My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
219. The instructor pissed me off for the second adversarial 3
"- Training, start!
It was signaled by instructor Yorgo and moved out simultaneously.
Sash pops up first as planned, followed by Trawl, Hariatan as he chases it.
Shortly before, I saw Ayle go into the woods after changing the operation just a little bit, making sure Lisse and Marion went after him.
- Let's go.
- Whoa.
Rio Dyne and Berge ran out in the opposite direction from the forest (...).
As an operation, winning or losing is a short-term showdown.
I packed all sorts of things in a short period of time, all sorts of elements.
Because it would be easier to read if simplified, and some parts I twisted to dare flirt with the team of assassins.
This role imposed on the Rio Dynes is so important that it cannot be removed.
There's distance, and there's scale.
But still, I can maintain it for just a little while.
- Yesterday today, I really couldn't look straight down on the ground. Because if the assassin team finds out what they're gonna do, they'll guess what they're gonna do.
Therefore, Berge is accompanied as a guide to the road combined with an escort.
Probably because of the candidates, he knows the best, around the tower.
The smell, mixed with the smell of green, becomes thicker and unfamiliar to sniff.
It was spreading under his eyes as he went through the woods through the place following Berge's back.
- The sea.
It is a lake that stretches endlessly on one side.
I heard the story, but I was distracted for a moment by its overwhelming amount of water and the sight of feeling somewhere homesick, but now I'm good.
What you need is not exactly the ocean.
It's a sandy beach stretching far away, dazzling yellow in the sun.
"I stand guard around here to stay out of this. Good luck."
"Yeah. Nice to see you on guard."
Away from Berge near the edge of the woods, Rio Dyne rammed into the sandy beach.
Stand about in the middle of the beach, and look back.
The tower is visible.
There's distance, and due to the size of the tower, it's a pretty big job.
- It is something that only I, the sorcerer, can do.
Put your hands together and shake the inherent magic.
Prep gymnastics for magic, so to speak.
It's the foundation in the foundation that you do in the early stages of feeling the magic of your body, which you don't normally need, but this time the miracle you need uses a lot of magic.
If you don't work out the magic properly and then use it, you can't use the magic systematically. It must be difficult to scale and maintain without breaking waste consumption.
At full relaxation, Rio Dyne emitted with force.
"Formula fourteen, one five-line - mad wind"
The wind swirls out, mainly in Rio Dyne.
At first, the weak wind gradually grows.
Wind up the sand one by one and mix it in the wind.
It gets bigger and bigger.
There's too much sand up there to see anything in Rio Dyne anymore.
- The blinding sandstorm grew big enough.
Just a short time, enough sandstorms to cover the tower.
That's the order.
The sandstorm was ready as ordered.
All you have to do is move this around, put it together in a tower, and maintain it as best you can.
In other words, we must continue to use magic.
- In the meantime, the Berge escort is essential, as Rio Dyne will be completely defenceless.
It was said that perhaps no one would come here, just in case.
- You're getting interesting.
The instructors standing in front of Bryn's tower took the form of being caught up as much as they wanted - but Solitica had asked the Spirit to spare them the cover damage with a film of wind only where they were.
Today was also a peaceful day.
Yet, if you think the wind is suddenly getting stronger, a sandstorm is on its way.
And the smoke clung beautifully to the tower of Bryn.
It is an unlikely movement in natural occurrence.
"You're Rio Dyne. That kid's really good at magic."
Evanesque also goes to the Magic and Magic Formation in general, but it's suspicious whether or not he could have done this to himself back then.
"Later, at least it's enough to defend itself."
Rio Dyne's magical and magical relationship seems impeccable, but instructor Yorgo is worried about the field of action.
Flashy magic, massive magic is less user-friendly. I don't have much use for it.
Rather, I consider the more plain, discreet and frequently used, the more important. And he thinks it's less risky.
"In retrospect, I think that's a good choice this time. Including that Berge followed the escort."
Berge would be in that role just to see me go with him.
