents of the bottle are probably disinfectants.
The herbs tied and bundled together are a good look.
You threw it all the way to Saif... but I don't see what's in it.
The problem is, this stone. I wonder what this is. Star-shaped... is it still just a stone? I think the material is stone. What is it?
"Come in."
Oh, I got permission.
"Excuse me."
I picked up what was thrown away, and once again, I stepped into the pharmacist's house.
"- Yikes... welcome to my medicinal home"
The old lady is hooded to a black robe and dressed like a witch who is good at black magic for cursing. It is all the more so because the house is also dim.
Although there are no counters, there are a lot of drugs lined up on a few shelves. The darkness inside would be to prevent the chemical from deteriorating.
From what I've seen, it's all medicinal herbs, but a pharmacist would be dealing with poison as well. Because poison and medicine are closely related.
"Oh, were you dressed in that black robe?
When I asked, "Huh," he sighed heavily and lit a candlestick.
"That's right. It's a performance on the teaching side. Can you open it without even knocking?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Out of my mind."
Apparently, the old lady who found out in some way that I was coming was just starting to get dressed as much as possible for the monstrous poison Baba to create the atmosphere.
And I won't tell you because I'm the perpetrator, but I think what happened earlier was a failure for my grandmother and for me.
Because the old lady didn't want to show it, and I never wanted to see it either.... I won't tell you this time because I think I'm going to be really poisoned.
"The atmosphere is important. There's no such thing as poison exchange in a bright atmosphere."
Goods. Quality.
"There's no connection between poison and character."
"Oh well. I guess so.
Young people these days are assassins, but I can't feel the aesthetics.
Look, assassins avoid the sun. It's the gloomy, gloomy, gloomy, that's where we operate.
It's assimilation with shadows that makes you an assassin.
Yet the younger ones these days... do it. Aim for a flash with a sword attack close by, make it look bare and pull out your heart, say 'Can you follow my speed' and be proud of the speed... just train me to show you the moves. It's lamentable. "
Ha. Is that right?
"So it's poisonous."
"You don't listen to people. You've been told so many times before."
Well, I was told. I've been told there.
"You're new here yesterday, aren't you? Yeah, I don't mind your name. Several people die every year. Because you're gonna die anyway. It's no use remembering."
Oh, yeah. Well, sure, this village is a lot more dangerous if it's dangerous, too. It's never a safe environment, is it?
"So I want poison."
"Move a little. You're threatening me, aren't you? I'm scared at times like this."
You're a rough old lady.
"This is an array. It's the one that's too scared and on the contrary it's already reopening. When I heard about the assassin's village, I crossed the peak."
"You're a dramatic liar... you're not so scared of your ex"
Yes, yes, that's enough, and the old lady shrugged her shoulders.
"So? Poison? Poison. It can range from poison where people die instantly to poison where people spend a little time to die instantly. What kind of poison do you want to die of?
That's an amazing presumption of poison for instant death. I guess I'm good at old ladies poison.
"What I want is a paralyzed system."
"Ha. You want boring poison"
That's the first time you've heard of it. What do you mean, paralysis poison is boring poison?
Seeking qualities for poison, saying paralysis is boring, getting involved.
I wonder if I would be this weird person if I polluted the poison.
"What amount of paralytic venom do you want to die instantly?
"You don't have to die. I want paralysis poison that works for demons around here."
- When you quit.
The invisible old lady's eyes under the hood give a serious flavor.
"Demons around here aren't the ones chicks can win with their hands on. It's not like a bear or a rabbit."
"I know. I've seen it."
And I showed you the demonic drawings I received from your old man.
"I don't think this book came around for me, either, if it's not working out completely."
"I don't know," the old lady exhaled.
"Ha... I don't know how much arm you have, but you have some fighting power."
That's right.
No matter how much school policy branded us "doing nothing," I didn't think they'd leave us completely alone.
If I had been judged powerless to enter the mountain, this book would never have reached me, and I think someone had stopped me before I entered the mountain earlier.
So I think it's admitted here.
It's now a question of whether we can admit it from here on out.
"Fine. If that's the case, I'll put out a powerful guy for you. Bring me the prey I have laid down instead."
... heh. Not this morning's serie, but you're cynical.
The terms of the old lady's exchange now mean she'll give you the paralysis poison, so definitely tail it.
If I can't... If I can't fulfill the terms of the exchange, my old lady might not make a deal with me in the future.
In the meantime, let's get the poison.
Then read the drawings properly.
It is not until after tomorrow that we enter the mountains. Be well prepared and plan.