My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
266. Mr. Glasses, Watch The Bandits
It was early after the carriage I decided to aim for.
"Gather people immediately"
Soon after discussing the brief steps, the code took a seat.
"Our work always starts with Zed's words. We'll leave when that's done. I don't have a lot of time, but if you have business, you need to stay within the moment."
I want to move immediately.
This is what Hydra also said.
So I also thought about the possibility of leaving tonight, and I'm already ready to leave.
But apparently I spend about a few days traveling from here and have to catch up with the big merchants.
If I mention anxiety strongly, it's about the food that I couldn't prepare because the purpose of the schedule wasn't standing at all.
Are you running a store or something at this hour?
Worst case scenario, does it feel like moving while sourcing food?
- Well, let's just say that.
Where the code rushed out, me and Celier look at Hydra.
"You made up your mind, didn't you?
"You made up your mind, didn't you?
Apparently, me and Celier were unhappy with the same part.
That would be so.
He deliberately decided who was dangerous and difficult, without asking our opinion under the authority of the leader.
There's no way I'm not dissatisfied.
The only person who doesn't say anything is Siroccarolo.
Maybe I just won't tell you because I can't talk. She's watching Hydra, too.
Speaking of polar theories, Hydra is not wrong.
Because it is the leader who has the authority to decide on his own and dictate our actions.
But we can't convince ourselves if we don't ask why.
I also think about getting out of this job at worst, if not for a compelling reason.
If the leader has the authority to decide on his own, it is our right to help decide whether or not to follow the leader.
"Because I didn't think I had a choice"
Hydra answered that as she flushed the pressure of our gaze, seemingly without any emotion.
"The code said, 'There are two things that seem affordable to aim for'. In other words, the usual Zeds are usually the only ones who are after them, whether they're big merchants or well-armed escorts.
Whatever the scale, it's only two affordable cases.
Then simply, simply, aim for the good in.
That's just what I was thinking, but is there anything you're not happy about?
... Zed's replacement, huh?
"I don't really know a guy named Zed, but is it that person's thought that you chose that way?
No one can answer Celier's question.
I'm only a little involved, too, and I'm not dealing with it.
I don't know enough to know his thought circuit to go out with him at all.
It's just - I'm a little convinced of Hydra's statement.
A code familiar with Zed picked his prey and said nothing to Hydra's choice.
I mean, just looking at the results, you can definitely say Hydra's choice was "Zed would have been an unnatural choice".
"And there's only one thing I want to say to you right now."
and Hydra hands on the table and leans over her torso.
With serious blue eyes, Me and Cellier, I see Silocarrollo yawning if he's tired of talking anymore. He is a casual dog. Oh, was it a wolf?
I got a little carried away with what I was gonna say.
"- There are signs of betrayal in this job. Perhaps you should be prepared and ready."
I should say I'm glad to be in shape...... but unwelcome words popped up.
More than twenty young men hissed in narrow alleys, but they were quiet.
It's getting a little late at night, a dark place where the stars don't even reach.
It is the unnamed corner of the Glades.
These are some kind of pros (...) who have people up to this point but can't make a single story or a single sound.
From what I've seen, he still seems to prefer discreet outfits or dark shades of clothing that are dispersed in the dark.
- I made you wait.
Marion things Pathizette ascends on a crate placed unwrought before them.
And while it remained quiet...... somehow, their emotions began to make noise.
I wonder if the emotions they turn to Patizetto are admiration, awe, and also killing.
Just a buddy, to say, I feel a bit of a swordswallowing air.
- We're going to take it from you.
"Reproduce" the tattoo with "Colorful (Colorful)" in the code.
Marion, who looked just like her outfit, tone and atmosphere with key pick personal guidance and lending her own costume, really finished just like Zed.
Well, he said, "Still a good place to put the blade on."
And with such a patsy zet at the head, code and key picks, we helpers line up behind him.
By the way, they've also changed the color of my hair (cuttlefish to be exact), the color and hairstyle of Celier's hair, and the color of Shirokahloro's body hair, and Sister Hydra is changing her impression by changing into a piece that resembles Sister's clothes.
The colors just change quite a bit, don't they?
Especially the silo cherolo. It is the black wolf that was the white wolf.
When I said "You feel evil" as I watched, I was waving a little Shippo. Seems like a pretty favorite disguise to me personally.
Plus, it's Hydra.
Hydra was a long blonde, wasn't she?
I had always worn a veil so I had never seen it before.
"- The place is the valley of whining. I don't know if I can share it with a guy who's late. - Go."
Passizette's words signaled, they scattered quietly.
...... Ha.
It was so quiet that I didn't think there were dozens of them until just now, and when I saw the guys who disappeared so quickly, I accidentally got a sigh of sigh.
I wonder if I can say that's the real bandits.
I knew it was completely different from being strong.
To be exact, they're a bunch of criminals living in slums, aren't they?
But Zed's the leader, isn't he?
What are you always doing?
Do you do any other work than looting or stealing?
... No, no going in deep.
This is the only time I'm involved, and after that, it's just someone else.
I don't want to commit criminal acts or anything in the first place, and you shouldn't. I'm gonna get caught. I haven't been working out to do that.
"Looking forward to it."
Oh, I said.
Finally, I said with a clear cane mood in my mouth.
Really, Mr. Hydra sounds like fun.