My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
195. Mr. Glasses, I already ask you directly. And the truth of the shock is told! Florentine Edition
For one thing, Celier was fine.
I just checked that and it's the real deal.
"So, what about the taboos? You want me to take you straight to the tower now?
Sash talks fast. A straight line?
I know that's the fastest and easiest, but... I still want him to look for me.
"No, like me, you might be finding out. Out of the way. Surprisingly. In a matter of possibility. So the hypothesis makes it possible.... truly the other way around unexpectedly"
Don't push it. Rude.... I know how you feel.
"Well, anyway, I thought it was a prerequisite to confirm first"
...... hmm.
I know what Celier is saying is reasonable, but like this, you have a sense of hesitation in putting it in your mouth...
I wondered if that was who fulfilled his purpose.
Because it just seemed like a complete toddler regression to me.
"Oh, there's a bit of a big mix of kids, but that's not very uncomfortable," because I'm familiar with some of the kids.
We've been together for six months, we've stayed under the same roof, and we've also hunted like we keep our backs, because they're too different from the Florentines I know.
That's why I'm so worried.
How did you find me at that rate in the first place? - Ah.
"... right. You might be surprised to find it."
Celier found the tower of Bryn from the "qualities" called "Law Enchanter no Mage".
This is not the conclusion or reason that led to the dotted elements, but the discovery in his special talent.
And Florentine has a "second trait" that you wouldn't even know who you are besides a "freak".
Maybe she's already found it in that "second cultivation".
"No more Gudagdah. Make it hard! Because we have all three of them, let's call them in and hear them in person! I'll get him!
Oh,... he's gone.
Soon after me and Celier stopped, Sash popped out of the room.
Well, yeah.
Perhaps what we need now is to bump into each other more than just thinking rationally.
"- Speaking of which, how is Lisse doing?
Cellier fills in time like a pompous gap with such questions.
Speaking of which, was Lisse worried about Florentine too? I mean, I think she was pretty sweet for Florentine, too. Well, I guess if I saw it from people, too.
"I don't know because I haven't seen him either, but I guess Lisse can't afford to be thinking about people right now"
Lisse doesn't live here right now, so I'm not sure either.
I'm sure she runs around the city, and maybe even hunter's work. I have arms.
In some cases, I might have to help Lisse, too.
"Is it still a complicated relationship with Lisse?
I'm sure they were childhood friendly and were in a facility to train the same assassins.
So, he says we're feeling a little walled up with each other in relation to Celier, who was chosen for adoption by Wise Leavant, and Lisse, who wanted to be chosen but wasn't.
"Ugh, um... I think we've had quite a reconciliation in our common life in the village, but do you say we have a fundamental obsession? Yes, because I haven't had any contacts since I got here. Yes."
Does that mean that it remains a complex relationship that feels subtly distant?
"Oh, my God."
"Ayle, you could be in a lot of trouble about Flo, too."
... Right.
- And I'm going to talk to Florentine about the Bryne Tower.
- There awaited a surprise truth.
I took a bath with Celier, and now Sash forced me to pull the Florentine I was trying to sleep with.
Make her look a little sleepy already, between Celier and Sash, and sit in front of me.
And like Cellier, I asked her to go straight in without any more foreboding.
"Have you found the Bryn Tower?".
"- Ooh, have we finally found them? Wait."
...... eh.
........................ eh.
After all, I mean, surprise,... well, unexpected is more desirable, just like, "I already knew. What?" Pattern?
"We've been crazy lately, haven't we? Like a child."
"I wasn't particularly uncomfortable - stay."
Florentine beat me up. My leg hurts.
"Wow, I was familiar with that. You scared the shit out of me, you son of a bitch!
Sash was also beaten up a little. My arm looks painful.
"You were cute like a child"
Florentine, waving her hand up, slowly lowered its hand. Cellier looks safe.
"- I lent my body a little bit later. My personality just got pulled off."
I had no idea what the word meant - but I knew right away.
No, it's a little different that I get it.
- Shown off (...), would be right.
Temperatures drop rapidly indoors and the body runs cold.
You mean your spine freezes... No, I feel this feeling resembles the instinctive fear you feel when you are directed to intense killing.
Suddenly, countless translucent things pop out of Florentine bodies at a time when the air is so heavy and unusual that no one can speak.
Celier screams.
Out of Florentine's body is a translucent skeleton. Beyond those dozen bodies.
... the so-called spirit.
That too, this fear, which appeals to instinct, may be close to the kind of evil spirit.
"- The souls of children who died in orphanages (here). Looks like I've been tied up and moved. Together, we took care of the rest of our hearts."
A number of skeletal spirits surround the body of a small Florentine.
Those who hold from their backs, those who fly around, those who laugh kettlely without sound...... I see, because of the size of the skeleton, they are children.
"- Look, I'm done. If you don't go soon, God will hate you."
In response to such Florentine words, the skeletons disappeared sooo.
… ……
The skeletons that remained until the end disappeared as they turned around pleasantly around the serie, trembling and violently surprised.
"She likes your sister Cellier, who takes care of her so she can be nice.... I'm sorry, Celier. Were you scared? Should I have told you first? But they wanted to surprise me. I didn't say."
"Yes, yes, no. Because I was just surprised. Nothing, not at all, I'm not scared.... really!
... You look amazing and you don't seem to stop trembling... Yeah, well, if that's what you say in person, you should decide to say so.
"Is Ayle okay? That's right."
No. I'm so surprised.
Because neither the Spirit nor the Evil Spirit had much edge.
As much as I reflexively set the "Dark Hunter Warrior". I think he relentlessly used his power to purify it when he came at me.
"How about a chimp?... Hey, dickhead? Sash?"
I call on Sash, who doesn't make it slight next door, shakes his shoulder, and still doesn't respond.
"... Ha!? And he's dead...!
No, you passed out. You're just losing your mind.
I was surprised, too, but Celier and Sash, who were next door and closer than me, must have been more surprised.
Heavy and unusual air disappeared.
Probably no more spirits.
"It was really bad.
When you put someone else's soul in it, it pulls character on him.
We were childish because they pulled us off.
You've caused a lot of trouble, haven't you? I'm sorry. "
No, I wasn't uncomfortable being childish. I was rather too familiar and worried.
I'm not going to tell you because I'm going to be slapped again.
"Chimps don't get along like this either. See you later. Yeah. We were taught that by those kids. Brine's tower's going from the basement, right?
Yeah, well, I am.
"You could have done that. Soul or something."
"Normal people seem different. Instead, we looked normal from birth, so we took this for granted."
And, Florentine bears the sash that is fainting on her shoulders.
"What the hell is that? Maybe I don't even know what I can do because I'm a taboo. - Well, I've stopped thinking about it!
Ha-ha-ha. Laughed off, Florentine walked out of my room.
"So, I too... good night, good night..."
Something still cracked my legs, and Celier, who was like a newborn deer, also walked out of my room.
I don't think it's because he's a taboo, but maybe that's the kind of "cultivation" he's got.
Manipulating spirits? Manipulate your soul?
Something like that, I wonder.
... "invisible" because I don't know. I don't think he's conscious, either.
What the hell kind of "material" is that?