My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
322. Immediately before the intrusion operation
I don't have much to prepare.
The aim is almost simply to break in and escape.
The journey will be over in no time if things go smoothly.
Anyway, in order to be light, the tools in your possession were extremely sharpened.
For three days before the Agent Mansion invasion made this decision, Ayle has been steadily working out and preparing for it.
At the time of the operational decision, we are almost there.
In the powdered snow pavilion room with the lights off, check the few tools spread out on the table one at a time.
First, the stink bag. Two types.
One is to sprinkle a summoner that tracks the odor - something that Ayle commonly uses in hunting.
I decided to take this because it's convenient and because you don't have the ability to kill to throw aggressively, it has a high stopping effect.
I also expected snow and put it in a waterproof leather bag.
The other kind is almost odorless, deodorant for humans.
This is also a summoning beast… to deceive the nose of an animal.
Human technology can kill signs and sounds to the extreme, but it's hard to just smell them.
I learned that the smell of animals cannot be compared to that of humans.
Besides, I can hardly understand my smell. I chose if it would be a slightly deceptive ingredient.
Next, a knife.
I don't think I'll get a chance to pull it out, but I have trouble when I need it. It could be used to cut things or even intimidate them when they are.
By the way, thanks to having lost a knife when I fought Zed in Crozheit, I avoided using my own stuff.
I was given a knife like the one I sell everywhere because it won't be stylish when I start losing the knife of my favorite Black Imperial Wolf fangs.
- No, it's not just the knife.
So did the stink bags, but I got everything I needed, on an informal route. I talked to Yorgo, the instructor, and he procured it for me.
The reason I didn't buy enough on my own is to keep my feet from sticking.
I can't believe someone was buying this kind of stuff at a store there at a later date. If someone starts to chase me from listening information, Manuke has enough.
The hunt is starting at the preparation stage.
Since the beginning of the investigation, Ayle has already chosen a method of investigation that will not be followed in footsteps and intends to act.
The black outfit I'm wearing right now, which I had prepared as late night investigative clothes, was also procured by Yorgo.
I don't know where it came from, but, well, normally think about it, I wouldn't have brought it from a place where my legs would get there.
They're so much more pro bono than Ayle, there can't be a drain around them.
We decided to break in with this garment, seeing it as something we could use to infiltrate as it was.
It's an investigation. Even if I say it's for intrusion, it's clothes to move in the middle of the night after all. I'd say it's good for you.
- I'm just curious about the skirt.
In a great empire with thin trousers under skirts but harsh winters, it is quite a cold fit.
I want it for women. I'm not going to give you a designation for what it is, but what Yorgo brought was totally clothes for women.
Besides, I even brought the snail. Then even cosmetics.
I plan on not touching anyone's eyes this time, so there's no reason to dress like a woman.
So I tried to reject it - think about it carefully and I decided to end up in women's clothes to take charge of it.
This doesn't make any sense, he said.
Whether dressed as a woman or not, there is no particular obstacle, so I decided to accept it.
So now Ayle is just a full make up, totally female figure.
If it is made-up clothing, it is the return of "made-up El".
Well, only around my face is "Maid El".
Tools are to this extent.
I'm not going to fight, so I don't even need a bow. Pretty light.
"... I guess it's time"
Look out the window where it snows.
Streetlights are only lit late at night, but buildings lit by lights are almost non-existent.
Even the time to play at night is over.
If you clear your ears, all you can do is hear the snow coming.
Wear tools and finally weave a hooded black coat.
Ayle opened the window and jumped quietly from the height of the third floor.
The boy, who went down to the city without a sound, ran out immediately and quickly melted into the dark night.
I have eyes for such a boy.
"It's a good time"
On the roof of the powdered snow pavilion, you two.
One is Yorgo, Ayle's instructor.
On the other hand, a fellow assassin operating in the shade of this city - named Savage - opens his mouth with the snow piled on his head and shoulders.
By the way, the two are synchronized as candidates.
"Last but not least, your guess is, what's your success rate?
Honestly, Savage wanted to stop this reckless mission several times, but he didn't end up in his mouth.
