My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
281. Carriage Raids 13
"- Sorry. Sorry to keep you waiting."
Ayle, who shrugged his spirit in the first battle, finally lifted his heavy hips.
Physically not a problem, but my mind was drained.
Sirocarolo, who took a break in anticipation of Ayle's condition and waited without haste, also rose from the ground where he lay down.
"Hydra and the others seem to be in the facility where they stayed last night"
Ciroccarolo made a clear statement about the way forward.
Were you already exploring it with your sense of smell, or do you even have another ability?
What a horrible wolf - no, he's an animal man.
"One last thing, okay?"
Although Ayle had a relaxing conversation about Shirokahloro trying to get to the certainty of "Ayle's Materials".
As he raised his hips, Ayle asked this question.
"You could have beaten that soldier?
Usually...... no, if you're a match for the power of Ayle, some winning trails come to mind.
They are trade-offs in the form of success rates, or winnings, and they take the most effective means.
The warrior captain of the great empire ahead could only think of one thing.
Aile thinks he had no other means of winning than that way.
It is also a measure that relies on "glasses".
Speaking of polar theories, I was wondering if you could have won "even if it wasn't Ayle with glasses. I even think about that.
Already "glasses" are part of the eil.
It is no longer indispensable for life or for hunting.
But I've always thought that it's not a good idea to rely too much, ever since I've found all sorts of possibilities for "glasses".
That's why I can't win that fight, but there's something I'm not convinced of...
Well, as that area is a challenge for the future.
What would have happened to Siroccarolo if he had stayed there of his own free will and tried to work as a stepping stone?
If I didn't stay until Ayle, what would have happened?
What was she going to do with that situation?
- If I stuck it, I don't know if I could beat that captain.
From Ayle, the captain thinks he's a monstrous opponent and luckily won a miraculous victory. It's also in a way that I can't be happy to let go.
That's why I was curious.
Ciroccarolo, who was just about to go, looked back, his clear blue sky-like eyes,
"If you had three seconds, you'd be chewing a thousand throats off."
I said it without permission.
'Well, there's no reason to kill him, so you might have gotten one foot or so.' Cause it would be rude if you didn't deal with him accordingly more than you put your sword to me. '
Said more.
'Oh, please keep it a secret that I can read.... you know what happens if you do, don't you?
"Yes, I understand. I would never say."
Ayle thought the captain was a monster.
- Pretty close, they had a more amazing guy.
"Ah, one more thing at a time.... do you really want to cut a thousand bites if you touch it?
Siroccarolo did not answer that question.
But for a moment I looked forward, I felt a nigga laugh.
- If you want to know, just touch it.
Oh, you're really going to do it, Ayle thought.
Running through the woods with no heart or a vigilant chase, he returned near an empty cave on a cliff, also where he spent last night and left this morning.
Apparently, already, his men have raised their toast, seeing the looting as a success.
Alcohol, which Ayle also knows, and the aroma of roasting meat and other knobs, are spreading throughout the area.
It's a quick thing to say that some ails and siroccarolo haven't returned yet.
Siroccarolo, who has led the way so far, comes from among the grass trees to a place where he can already see them gathering, and stops.
'I am like this (...), so I can't go on like this. Look at the fold and bring the code'
This kind of thing, I guess, is saying that the disguise is unraveling.
I've always been a black wolf, and now I'm white.
Certainly this change is unusual. I won't let this stranger fool me.
"Okay. I'll take a look at the gap and bring him in."
For once, the "colorful (colorful) colors" that were dyeing the silhouette are also registered with Ayle, but it is not possible to use them because no attempt has been made yet.
Well, I can't use it directly from the front where I could.
Breaking up with Ciroccarolo, Ayle approaches the fast minded.
- and.
The liquor is opened, the meat is broiled.
It's just a small festive state, yet strangely quiet.
I can see clearly as I go along.
There is no floating atmosphere.
No one speaks up, and on the contrary, I feel oddly tingly signs.
My men, who noticed Ayle coming back, looked like they were in so much trouble the moment they met.
It's not just one person, but all the people around it, they make a subtle face.
"... what's going on?
I don't really want to talk to people I don't know, Ayle.
But the atmosphere is too unusual for me to hesitate to keep going.
When asked by a subordinate who didn't even know his name who was around him, he answered - the moment he tried, he heard a flashy sound of glass breaking from the back of the cave.
"... trouble?
If you ask, he snorts.
If it is just a fight or a rub, some alcohol is likely to thrive on the contrary.
It was like that in the village where Ayle was.
"... Could it be Zed?
If you ask again, he snorts again.
Ayle looked up into the sky.
And I thought.
- I guess I can go home now, and I'm done attacking the carriage.
I've fought enough today, and I'm totally exhausted.
No more rubbing, no more today.
But, but, well, that's it.
Now that my men are gathering their gaze, it is unlikely that I can escape alone.