My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
96. Mr. Glasses, I'm gonna talk to Roda.
Due to the tie that "I can only see/register during the use of qualities", "qualities", such as those used directly in combat, had no chance of "seeing" them all over the city.
That's right.
Because if you separate it from combat use, you should rather not have the opportunity to use it all over the city.
Because of this, there is not yet much "literacy" that can be useful in direct combat.
Assuming "qualities" that may be used in battle, it is possible to use various types of correction systems and…
"Thunderlight of Finger Flowers (Flower Bolt)," "Swordsman of the Dark Hunt", "Exploding Bomb Trap (Soundbomb)"
... right, I wonder if it's going to be these three or so.
Still, I don't know, because it seems like Lisse's "Dark Hunting Swordsman" is the best thing you can use for battle... with this, the bow and arrow power would normally increase. I think it's the most user-friendly.
However, when the Black Royal Wolf (Obsidian Wolf) is the opponent, you would still not expect damage.
Because fatal injuries are hard to target just because of the large prey, not just the bow.
Because it doesn't reach the steeple or something.
And then I'm curious about Roda's "thunderbolt of fingerflowers"... but suddenly I can't use the "qualities" I haven't just tried in action.
You want to try it now?
I'm at the rear end of the line, so nobody's looking at this one. There are no demons or animals around.
For sneak use, no one will find out.
Maybe this "material" will also be instant combat. If you just try it, you can do it right away.
... All right, you want to try?
Set "Thunderlight of Finger Flowers" on "Glasses," this is a kind of magic, so put magic into it -
- Stay.
Along with a sharp sound like a flat hand and a strong bump, the impact ran paralyzed by the "thunderous right hand". And hot.... wow, faint smoke. It should be hot.
"...? What's wrong?
Lisse and the female adventurer, walking just ahead, look back.
"Branch just hit"
I walk a route like a beast road, so I'm surrounded by grass trees. And it's also pretty fast, so even excuses like this would work.
Now the two of them looked forward, feeling like "yes". Looks like he deceived me.
...... Ha. Ouch. It hurt.
I remember when it was, when Horn slapped me in the hand as much as I wanted when I was a kid. That was such pain, shock and sound. I wonder, by the way, what was the reason I was slapped... the bones of the animals my sister was collecting... well, I feel like I threw things away on my own after eating meat or something like that.
By the way, you didn't throw it away, you gave it to me because you said you wanted the master's wife.
He said he wanted to boil it awesome and turn it into soup or something.
How did it taste? I should have eaten, too, but you don't remember. I only remember vividly that my sister was furious though. I think he said I was out of bones. Yes, back then my sister realized that burying it in the soil would not produce meat, and was about the age to bone next. I think I'm a horrible sister looking back now.
Well, anyway.
Is this thunder?
Or will it self-destruct if used?
No, no, it's a suicide bomber. It's called "suicide bombing".
Maybe I have the right use. I just don't know it.
Well, it's a groundwork impossible story to immediately use "material" that suddenly becomes available.
Besides, there's more to putting into action.
"You stole it from me, huh?
Wow. Really amazing.
Unlike the whole city, this is a hunting ground.
I was so worried, I still didn't feel a sign or anything.
Soon, behind me, was Roda, the assassin.
"Because of Ayle's attitude and gestures, I was wondering if it was' that kind of training '."
And Rhoda lined up beside me.
... Good. I'm laughing.
I don't seem angry.... Yeah, well, I don't have eyes laughing or anything like that.
Roda is, under the impression, "just a sweet brother," but in fact "an assassin who dirties his hands if he is the toughest and neediest".
At that time, I don't think this guy would be the most forgiving or hesitant than Xanto or Solitica.
I don't know if it's reasonable, but if an order comes down from the country that would crush the city of Heidiga, I really don't think I'd hesitate to do it.
Because otherwise you wouldn't be a face player.
Anyway, I don't want to piss you off.
"'Your Materials' is' Duplicate 'or' imitate '... that's the place, isn't it? That's what glasses are all about."
Did you still spot it?
As much as I could, I was going to try never to put it out on my attitude... but I guess that means I have a different professional focus. Lisse noticed. But she's pretty sharp, too.
... Is that it? Could be.
"Was it 'Unused' to make sure of that?
If you're finding out, there's no reason to hide it. I asked straight.
Because Roda's "thunderbolt of finger flowers" is still in use and "visible".
