My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
447. Mr. Glasses, explain the situation
"- I see. I mean, do you still feel obscure?"
Waiting for Lisse and Hariatan to finish their lunch, they moved to the inn where they were staying.
It is a nice room that seems quite expensive.
I don't think anyone would have to worry about asking me if I were here.
They're taking separate rooms, so they packed three people in Hariatan's room and told me what's going on with Hydra and Barbarant from me.
That said, although I couldn't explain it satisfactorily because I still don't know much about it. Even I have a lot to know.
"Perhaps only Hydra, Eolazel and Marion... no, maybe Hydra is the only one who knows the plan yet"
Seems like a big enough plan to take on a country, like I'm the one with the little one butting in.
Intelligence leaks definitely strangle - so it's likely Hydra hasn't told anyone the plan yet.
Lisse counts fingerfolds.
"Cellier, Rio and Caron won't be joining us first, will they?
The three of them are employed at a research institute in Nastiara.
This story takes days, and I don't know how long they'll be in custody, so they haven't asked me out from the start.
"Florentine, Schren and Ayle in the Barbarant group"
We're already face-to-face.
And Lisse and Hariatan will be coming in this way, too, I wonder.
"Eolazel, Sash, Berge and Shilo are the Civil Unrest, right?
"Yeah. I haven't seen him, but that's what Schren's info looks like"
I thought Sash and Berge were coming to King Barbarant's capital, and I was willing to rendezvous with them here.
They went to the mess side to see what happened.
"So, is it okay that Hydra and Marion, who are being dug for gold in the pit, are in the same group?
"To be exact, I don't know where Marion is. But that's what I know."
- Okay, here's the problem.
"What happened to the tiger?
Yes, Hariatan's question is the best.
She's the only one who doesn't know where he is in sync more than he and Lisse are in front of him.
I wonder where the cat beast man Trawl is.
"Two years ago, we didn't talk about what we were gonna do?
Lisse graduated in the kingdom of the Beast with me, so you won't know about the people who graduated in the tower.
So ask Hariatan.
"Oh, I did. I've been asked by Sash to be an adventurer since before graduation. And Lisse, right?
"Yeah, well, I guess I didn't have to be invited to be an adventurer,"
Lisse possesses "qualities" that specialize in demons.
"I don't know about tigers...... I think he did say something about going somewhere with Shiro. I'm not sure because I pinched it in my ear, and I don't have any more information."
I see.
Then maybe he's already here.
"Right. It wouldn't be weird to come with us if Shiro were here."
"- I mean, wouldn't Florentine know? It's a tower. We were very close."
You seemed to be close, too. You were having square relations or something, weren't you?
... but right.
Sure looks like there's a chance Florentine would know.
............... Yeah, I wonder if there is.
"... Huh? What? What happened with Florentine?
You didn't say anything to Lisse. She seemed uncomfortable with me.
"It's getting a little hard to see you..."
I'm also scared of Lisse's invisible flat hands, but Florentine simply seems to be getting real (...), isn't she?
Nothing, she's not scared of herself... but in an environmental way, I was wondering if I could see her a little easier.
"Did something happen to him? Is there something wrong with him? You're so strong."
No, yeah, I don't know, it's so strong, but it feels like it's because.
"Frankly, he was getting like a mafia boss"
""... oh "
Have you thought that plainly for two years now around these two being so convincing? I always thought I looked like the boss's daughter in the back.
"Because I'm really just a country hunter now. Honestly, it's hard to meet a mafia boss."
"Well, you're twice as alert."
Yes, I'm timid. The hunter is just as timid as he is.
"Sounds like a mafia boss, or..."
Lisse arms up.
"Then maybe you have a choice not to dare see me.
From the point of view of Barbarant, we're irrelevant others, and it seems like it would be more useful to make it look like there's no connection. "
I think there is.
Given what we're going to do, there's also a great chance that someone will get caught by a soldier.
You might want to make them think there's no connection on the surface so that everyone doesn't get pulled into the taro formula.
If they all get caught, that's what makes them impossible to rescue.
If you're not going to get caught breaking out of jail on your own, like Hydra, you won't be spared the lack of preparation. Jailbreak is supposed to be a tough business.
With me or Schren not supposed to be around, it would be perfect for roles in carrying each other's information and plans.
Because we can always disappear.
"- But there's still not much to think about."
Indeed, the information we have now alone is limited.
However, I think there's going to be some movement soon.
"The explanation of the circumstances seemed like after waiting for the synchronization. So I guess I'll be hearing from you more than you've arrived."
The situation is the situation.
The signs of civil unrest are getting stronger and stronger, and there are more soldiers around the castle town.
As it is, the King's capital's vigilance only increases and makes it difficult to move.
If it moves, you should hurry.
Of course, the timing must be foreseen.
By the way.
"Are you going to help Hydra escape?
Sash and Berge said they would decide after hearing the circumstances.
Me and Florentine are going to move to stop the civil unrest or minimize the damage, so Hydra's jailbreak is no longer my top priority.
Or Hydra seems to have Hydra's purpose, so she won't need to be involved.
"I'll work with you. If it's for the beauty, it's the man who does it."
I see, Hariatan joins with a lower heart.
"I knew you were concerned about civil unrest. If you or Florentine want to do something about it, I can help. Hydra feels like she could do anything by herself. And if Marion were here, it wouldn't be very rare."
Lisse's help is appreciated.
She's too serious, but good, I'm sure she'll help.
I thought there was an immediate move, but that was faster than I thought.
Late this night, when I came into contact with Hariatan and Lisse, the last of them came into contact with us.
Well, the last one (...) or the last one (...)?
- I really, really never thought I'd be able to reconnect with the arr (...) that I should have completely forgotten in the last two years.