My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
348. Each Thoughts 2 Preface
Zed is back.
Body full of tattoos, with dull blonde hair, bad eyed grey eyes.
Though it is worn slightly only in winter and the landmark tattoo is not noticeable, as soon as the viewer sees it, he can tell.
Zed, who had been missing all summer, returned to the lawless country of Crozheit when winter was becoming full-blown.
The snow hits, breath whitens, and spending the night on the streets is too dangerous a season than a sleigh or a robbery.
The real “Zed the Bad Kid” is back.
but there was no particular impact as "Pathizette" was back a while ago pretending to be Zette.
- Except for those who knew it was fake.
Returning to Crozheit, Zed first put his face in the safe house where only three people - himself, a key pick, and a code - use it.
And when we arrived, we were silently pulled by a key pick that was belly-up and sleeping, the best safe house...... we moved to the basement near the orphanage.
This is a secret place where only three people know, gathered in case. You only use it when you really think it's bad.
"- What are you doing? I haven't seen you in a while."
Pulling a swallowing zet into the underground aisle, Keypick of the Keyhole momentously gets to the wall next to Don and Zed and stares at Zed at close range, who is pulling a bit into sudden behavior.
"- It's been a long time since I've seen you! Where the hell have you been?
Always nagging, the "keyhole key pick” with the hat on the trademark was seriously pissed off for the first time in a long time.
"... bad. There's nothing I can do. There's a situation."
"I know! Otherwise, because I don't know why you're not coming home! Shut up and follow me, you idiot!
- Zed and key picks. And code.
The three of them, who have lived together in harsh Crozheit since the time of their minds, had bonds that many could not enter into.
Even if I ever betray my surroundings, I won't betray these two alone, and I won't.
I believe unconditionally with no multiplication that I am the same, and so is the other, that I can keep my back.
That's what - scolding Zed directly from the front and sweetening it without complaining is nothing but key picks and codes.
"This is going to take a long time..." Zed, who follows the key pick in silence, took a sneak sigh.
Keypicks, which are usually callous and do everything properly, are quite prolonged when you're serious and angry.
(I'm scared over there too...)
And the cord, somehow, keeps getting thin and long when you're really angry.
There was no conversation, and I came to the secret basement.
Still, it's a serious, never easy environment to spend, but bring it to hide.
This basement can be grated, and the basement passage leading here can be running all over Crozheit.
There are many parts of the road that are broken and unable to pass, but they will be enough to be used for emergency evacuation.
The code, by the way, remembers all the paths that lead.
In that basement - there was a code to lie down on a sofa for two and read a book.
The nearby table is littered with books and paperwork, and I can hear you spending a long time here.
"- Zed!?
The code that responded to the sound of the door opening and pointed its gaze at it - though it looked with a frivolous eye that seemed uninterested, only a key pick was coming.
I was surprised how much Zed rolled off the couch when she came in later.
"Oops. I just left."
"- You idiot!! Where have you been and what have you been doing!!
Angry with or without this far was a very rare appearance in the code. Only the type who is always calm and doesn't put emotions on the table is more compelling than a key pick.
- It means I'm seriously angry.
"So sorry! Keys told me the same thing! I don't know. Something happened!
As for Zed, that's all I can say anymore.
But I guess that was the signal.
Their patience crossed the line.
"Shut up - idiot! How worried I thought we were looking for you! I don't know how many times I've been looking for you in the woods!
"That's right, idiot! With you gone, the equilibrium in Crozheit (here) is breaking! Or if you're not dead, just come home!
"Ah, let it go, let it go! Listen to me before you get clean! Seriously, I don't know. I was in the middle of something!
"What's that attitude, you bastard!? Let him hit me once!
"I want you to beat me up too! That's when you ask what happened!
"You're kidding me! I'm a victim, too! Because - don't make me hit you, you little brat!!
From beside what I'm saying, a quick low kick in the key pick went into Zed's thigh.
At that moment, the beating of the three began.
I'm super here.
A key pick sitting on the floor bleeding out of his bumpy nose and mouth is flashing.
"I knew you couldn't do anything rough to me..."
The cord, which nearly punched what was in my stomach by eating on my body, remains on the floor falling.
"- Just calm down. I'll tell you what happened... are you bald or something? Why did you let go of my hair..."
Zed, who is powerfully intact, is concerned that the two of them really didn't grab their own hair and let go. I was wondering if it would be annoying.
It was a very nasty molestation.