My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
220. Teacher pissed me off for the second adversarial 4
Ayle, who changed his "glasses" to "goggle-shaped glasses," moves through the sandstorm.
Vision is so poor that you can't even see where you can reach it, but thanks to the "goggle-shaped" that protects your eyes, you are able to ensure a minimum of vision.
Everything is on schedule.
I made some changes just before, but it also comes with it.
Climb the sandstorm tower and wait in a clinging system with your fingers hanging near the roof.
- A partially modified operation just before is with regard to Hariatan's distant throw.
Shortly before the start of the training, after confirmation of the fourth operation, he said this to Ayle.
- "You know my 'cultivation'?".
Until then, I didn't know if it was a stunt I wore with effort, or "qualities" though.
The question made it clear.
Hariatan has "qualities" about throwing, he said.
In a ritual of passage, he said, he showed moves specific to "throwing", such as throwing stones and hitting them faraway, hitting the same spot in a row, hitting stones on stones thrown above, etc.
Knowing that, he assumed the role of "throwing and carrying wolf smoke".
- It's just that at the end, it turns out that's due to "qualities".
That's why I changed it.
Initially, I only told Hariatan to "throw it near the tower".
And Ayle, the collector, collected the thrown wolf smoke balls, and Florentine's role was to protect the wolf smoke balls from the Hydra.
If it became difficult to maintain the sandstorm, Berge would also rendezvous, and by then Sash would be back, and the two planned to defend Florentine and Wolf Smokeball. - Well, by plan, they should be submitting it to the instructor before they get back.
But I found out about Hariatan's "qualities," so I changed them just before.
"Maternity" would do more pinpointing.
Instructions were given not to vaguely say "aim near the tower," but to throw it with the intention of hitting the top of the tower.
And Ayle climbed onto the tower to catch the wolf smokeball flying near the top of the tower.
In this sandstorm, where everyone comes - because it is safer and faster to catch flying wolf smoke balls directly than to collect them flying around the tower.
No matter how many blinding sandstorms are blowing, it takes a little while to find and collect objects that have flown vaguely "around here".
If it does, the Hydra and the others will be back, and there is a possibility that an ambush will break into the vicinity of Lisse Marion, who I suspected was "doing something".
If you come in, if you're looking for wolf smoke that rolls on the ground, there's a good chance you might run into them. That's why we have a keeper named Florentine.
Well, Ayle was going to unleash "a bunch of qualities" in the sandstorm and collect them all at once.
That's the speed at which you can't catch up.
This smoke had a strong eye-catching connotation for Ayle to use "material nourishment."
- But if it's here.
This sandstorm completely hides the tower, and the ails that are stuck in it.
If you haven't seen it even where you climb the tower, no one will find out that Ayle is here, that wolf smoke is flying in and collecting it before it rolls down the ground.
It depends on Hariatan's hit rate, but if we can recover at least five wolf smoke balls here, all we have to do is get down there.
The operation at the beginning is trampled on as stable and successful.
No one can beat Sash's speed.
But then, with Hydra's judgment and decisiveness, which I understood turned to the rear, the difficulty changes dramatically.
I'll have to leave that area to the crime scene.
What's at stake now is Hariatan's control of the distant pitch.
To the tower, whether it will also fly towards the top or not.
It's this sandstorm, so maybe the wolf smokeball will be stirred up by the wind and slightly uneven or flowing.
It weighed a lot so I guess it's ok...
If there is some discrepancy, Ayle can move through the tower walls and catch them, but it is difficult to recover the wolf smoke balls that were flushed to places that do not hit the tower -
"Oh, here we are."
As I looked at the blue sky and the forest under my eyes, which occasionally seemed beyond the sand while I was anxious, a red object popped out of the bottom from the top.
It's a wolf smokeball.
It was powerful, in a straight line, flying up to near the top of the tower where Ayle was standing and waiting.
He traveled only a little and took the flying wolf smokeball with one hand. - I'm surprised it's quite a ball game, but I could catch it properly.
"... that's awesome control"
Really, I flew to where I instructed.
Hariatan's "qualities" may be pretty good.
And the fact that wolf smoke balls fly is a sign that the operation is going well.
Sounds like it's going to work - thinking about that, while I put a wolf smoke ball in a leather bag on my hip and wait for the next ball.
The first, second, and third.
Even with some errors, it flies to a place where it can be recovered, so we recover the fourth wolf smokeball smoothly -
The next one is not coming.
"... I wonder what happened"
The sooner Hydra's judgment and decision are made, the more obstructing the operation over there is.
I mean - Hydra's already on her way to the tower, and there's something wrong with Hariatan and Trawl.
- But if we get this far, all we have to do is believe and wait.
Sandstorms don't last long.
Once the sandstorm stops, Ayle will be found for sure.
Before that, I'd like to get down and hide if possible, but that could be difficult too.
If Hydra's on her way over here, they might arrive before we get off.
- Still, believe me, we have to wait.
If we go down now, there's a good chance we won't win.
As a shadow manipulator, I have no choice but to believe in my measures until the end.
And there are people who believe in the plan.
You can't betray yourself first.
- Let's at least wait until it's critical.
That's what Ayle decides, waiting for the red-tailed flying object to come.
"- It depends on you..."
Sash's chances of winning are low, although he tried to jump into the crisis of the Hariatans.
This princely and noble looking hentai is very strong.
"It doesn't seem easy to buy time."
- Sash, who was left behind when he met Hydra and the others, could not play the role of a time buyer at all.
I rushed out and ran through the Hydra's, and as I was about to head to the tower as planned, I saw them look up into the sky and stop.
Soon afterwards, Eolazel alone started acting differently - Sash got a little lost.
Should we go back to the tower as planned?
