My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
450. Mr. Glasses, the day before the operation was decided
"Oh Nero. How have you been?
"Oh, no... it's definitely a dust cat (Ashcat), right?
Is that it?
"Haven't you seen Hariatan?
"You just saw it for a second. Don't go to the Land of the Beasts. I couldn't have bothered you because you were so bummed."
Oh, well.
I signed with Nero just before I left. In the kingdom of the Beast... or to operate within the Dragon Nation, because Nero was needed.
"I've hunted wild dust cats (ashcats) before... they're just big cats when you look at them like this"
Yeah. This is a cat I can love.
When I met him, he was nothing but a killer burly demon, but now he's a complete cat. It's only a cat. A subpoena, to be exact. But it is a love cat.
- Well.
"Cats are fine now, let's get started"
Last night, I got a message from Trawl - from Hydra if you want to trace Taiyuan.
Now it is the night after that.
I asked Florentine to get me one empty room in the slam.
This is our Asia.
I'll pull it off at the same time as the operational decision, so there's nothing here. The lights are also brought in.
It's just that there's a table and a chair, and a cat (Mihari) is sleeping for when it needs to be on the rug. I'm just sleeping out of my belly.
Lisse, who went to stroke Nero to be sucked in, and Hariatan, who said he stroked him, are called to get him to the table.
This is going to be an operational meeting.
- When they say discuss in this face, I recall discussing it at the Bryn Tower for an assignment.
Should I say it's only two years or should I say it's been two years now?
I miss it a little, so I guess the latter one.
"I kind of miss you. It's a meeting of demon hunting team challenges, this."
"Oh, yeah. Two years since then. You're early."
Thinking seemed to go hand in hand.
- I'll see what's going on.
But I can't just miss him, so I move on.
"Schren made his way to the Marquis of Monti as planned.
Tell Eolazel about this policy, evil god... he gave me the wooden statue of Florentine and said he'd be back the night after tomorrow, so we need to work out a major muscle operation by then "
With an evil statue, it is possible to communicate the operation.
Florentine says, "I can't do this for a long time" or "I have a limited time to blow it into your doll and then use it", but there seems to be a limit to communication.
Only this time, no problem.
I plan to wait for Shren to come back and hear his views on the roughly set up operation before deciding on one.
It will then be communicated to Eolazel via the statue of the evil god (homecoming) to celebrate the night when Hydra moves.
"I don't know if it helps, but we've been purchasing information around the right to inherit the throne all day today. You don't know, do you?
I snort honestly.
I hear you've been collecting information for the Hariatans.
I don't want you to move too much now that you're on heightened alert... but isn't it so unnatural for adventurers to gather information that might involve rough things?
Because if you're a good adventurer, you care about the domestic situation.
So soldiers won't see it that hard either. If it's enough to gather information.
But information on the throne inheritance issue?
What I want to do is contain the damage caused by civil unrest. I thought you didn't care about the right to inherit the throne.
Because local villages and common people are more important to me than what happens to royalty.
There are parts of me that I didn't dare to put in my ear because knowing more might make it difficult to move.
"Should I know that, too? Wouldn't it be hard to move if I found out?
- For example, if I knew what reason Eolazel, who should have been a prince, was chased by Barbarant, I might take his side. I think so.
But if taking Aeorazel's side is going to spread or prolong the damage of civil unrest...
So I don't think I need to know.
"Hmm...... what do you think, Lisse?
"Well, because this time our stance is not on the royal side, nor on the side of Eolazel. If you don't know, I don't. But I hope so."
"Then I'm good"
If Lisse were to say, "You don't have to know," you wouldn't interfere with the operation if you didn't.
I've already decided on a stance.
Whatever the circumstances, we move to contain civil unrest.
I don't even have time for this. Now I don't need information that seems to diverge my purpose.
Our meeting went on for so long that the matter was so great as to involve the inheritance of a country's throne that it remained inconclusive after all night.
It is after noon that the great muscles have been created, and we are to gather again tonight to pack them a little more finely.
About two days crumbled in such an operational meeting - Schren is back.
- Yeah, I see.
I'll give Schren, who came to Azito, a description of the operation he set up here first.
He nodded one time and looked at me.
"Let's go inside the castle, too. You'll be a little less burdened."
"Hey, you okay?
"No problem."
To Hariatan's voice of anxiety, Schren answers clearly.
"But we, the team was different at the tower, so we don't really know what Schren can do. If it's me... well, it's me..."
"I don't know."
I kind of get it.
I guess Lisse wants to say, "I don't know if I'm going to accompany you because it could be my foot job."
If it fails, it's definitely the job of executing things.
Whoever it is won't be able to take the extra baggage.
"Schren. I'm not questioning your prowess, but if you're going to move in the same place, I want to know what you can do"
It's my job to break into the castle.
If you want to accompany me, I think you need to know in advance how strong you are and what you can do with me.
That's exactly what you do, not in a situation where you can take care of someone.
If you do it badly, you'll both be caught and put to death.
I want to get rid of any extra worries and anxiety buds from the beginning.
"- Don't worry. The intrusion route will look for a way out of your sight, apart from your actions in the castle.... but I know exactly how you feel about that. I would say the same thing if I were in the opposite position, and I would ask you to disclose the information."
And, Schren put a bar-shaped knife out of his pocket.
"I can do this"
Schren dropped the knife on the table.
"What's going on?
I didn't reach the table.
The knife remains (...) floating in space (...).
"I'm not even willing to reveal my name, but 'my qualities' are 'gravity'. Simply 'heavy' the weapons of soldiers and knights would kill enough fighting power.
You don't think I'm gonna hit an op I just heard and put it on? It won't hurt anyone. "
... I see.
"Okay. Let's go together."
I think I've done something wrong...
I've done a lot of research on "quality" just because it has "glasses properties".
There it is.
To me, who originally knew that "nourishment," with all of Schren's explanations, "his nourishment" became "visible".
- Schlenn's "material" is called "Hazardous Screw (Gajra)".
It is said to be a very rare "nourishment", with the name of the Scale God passed down to the East. Details were also "able to act on gravity" and only to that extent had information.
I guess I met the conditions by getting more information based on "seeing" and "seeing" where I was actually using it.
the addition of gravity, or.
It is a powerful "material". Really dependable.
From there, Schren concluded his last meeting without disputing the operation in particular.
I called Florentine, who had dared to act like she was not involved, and greetings such as it had been a long time, were there to explain this operation to Eolazelle through the statue of the evil god (return).
- "I understand it all. Let's do exactly what we did."
Now we're ready.
And then, each one of them... especially if I don't screw up, the damage to the civil unrest will be minimized.
... Oh, I'm getting nervous. This can't be without a cat. Let's sleep with the cat today.
Operation decision is tomorrow night.
He managed to be critical and was ready in time.