Berge should be protecting him while Rio Dyne uses his magic.
"And it's going to be more interesting."
- Now a boy with glasses crossed in front of the instructors.
It's not even a sandstorm or anything, it sticks to the tower, - hangs your fingers and feet in the gaps in the stone pile, and starts climbing.
"Is it a gravity system?
That movement, which then climbs, makes the movement of the muscles appear unnatural with respect to its own weight. I got the impression that it was slightly underweight.
"I think so too. I've heard that you can use some 'qualities', but you also seem to have 'qualities' that manipulate gravity."
With the addition of elements so far, I knew what I wanted to do now.
"- Where does he set it up?
"- where Ayle would have received all the wolf smoke and descended the tower. Instead, there's nothing else."
Ayle disappeared as soon as he entered the woods.
As well as that, there are two who have disappeared.
I can largely imagine the flow ahead from here - whatever it is, it's time for a climax.
Sandstorms of this size are not something that can be maintained for a long time.
Except for the story if you're going to release it as nature pleases, but it's going to be hard to control it completely.
I mean, by the end of this sandstorm, it should be settled, too.
- What are we gonna do?
- What am I supposed to do?
Few actions can be taken by Hariatan in front of Eolazel.
I can't escape, I can't fight, my chances of winning are thin.
But you can never give me wolf smoke.
Honestly, it's a good place to be blocked, but if there's any hope...
"Hey Hentai"
- Behind you, you're in danger.
"It's just caught in my hand like that - oh?
Eolazel takes a step back.
At the same time, a cat beast man suddenly appeared between Hariatan and Eolazel.
It's Trawl, who was just dropped.
As soon as he fell, he used Shadow Cat to turn back.
- If ever, once off the front, aim for an unintentional strike.
This was a meeting behavior.
I can't gauge the movement of the lurking trawler in Hariatan, but if Trawler had stood by, he was supposed to set it up with a "dangerous behind" signal.
It was the behavior of the meeting - though I was sent as a result of the setup.
"... Ha. Harrier, don't rush. Maybe we can do it in a few seconds."
- I didn't think they'd send the current surprise.
Trawl's unintentional blow is a special blow that won't even let wildlife sense it.
Disappear, disappear, and use the unique sneaks and high motor skills of the Cat Beast Man to set it up. Fast enough not to give you a gap or anything to avoid even if they notice.
Yet it was easily deflected.
Even when he was thrown away in the first place, Trawl didn't even know what he was doing.
Because when I realized it, Eolazel was touching me, and if I thought my body had gone upside down, I'd be falling off the big rock.
Trawl is strong.
But Eolazel's a few steps up. So much so that the digits are a little different.
"- Okay, please."
It's a waste of time.
The sandstorm surrounding the tower now said it couldn't be maintained for long. If we don't throw them all before that's over, the operation will fail.
Hariatan decided to be ready.
Whatever's behind you anymore, don't look back, when you throw all the wolf smoke.
I just grabbed the next wolf smokeball,
"- Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!
"- So fast and rough!
Because I guessed what had happened, I looked back from the side where I had decided to be ready.
Looking back, he still doesn't look like Trawl.
I hadn't seen it, but I guess Trawl was thrown down again anyway.
Really, it wasn't really the Aya of the Word or anything, it only lasted a few seconds.
"So what do we do?
Nothing like this.
If this happens - I'll have to throw it already!
You can't win if you fight.
I'm sure you can't escape either.
Then we'll have to throw!
Never, ever, try to throw the wolf smoke in your hand right now, and look at it and plant it on Hariatan, Eolazel, but...
The wind blew.
"... I think I screwed up a little"
At the same time he threw, Eolazel muttered about it.
- Sure, just a little, I guess I screwed up.
Trawl was killed twice instantly, but as a result, he succeeded in buying time.
You don't have to look back.
A helper is here.
"Please, Sash! Never let him come over here!
"Holy shit! Throw it, hurry!
Standing behind Hariatan now is the fastest blue hair on the demon hunting team.