My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
366. Mr. Glasses, I'll give you instructions
Zhu Dragonfly.
Simply put, it is a giant dragonfly with dragon characteristics.
It is a dragonfly that at first glance can be seen to be unusual, with the thickness of the torso, which is also as strong as the arm of the adult, and the back length of the adult, which is as strong there.
The shape is the same as that of a worm dragonfly, but it's big anyway, and it carries the fierceness characteristic of demons together.
Of course, if you're hungry, you attack people, and other than people, you attack quite a bit. What moves more or less strikes.
Such dragonflies (dragonflies) are occurring in large numbers around the forest where dragons live.
Yes, it's a massive outbreak.
He said, "There are about 200 or 300 of them."
Quite a few hopeless figures emerged from Sagitta, who tells the details of the current situation. - This would certainly be a veteran assassin. He would also say "troublesome" and run his mouth.
Two hundred or three hundred bugs, huh?
"Can you think of it as something like a massive outbreak of inago?"
My hometown is a small country village.
In the fifteen years I've lived, there shouldn't have been that much flashy pest damage.
However, the damage to the extent of the blow to the village's finances had occurred on several occasions.
"Right. I think that's fine."
Bugs are... or numbers are troublesome.
The higher the number, the less hands this one has, the harder it will be to deal with.
Not to mention a dragonfly.
They fly in the sky, so I don't want to imagine how much trouble it's going to be.
"It's the middle of winter, isn't it? No matter how warm the kingdom of the Beast is, dragonflies fly at this time of year."
It won't be until autumn that there will be worms. Seasonless.
"Once in a few years, I've heard of these things. Formerly a demon living in a dragon forest, so does it take shape to come out of the forest?
Well, for some reason, it's like a forest populated by a lot of dragons.
You shouldn't think in common sense. - It's not a bug in the first place, it's a monster. "
Well, well.
I'm talking about demons, and I can't help but talk about common bugs.
"However, Zhu Dragonfly doesn't want to be too far from the Dragon Forest. Of course, there are people who fall apart, and there are small flocks flowing all the way to this country.
I think the Horsebeasts who spoke earlier moved the place out of fear of this. "
Can't stay out of the woods...
When that happens, is that it?
"The adventurers of this city don't move."
It's scattered all over the place, if you want to move around.
If you're not leaving near the woods, you shouldn't be getting your hands on it badly.
"By the way, is there a demon feeding that dragonfly?
- You're sharp.
Well, it's sharp, because the mindset around here is hunter's domain.
"It is. Actually, this dragonfly, the forest dragon, feeds it. So on the contrary, it's not good to kill too much (...)"
Oh, that's not good.
"When the feed runs out, the dragon is more likely to come to the crowd."
then...... oh well.
"That's a lot of trouble."
The flock of dragonflies is flying around the narrow area between the forest where the dragon lives and the outside world, and it is absolutely impossible to enter the forest like this?
If you go, you'll definitely get attacked.
First of all, the numbers are hopeless.
With us combined with "Blackbird," the total of thirteen, there's no way of counting two hundred or three hundred.
There are hundreds of things I don't know, even though I'm afraid I don't know the strength of an individual dragonfly in the first place. The number of violence is not half.
A few.
Speaking of numbers, it reminds me of the Zombie Soldiers.
The Zombie Soldier Crusade, which we did on the Bryn Tower, was to deal with hundreds of zombies.
The technique of mass purification by the magician Rio Dyne made it quite easy, though.
But this time, the condition is not to hunt too much (...).
For example, if Rio Dyne can use wide-ranging offensive magic magic, maybe he can do something about Zhu Dragonfly.
But then, the dragon feeding Zhu Dragonfly (dragon fries) is gone from eating, and as a result, the dragon is more likely to come to the crowd and attack people.
It's only a possibility.
I can't say absolutely.
However, this possibility is irrevocable.
Even if the dragon is unlikely to come to people, it won't be a good problem to touch.
We're not residents here, we're just travelers passing through.
There's no way those guys can mess with the living environment irresponsibly.
And then...
"You have limited means."
While I was talking to Sagitta, Lisse, Berge and Rio Dyne woke up and got to the same table.
Celier and Caroferon are still awake.
Whatever Cellier is, Caroferon has had a cat with him since last night, so he must be hard to wake up like me and playing with a cat.
- I'm waiting for her when this happens.
"You want me to put you to sleep or make you temporarily incapacitated and go through in the meantime? I wonder if that's how you can take it."
I think Rio Dyne's right, too.
So I just want to hear the opinion of Caroferon, a drug specialist... I'm sure he's playing with cats and it's hard to wake up. When are they gonna wake up?
"What do you think of 'Blackbird'?
And, Berge asks Sagitta. By the way, the "Blackbirds" are staying in another inn.
"From an escort's point of view, you'd suggest we stay away. Because their job isn't to kill demons, it's to be our escort.
I don't think he'll admit to going into a visible threat. "
Glock looks appropriate and is very serious about his job. Boyne the Force Majeure pissed me off.
Given his attitude to his work, he would never want to get his hands on Zhu Dragonfly (Dragonfly).
- It's just that that's their circumstance.
We have to go inside the Dragon Nation.
We enter during the winter, when the movements of the Dragon Nation are dull, and during the period up to spring, we investigate the inside, the woods, and their driven dragons.
That's what we're here for.
I can't wait long to see when a bunch of demons will be gone.
"What do we do?
...... hmm? What are we gonna do?
Sajita asked me, and Lisse and the others are looking at me.
Oh, well.
Was I the leader of this investigation team?
Sagittarius on the surface, but it's actually working on my initiative. There was nothing wrong up to this point, so it just went as planned without any particular instructions.
However, the troubled dragonfly (dragonfly) is an unplanned event.
- Right.
So when Sajita met this morning, she suddenly told the story of Zhu Dragonfly... and reported the current problem?
To ask for my instructions.
Well, let me give you some directions.
"Mr. Sagitta, come and talk to the escorts to convey his will to 'go to the woods'. Listen to their opinions and report back."
"Lisse, Berge and Rio Dyne can gather information about Zhu Dragonfly."
There seems to be no objection, and the three nod.
And me.
"I'll tell Celier, Caroferon what's going on, and I'll talk to her about if I can't target a drug-based crackdown. We'll meet here again at noon.
Then - Dismissed. "
In this way, we set out to combat dragonfly.