"No, because I need this.... but yeah, I dare you to stop checking 'your qualities' any more"
Oh, I'm going to say the same thing about Solitica.
"Because no matter what happens, you can always kill me as long as you want? That's what Solitica told me."
So you don't have to be so sure.
In short, what I can do is not my enemy. That's what she told me.
"Well, there's that too."
I knew there was one too.
"If you don't know much, it's because you don't want to let go." Your qualities "are a lot rarer. As much as I'd like to keep it on hand."
"But I can't do that. If you choose, we can't impose it from here yet."
"Oh. Our organization is already half a sunken mudship. Even so, no promising young man can be put on board in the future. Not even for the good of the country."
... right. But that's what you heard at the Leavent house in Wang Du. His name was... yes, it was Count Weiss Levant. An old gentleman and a nobleman.
That guy said he no longer had a job as an assassin.
It's not up to the times anymore.
And I'm still half-hearted, but he said my future could be free. He said it was different from the assassin's school and affiliation. It's a lot more obnoxious if you can protect me.
"Look, Ayle."
And Rhoda held my shoulder gaggedly and whispered so that no one could hear me.
"I'm only going to say this once, and I'm not going to talk to anyone but you ever will. Take it to the grave.
Look, I don't know how to use my "thunderbolt of fingerflowers."
Really, you'll never hear or know again. Finished the precious story, Roda left me.
I'm sorry. I was just getting used to it.
The details of "literacy," but he just told me a hell of a serious story that would reveal his hand.
Well, if you're going to teach "a kid who can always seal his mouth," maybe he's not that resistant.
"And well, here's the thing. You won't be able to use it right away, but if you practice, you'll manage to be a thing. Good luck."
I hope so. Well, let's get the practice right.
"I asked him to the end in silence for once, but why did he tell me? I would never talk about my own upbringing."
"For a variety of reasons, but first and foremost accident prevention"
Accident prevention?
"Like you, I made the same mistake."
and Rhoda flickered her right hand in leather gloves.
"The thunder nearly wiped out the charcoal on my right hand. It burned inside, didn't it? Thanks to you, I once said goodbye to this hand."
"Is thunder that dangerous? Or, what about that right hand? Is it healed?
"I don't know what to do with magic treatment. I cut off my blackened hand and magically regenerated it. It hurt enough to cry, didn't it?
Yeah. That would hurt enough to cry. Instead, if all you had to do was cry, it would be amazing mental strength.
"Be careful when using the strongest. Never do it while you're unfamiliar. If you're bad, you're dead."
Oh, yes.... I see, accident prevention. Is that a word of caution?
"That's right, Ayle. What kind of relationship are you with Lisse?
"Why are you asking me that? Don't tell me you're not lovers to each other, okay? 'Cause there's gonna be a rejection."
"Ah? Rejection?
I'm out. Yesterday. I have intense anger feelings for me.
"Well, honestly, I don't care about the relationship. I wonder if she's a lover or not.
It's just Lisse. "
Lisse did?
"I haven't talked to you this morning in a carriage in a long time. I'm surprised you're as bright as someone else."
"Really? Isn't that what you always do?
"Aren't you interested?
"Not really."
"That's fine. I guess that kind of irresistible friendship has a good influence."
"You will continue to be moderately close to me. Don't ask me."
No, Bashibashi, I'm sorry I slapped you on the back and asked you to.
"Me, I'm thinking about going back to that village when this is over."
"Huh? Are you going back over there?
What I need to do in Heidiga doesn't look like it anymore.
"And when people say something like 'Please Nantka' just before a dangerous hunt, I have a pretty ominous feeling. It sounds like a will."
"Ha. I don't believe in that kind of thing."
... Well, I don't really believe you either. But I'm not going to take the initiative and do anything ominous, and I'm going to take on as little gen as I can.
"Besides, I'm not gonna die yet. They're asking me to go out with my fellow adventurers' wedding, and I've been consulted to think of a child's name, and some women I think I can drop in a little while, and... yes, two women from the knights, have you seen them? You can't worship so many beauties sooner, can you? Me, I'm gonna ask those two out after this hunt. You know, my reading is that whites are used to playing, right?
Oh, don't... don't say all those ominous things...
Roda's mouth stopped talking perky about all she had to do was have a bad feeling that
"- Wolf smoke is up! Everybody evacuate! Ayle and Lisse go on with me!!
It was the moment I saw the red smoke, rising from where I hit it.