Or should we go after Eolazel?
The operation is listening.
Ahead of Eolazel is Hariatan, who has the role of throwing wolf smoke and delivering it to the tower.
I've just been keeping up with my training from time to time, and Sash is well aware of the strength of a princely eorazel like a real nobleman.
Although his personality is terribly hentai, his waist is calm and he also teaches well in a practical form of training.
For Sash, there's no better trainee. Although there is considerable difficulty in nature.
Can Trawl be the only one who can contain it?
I don't know.
If Eolazel meant it in the first place, Sash would be easily hit, too. I know that's about the difference in strength.
- Then.
What I have anyway is a piece of wolf smoke.
As long as we head to the tower, a lot of people will remain the same.
Besides, whether the eight wolf smokes that should be transported to the tower can be thrown properly. Do you want to fly to the tower?
This one is more important.
Sash, thinking about it, rescheduled for Hariatan.
And now.
"- I can't help it."
Eolazel stretched his right arm forward - gripping nothing.
Then, in the hand where nothing was supposed to have been, there was a wave of sword.
"Materiality/Holy Sword Wonder Demon".
The "heroic qualities" formerly possessed by the world's most powerful swordsmen, once called "swordsaints," it is simply a physical summoning magic that freely produces swords.
"I'll add or subtract, but be prepared for some injuries. You can rest assured. Because I'm not going after that pretty face."
What a difficult subtle thing to give back, loose, and the figure of Eolazelle swayed -
"- Gu!?
If he noticed, Eolazel was slipping through Sash's spear intervals and into his own sword intervals.
It was thanks to Sash's "own qualities" that he managed to get his first shot at the iron bars for practice.
Only the eyes followed the abnormal stepping speed of the eorazel.
It was reflexive behavior that made the body move.
I wasn't able to think and defend myself. I was just lucky.
"You should fall once, too."
Eolazel, who had been pushing with force since the first blow, drew a sword from body to body on the lid.
The equilibrium of forces collapses, the sash collapses to the front just a little bit - just that much clearance, realizes that some opponents are fatally wounded.
Eolazel is not raw enough to miss that gap.
The second blow that dropped the sash from the big rock was fired.
"- Ha-ha!
At that moment when he was about to be rolled out, Trawl's flying kick, which came back just to be honest for the third time, was hitting directly on the flank of Eolazel.
"... Huh!?
Eolazel, who was always a smiling prince, ate an unexpected and unexpected strike and for the first time showed his vegan surprised face - letting go of the "sword" and falling off the big rock.
"... are you serious. You're amazing..."
Deal a blow to Eolazel.
Sash hasn't even been able to do that yet, but the cat beast man in front of him let him try it. It is surprising, even unintentionally.
"Ha-ha-ha. This is the strength of the Cat Beast Man."
"- Don't be alarmed!
I just grabbed the seventh wolf smoke ball, said Hariatan, who kept throwing wolf smoke balls without looking at this one at all.
"Eola's coming to 'jump' where the 'sword' is!
I didn't know what the word meant.
But I knew right away.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Eolazel, who should have fallen, was in front of me at some point. Grab the "sword" I let go of here.
"I'm surprised, kitty. You're cute in such a mess."
"... nya..."
You can't just kill him, so Trawl suppressed the power of the kick.
But that wasn't nice enough to be intact.
Because that much power has to be maintained in order to give speed.
Yet the spare prince in front of him, Hentai, hasn't taken any damage.
"- But I guess that's it."
And, Eolazel erased the "sword".
At the same time, an eighth wolf smokeball had been thrown out of Hariatan's hands, who had not seen anything like what was behind him.
"- This is the eighth one,"
Only a few werewolf smokeballs were delayed from flying in, but Ayle succeeded in recovering eight werewolf smokeballs as planned.
"... that?
I'm done for.
All you have to do is submit it to the instructor.
Well, I was about to come down, and the ninth wolf smoke also flew in.
I received it and delivered it to the leather bag.
The flying wolf smoke balls were scheduled for eight.
Assume the reason for the delay in wolf smoke is because of the trouble that happened over there.
The last one is what Sash should have had when he moved as a...
"... I guess I took a lot of money, not change"
I guess I prioritized the eight Hariathans, not one of my own.
Sash must have ignored his plans and headed to cover for Hariatan and the others in trouble. And I succeeded. That's what the ninth wolf smoke would mean.
Of course, I don't know if it fits.
If you're really curious, you'll just have to make sure later.
- Whatever, now we can recover more than half of the wolf smoke balls as maneuvered.
With the last finish, Ayle got off the tower.
The sandstorm is only slightly weakened.
".................. oh yeah"
And down under the tower, an Oriental boy with his mouth covered in black cloth, waited for Ayle.
It is Schren, one of the assassin teams.
"You disappeared right into the woods, didn't you? I've been on guard about you for a while."
Was it a double mark attached to Ayle, or was it an ambush that was lying down near the tower?
I don't know that far, but I guess from this look, Schren watched Ayle climb the tower.
And guess what you're doing, I waited.
Ayle was surprised.
Schren did pull out the back hip knife in front of him.
But I didn't see any pullouts.
All that or even though I wasn't alarmed about one thing, the cold blade of the knife has already touched Ayle's neck.
It's so fast that you can't chase it with your eyes even when you watch it.
Remaining silent, finger Ayle's hips with his free left hand. - Give me that package, that's a sign.
Shren has no killing intentions, nothing, and I don't see any emotions in my black eyes.
- But kill.
Ayle thought Shren would come to kill him for real.
- Because it's similar.
- Because when I aim for my prey, my signs and breathing are equally extremely small.
Ayle removed the leather bag on his hips and offered it to Schren.
And Schren walked away, checked the contents - and submitted it to Evanesque.