My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
218. Teacher pissed me off for the second adversarial 2
Shortly after letting Trawl go, Sash and Hydra meet.
Placed for a moment, Hydra flipped from body to body.
"- Back off! I'm going back to the tower!
The moment he saw Sash, Hydra broke through that Sash was a
- I don't know what it means to have all the wolf smoke I've thrown in my leather bag so far in my hand. It's common sense before the Iron Rule to take a leather bag on your back and leave one hand free.
In other words, "structured form".
It's nothing more than the act of showing off "I have wolf smoke".
"- Oh, hey! I've got wolf smoke! Are you sure!?
It's a good decision.
Because I've already seen it through.
Besides, near Sash, there was already no trawl.
But you don't have to look for her.
If Sash is a monster, he's not around here anymore. She's not that late.
I don't know where I got it wrong, but I have a limited destination.
Head to the tower, or not, but always to the tower.
Turn back at the fastest as you explore.
That is Hydra's decision.
I'm not going after Sash, but there's a chance Trawl can catch up.
It would be convenient to head straight to the tower.
The ambush has already been set aside.
If the ambush even stops her for a moment, it will be a pinch at the point when the chaser Hydra meets.
If you don't want to go to the tower, you can put it up near the tower.
It came in the form of "taking away the wolf smoke properly" from the content of the training, but all the wolf smoke has already been recovered.
In this situation, the instructors would not complain if they set up an ambush on all those with wolf smoke.
- And horrible.
It is this difference between those who are originally highly capable, but when they are engaged and when they are not engaged.
I was able to grab a chance to win in no time yesterday.
Yet, the day after that.
Even though we do the same thing with the same members and the same rules.
Totally, it's turning in the back.
Plus, Hydra feels like she's turning backwards even where she doesn't notice.
I feel like something is moving that I can't see in an invisible place but I have no idea what that is.
I feel completely scratched behind it, not that it's overlooked or lacking assumptions.
I just feel it.
But Hydra is a good hit.
Maybe from the beginning, we've already decided to lose.
"Mr. Hydra! Go!"
Hydra, who was running through her thoughts, returned to me in the voice of Celier, looking at the sky as she was told.
Look at that, my leg stops.
Not because I was surprised or not, but because I needed it.
Because I was forced to make a decision.
Because I could see a single red smoke running toward the tower in the blue sky peeking through the gap between the branches.
- It's a long shot!
Someone threw wolf smoke at the tower from somewhere. It wouldn't be that far away if it felt like this.
Who did?
- It's Hariatan.
Trawl did not go to the tower, but gave the werewolf smoke to Hariatan, who was lurking somewhere.
And Hariatan is throwing the received wolf smoke toward the tower.
- Hydra, I'm coming.
- Please.
What Hydra and Eolazel thought is the same.
Far pitch is the number of wolf smoke - except for one that Sash had, which takes place eight times.
One was already thrown.
The second, it just flew away.
I'm definitely throwing it now, and I haven't changed the place to throw it.
I'm sure he's going to throw it all in a big hurry.
Only Eolazel has the fastest legs of all this and is likely to be able to take away wolf smoke from Hariatan and Trawl against them locally again.
Hydra can't go because she has a command, and Celier and Caroferon are not the types who are good at fighting in action. I could be a foot wrapper where I took him.
Most importantly, it is now a prerequisite to have the distant pitch suspended.
It's a lot quicker to let the fastest eorazel go.
"- We'll head to the tower when we're done. For the good of you."
Pretending not to hear the words, Hydra and the others were just running out as if to leave Eolazel behind.
"- You're welcome."
"- Whoa, hurry up! Give me one at a time!
While the Sashes were gathering wolf smoke, a meeting place on a straight line - Hariatan stood by as early as possible on the big rock that marked the woods among the candidates.
As planned, I brought the wolf smoke that Trawl collected.
- Nothing reassuring yet.
There is no respite for Hariatan until Hydra and the others realize that Sash is.
The Hydra will undoubtedly return to the tower in a straight line.
I've confirmed the operation four times, and I remember exactly what it was.
I also have a problem with Hariatan's shoulder, and I can't fly him from too far away.
So I really had to pick a place that was only slightly out of line over the route the Hydras would return to.
The problem is time.
Time for Trawl to rendezvous with Hariatan and time for Hydra and the others to return to the tower and.
I really need to throw everything before Hydra and the others get back.
Otherwise, there is no longer any reason why I chose the method of transport called "throw and carry".
If they return to the tower, they will normally pick up the wolf smoke they threw.
"Wow. Wow."
Looking at the tower covered in smoke, Trawl says swallowing things.
I chose this big rock for another reason.
There's room here for throwing, and it's as expensive as the trees there, so you can see the tower.
"Just give it to me quickly!
Inside a wolf smoke is attacked.
If you don't throw it fast, it'll be a pain in the ass when the Hydras get here.
- Above all, I'm promising Ayle.
"Can you see it? Bullshit?
"I'll take care of it! I'm after..."
Hariatan shakes the handed wolf smoke heavily.
Activates the upper version of "Hit Correction" "Materialization/Sniping Medium (Eagle Shot)".
"The top of the barely visible tower!
The wolf smokeball, thrown as far as its power could, pulled a red tail and flew somewhat into the tower.
"You're right on your order, take it right, 0 points! - Hey, next! Give it to me!"
"Yes, yes."
I just threw well with two or three votes,
"- Sounds like fun. Can I mix it up, too?
The voice was closer than I thought.
I didn't mean to be alarmed... but it still means they're bad.
It is not only Hariatan who did not realize it, but also Trawl. "Nah," he leaked his surprise to the man who suddenly appeared.
"-... you're here, Hentai"
Turn around, it was already on the big rock… just a little closer than I imagined, and Eolazel stood.
"Wow, I don't like him."
"But don't hold back, please"
But this is also assumed.
I checked it four times. There was a good assumption.
- If someone interrupts you while you're throwing.
At that time, Trawl was to hold back and Hariatan was to continue to pitch far.
"Ugh... no..."
It doesn't take long to throw out all the wolf smoke.
It is a stepping stone in between.
Even if there are multiple opponents, Trawl will be able to buy a few seconds of time.
"I'm sorry. Even if a pretty girl is dealing with you, training is a priority right now. I want you to forgive me for cursing me later and loving me so hard."
"Ha ha. Mouthful as if you could beat me - Nyah!?
"Oh, hey!? I can't get hit. Quick!
Trawl was quickly hit.
He said he was hit, or thrown off a big rock.
It didn't even hold while Hariatan had his next wolf smoke.
"... damn. You're still strong..."
Eolazel and Hariathan are in their homeland.
We grew up in the same facility, so we know each other well.
Eolazel was able to compete well with Lisse, who was exceptional, strong and capable in the same age, and sometimes even a man who had won.
Hentai's temper has been very strong for a long time, but his strength alone is considerable. Not bad personality either. It's just a real hentai there.
"I don't have a hobby for being nice to boys, but I don't want to imitate them rough. I want you to give me the wolf smoke. And then I forgive you for kissing my hand?
"You have no sight? A boy. Kiss my hand."
He is a horrible man of sorts.
He's a really scary guy, including the part where you don't know how serious you are. Even Hariatan, who knows him well, is quite a scary real thing. It's real. Really, it's real.
- There are still four wolf smokes thrown.
- If I give it to you, the loss will be confirmed.
- What are we gonna do? In practice, Hariatan can't beat Eolazel, and it will be difficult to escape.
What are we gonna do?
What am I supposed to do?