Because if Yorgo doesn't stop, he decides that there must be quite a chance of winning.
But it bothers me.
Even though there are few assassin candidates. I don't want you to put me on a reckless mission and let me die for nothing.
"I was prepared. It's more than 50% of the time."
That's what Yorgo believes, more than his own reading, that Ayle himself decided he could do.
Plus, I don't know everything about Ayle's hidden balls, so I can't exactly measure them, you know.
"Is that the probability of including the purchasing (...)?
Will we be the same?
Set up an operation, also taking into account that an incident that you don't anticipate can happen. And I would never think that an incident wouldn't happen. Always keep in mind.
Naturally, it includes planting (...).
That kid can't be optimistic about 'everything's going to work'. will also cope with unforeseen circumstances "
- I don't mind if I don't deal with it, because that would prove I'm not overconfident in my powers.
Either way, Yorgo has identified that he will not make only the kind of mistake of choice that will take his life.
"If you say so much, you'll see how it goes. - Let's go, Yorgo. You're going south."
"Uhm. I'll see you on the ground"
They both disappeared into the night, as they followed the boy.
- An assassin candidate sneaks into the deputy's mansion.
Aside from the reasons and circumstances, the reckless and extreme plot was immediately passed on to fellow assassins scattered throughout the city.
Just the funny one.
Indignant as reckless.
He who frowns that his work will not be affected by success or failure.
Anyway, the one who says his face is cute.
The one who tells you to make a bet.
There were all sorts of reactions, but many of them were interested.
Yorgo himself also said, "The candidate who hits the mission is very good as an assassin. It's already more usable than bad active duty," Yorgo said to the candidate. Quite a compliment was also a factor of interest -
Those lurking in the dark night join Yorgo and Savage running another route.
- Many of Nastiala's assassins lurking in Neruitz were concerned about the course and end of this intrusion operation and took part in the tour.
Around the deputy mansion, those who live in darkness gather.
And those who live in the darkness on the side of the Great Empire - the "shadows" watched it.
"- Are you sure you want to do this?
One of those "shadows" comes out on the surface and walks over to Yorgo. - He's an old man with blue dyed feathers on his back for oriental tailoring. It looks quite cold and thin.
"Now. There won't be any more aborts or anything."
Those who live in darkness and "shadows".
They knew each other only close to the area in which they lived, and kept their distance as implicit relationships because they would not be detrimental to each other if the other existed.
When it prolonged, it was elevated to the relationship of being held, sometimes so that each other used each other.
Without confrontation between nations, there is no reason for the two organizations, which are pawns of nations, to bump into each other.
The countries are not adjacent to each other, so there is no war of aggression, nor are they so bloodthirsty that they prefer turmoil, and the national traffic itself is thin but relations are good.
At least the darkness and the "shadow".
The pawn only moves as commanded.
Think of the thoughts of the country and move, it is not said.
It is also within the work of pawns not to move arbitrarily.
"I don't know."
Cuckoo, and the old "shadow" laughs.
- In this case, "Shadow" has been discussed in advance.
Exactly when "shadows" are involved, Ayle is usually killed.
Especially this old "shadow" arm is no less than Weiss, the heads of the Yorgos.
If he gets serious, Ayle will be killed instantly.
That's not even negotiable, not long.
... Not surprisingly, that glasses lad might even "shadow" out, but it's just too risky.
"I'm looking forward to that. I haven't had anything lately, and I'm young enough for Shadow. I don't know where the soldiers are going. I want you to stick with me."
- Just don't put the veterans "shadows" on the mansion escort tonight.
That was the order Yorgo placed in the "shadows".
There seems to have been something in this old "shadow" that binds the organization, and I hear that it accepted it for a fraction of the time.
From what I've just said, I see you're having difficulty nurturing the backward as the person responsible.
- Everywhere is rubbed in peaceful times, and the "shadow" of darkness is in the worry of decline, which is not required by the times.
"By the way, how's our young one?
"- More on that later. It's time."
"Oh, sounds like it's gonna start"
The signs of Ayle, who was originally weak, disappeared.
Looks like we're gonna set it up now.
And the darkness and the "shadow" also disappeared into places to visit.