My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
247. Zombie Corps Crusade Operation 2
What are you doing?
The route to the woods and Trawl, who was finalizing the route out of the woods, spoke out when he realized there was Lisse here who wasn't supposed to be.
Whatever Sash is, Lisse's holding is not here.
This is behind a rock, near a woodland where zombies nest.
On the other side of the rock, it is so close that you can already see what a zombie looks like.
"Well, hey"
Considering Sash's honor and pride, Lisse clouds her words. Eil didn't tell anyone either, so I cared. - Well, Ayle just didn't say it because it's a hassle.
While clouding the words, I think.
Speaking of which, Trawl said you didn't like zombies either.
"Is Uluru okay with zombies? I hated him a lot yesterday."
"I'm just used to it."
- The experiments, surveys and plantings in the woods carried out yesterday were mainly undertaken by Trawl.
I had to operate in an environment where there was a zombie right next door.
I'm used to it even though I don't like it.
For experiments, he also takes all sorts of actions, even if he wants to forget, to tear the right straight of his entire body into a zombie whose cheek flesh has shredded off and his bones and teeth have been stripped out, or to kick into the flank of a zombie whose guts are deloned.
If you don't see it properly, you can't guess it properly.
No matter how resistant I felt, I had to see it.
Everything no longer matters - that's how much I couldn't have done without reopening it.
- "Me, I've kicked a zombie's head in the neck before".
To the point that one day I will have such an ambition to brag about my hometown's childhood, I'm used to it. I was forced to get used to it.
"That's all I've been through, so I really want you to take advantage of the findings."
From Trawl's point of view, this challenge runs out of words.
No matter how much I said I didn't like it, I couldn't allow myself to observe what I didn't want to see, beat and kicked what I didn't want to touch, and breathed rotten stench all over my chest.
Now when they say, "That was all for nothing -" I'm confident that I won't be able to stay normal.
It would mainly bog down the ails that gave the instructions.
"Because I struggled, or..."
Sash shrugged and opened the lid of the bottle he was gripping.
"Not if you're stopping. Even I struggled to finally get here. I can't even think about pulling it off."
- Sash had a luggage hold of some of the top adventurers just before he became an assassin apprentice.
It is the so-called downloading.
At that time, I was treated like a handy small-timer.
It was quite unusual and I was worried it would end without looking at the day like this.
He was picked up by famous adventurers in anticipation of excellent "qualities".
But after a year, my treatment did not change in any way. It has always been just a small use.
But now I know.
After I had to stand alone and become an assassin apprentice, I realized there were too many things missing.
And I looked back, and I thought.
I guess I wasn't even satisfied with the small use.
So after a year, nothing changed.
Nobody leaves it to themselves, because their strengths are the same, but they weren't mindful.
Nobody changed their treatment because they only did what they were told.
In short, my thoughts and attitudes were sweet.
You shouldn't let yourself do what you want, you shouldn't rot, you should have remembered and absorbed everything, done what was assigned to you perfectly, and made an effort to be in public quickly.
After I became an assassin apprentice, I finally figured it out.
Why I didn't even try to work out the sash I just wanted to be strong.
- Because the adventurers I was looking after thought they were going to die as soon as they got stronger.
Adventurers are harsh jobs.
Sometimes you just can't survive being strong.
- So I was choosing to teach you a bunch of things first to not die.
Adventurers are not the only ones whose job is to fight.
Because sometimes you don't fight and you get hurt and you lose your life.
That's what Sash had in mind while he was dealing with various fellows lined up beside him.
I don't know if I'm actually right, but I'm convinced of that.
And now.
I was entrusted with nothing by anyone then, and now I am given a role only entrusted to me.
This responsibility is not an easy thing to hand off, nor should it be.
"- Lisse, you can go now. As planned."
And, Sash hung holy water on his head.
"Wow, that stinks!
"Wha!? What is that zombie juice!? Zombie squeezed juice!?
"Ugh! It's like zombie juice!... Well, it does stink..."
Sash herself agrees, even though she is angry at the reaction of the women, who take a step toward a fluttering and unusual odor.
Something oddly stinks.
It smells as if the smelly herbs were simmered and concentrated.
"Oh, I might have smelled it before. This is the holy water that Karon made.... It's definitely thinner than it was then, but it's not gone..."
Lisse's face is sinister.
With the smell, it comes back to memories of Ayle inadvertently sniffing at me and difficulty.
"Does this work?
"The smell is going to work."
The smell does seem to work.
It seems to work because it's close to the smell of medicinal herbs I'm familiar with. Very stinky though.
"So, what do you say? Are you okay? Why don't you come a little closer and give it a try?
"There's no problem. You go too."
Lisse seems worried, but the operation is about to start.
You can't stay here forever.
"... ok. I'll take care of it."
"Whoa. You're the one who asked for the rest."
Lisse runs away with her worried face.
"Then I should go, too. Oh, the route landmarks were right."
"Ooh, I'll see you later."
Trawl also ran away and one sash was left on this spot.
The unpleasant sweat wouldn't stop, but he decided to, and Sash popped out.
Heading is in the woods.
"... it's so frivolous..."
I don't know if the holy water is working, but the prepared sash went into the woods all at once and reached a predetermined position.
His starting point is on the appropriate tree branches.
And beneath his eyes, the hundreds of zombies, which would be beyond, were dense as if they were laid there.
He reaches out and asks for it (...) with groans like "uh" and "uh-huh".
Don't, don't, don't.
The purpose of the zombies is a small leather bag hung from a branch.
From the leather bag, it sounds like a drum regularly.
"... I see"
- When I was being briefed on the operation, I figured out what he meant when he said, "I'll keep the zombies together."
Some kind of magic...... no, if you didn't say it clearly, it was "someone's material" and I prepared "something that makes a sound".
If you hang it like this on a branch and hang it in the universe, when zombies gather beneath it.
It is such a trap.
Trawl's investigation found that the zombies react to the sound.
It also sounds naturally occurring - they also react to the sounds of trees and grasses that the wind shakes and move around.
It is also why many zombies remained in the woods.
And my sight is alive.
Either way, vision is better than sound.
Again, there seems to be an individual difference, and they sometimes reacted when the transparent trawl came near without sound, and some might somehow feel signs of a creature rather than sensing heat...
There's a chance that you're feeling something that's neither fever nor signs, than there's no fighting and fighting between zombies.
And then the reaction if you attack in a transparent state.
Nothing in particular.
If I can stand, I'll stand up, and even if that's impossible, I'll crawl and move in some direction.
I mean, I'm not aware that I'm under attack.
Or perhaps there is no consciousness per se in the first place. I'm just reacting with conditional reflexes.
Finally, if the neck and torso are just separated, the torso activity (...) ceases.
But he says his head moves. That is the immortal.
Perhaps by now, Ayle and Trawl, too, should be just above the zombies gathered, just like Sash, waiting.
All you have to do is wait for the signal to start.