My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
240. Mr. Glasses, you're inspired and then you're beaten to hell.
The leading group stopping just through the woods - joined by Teacher Evanesque and Teacher Solichka, Sash and Trawl.
"- I'm taking a break."
And Sash told me.
Right...... does this mean we still have a long way to go?
If you get there within three days, I'd appreciate it in terms of strength and strength. More than that, it's going to break my heart.
When you look in line like this, only Sash breathes on his shoulders.
The teachers and Trawl are still perfectly fine.
Even if you skip "Materials," the sash that specializes in running is wearing out...
Because the instructors are originally amazing people. Still, Trawl's strength and amount of exercise are horrible. Beast man is amazing.
By the way, I, Lisse, and Hariatan are a little worn out, too.
"Nyah. Samu."
Don't do that.
Besides, his body hasn't warmed up yet, apparently, and Trawl hugged Lisse. Lisse seems annoying.
... No, maybe it's cold after it's warm.
He's a cat beast, so he's probably extremely vulnerable to the cold.
Unlike around the tower, it's still pretty cold around here.
By the way, me, Lisse, and Hariatan are warming up so much.
I'm not saying it's hot, but I'm sweating, naturally.
- This place, which stopped as a resting place, has a river running nearby. I guess choosing this place means drinking water.
Based on the position of the sun and hunger, I think it's about noon.
That means I would have been running all morning.
And if it continues in the afternoon.
It is a time of consideration to take a good break and have a light lunch.
You have to rest well and keep it in your stomach to the point where the movement is not dull.
Speaking of rice, it's Berge, but you're not here yet - no, I'm here.
"- Is that a break? Thanks..."
Three successors meet: Berge, who is severely depleted, Rio Dyne, who is also severely depleted, and Florentine, who has a flat face.
"Nyah. I've been waiting."
Apparently Lisse was just a connection. Trawl dumped Lisse and went to Florentine to hug her.
She looked annoying, but for some reason Lisse drops off her back leaving lonely. - Sounds like a cat, doesn't it? You think you'll change your mind soon? I wish I was a complete cat already.
Oh, I got eyes for you. I was enlightened by what I was seeing.
"... I feel so lost"
Really?... a sense of loss.
I'm not sure because I haven't had that much solid experience cuddling with someone... but don't hold yourself, Lisse. You look sad. That pose is sad.
"Why don't you hold a tree or something around there?
That was just pathetic, so I tried to suggest setting up a replacement.
"Tree? Hmmm......"
Lisse looked sad and turned her hands to the trees around her.
- Yeah.
"That sounds stupid."
"Next time you say something, I'll beat you up, okay?
I don't want to be beaten up, so let's leave Lisse alone already.
Moving his gaze to drink even water in the river, he entered his sight of Trawl, who dumped Lisse.
"-Nah, ah, ah... my spine...!
"- Oh, all right, all right. Cute. But you left us, didn't you? Hmm? Hmm? You're not letting go anymore? You're not letting go anymore, are you?
Oh, Trawl and I got eyes on each other.
"-E, ei...... l, help"
I'm also allergic to interrupting the embrace that delights in reuniting, so do you want to drink water and even prepare lunch?
I'll take care of the lunch.
Berge also bought cooking duty as usual and got out. I don't complain because I can have a good meal.
... Oh, that's a classic sandwich with bacon from the Devil's Pig (Matton). This is always the lunch for assignments. It's good.
"Cut me a little thick."
Me and me.
"Cut it a little bigger for us."
Me and me.
"I know. Get out of my way."
Berges with blades in seductive bacon, which remains a lump of meat.
Sash and Florentine that hang around him and meat like that get rid of him,
"My share is thick and big, please."
Hariatan also went just to say that there was a gap. Me and me.
"I'm telling you I know! Every time! And Ayle! Keep your subtle distance and don't look at it. It's time to come say it in person!
It's my concern that it would be depressing to say so directly. Well, whatever the order goes through.
It's usually disturbing and depressing. Trawl, the leader, is falling for some reason, but let's not worry too much.
Ah, instructor solitica.
"That's unusual. I can't believe instructor Solitica is talking to me."
Though I was a mentor in Heidiga with Instructor Solichka, and there was also a targeted exchange in the assassin's village to feed him.
But since I came to Bryn's Tower, I've lost contact at all.
I don't really stand on the bench in seating either.
This may be the first time they've spoken to me in this way since I came to the tower.
Well, I still don't know where I'm looking, though I have vain eyes. Doesn't seem any different.
"You can call it off, though."
As for Solitica, I feel a little uncomfortable, too.
"Because there is no indication for the other candidates, nor for Teacher Evanesque and Teacher Yorgo. At least I'll tell you the difference while I'm in the tower."
Let me just say this, as a former apprentice.
And after this, he is a teacher and a student.
"Yes. You sure do. That's better."
Whatever you say, it's important to be serious and separate.
"Than that, Ayle. What about this operation?"
Hmm? Operation?
"I thought about it, Ayle, right?
"No, I'm not. Rio Dyne, the leader of this one, tried his best to think about it. I just spoke a little bit."
"Well, whatever it looks like - it gives you character, doesn't it? Operation."
... personality?
"I know very well because I look at when I was in the village. Think of Ayle's maneuvers in the direction of not fighting as much as possible."
Oh, I see. Maybe if you ask me.
"This operation is also set up with as many fighting elements as possible. If the operation succeeds, the victory is confirmed. Like that."
Well, maybe.
The idea is that the underlying trap is to acquire animals. Because it doesn't presuppose fighting in the first place.
But even if I don't, I don't think I need to take the risk for nothing.
When it comes to fighting, there's a real danger to you.
I want to get rid of it as much as I can.
"-Interesting, isn't it? He said he'd figure out a way to win the fight without a weapon."
This operation, right?
Though that is the conclusion we should aim for.
"I'm talking about if it works."
It's a bunch of zombie soldiers imagining, if things would work out the way they imagined.
"Because I personally look forward to this assignment. Good luck with that."
Oh, yes. Good luck.
The reason I've been speaking up is encouragement. Sometimes it's unusual.
I seem to have said what I wanted to say, and instructor Solitica is leaving - and I looked back only once.
"- Oh, finally, because we're going to get to the base village this evening"
Yay! The next trip is short!
"- So no more breaks. Because I run a little longer (...) to get to the village by the end of the day. Get some rest."
Right. Hell in the afternoon.