My Glasses Will Be Able to Conquer the Whole World, I Suppose.
456. Disturbance in the Kingdom of Barbarant, Late Night Zone 3
Nearly two hundred people lurked in the woods as close to the Kingdom of Barbarant.
Soldiers prepared by the Marquis of Monti and mercenaries who spoke up for this time.
"Hmm... that's good"
"Oh, it stings"
"I want another drink, okay?
They waited for time as they shook in the early winter cold and rinsed the warm soup.
As soon as the signal is given by the royal castle…… precisely the moment Asiczaria, the first prince who sees the signal, gives instructions, he is expected to storm the castle of Barbarant.
The situation is that I have already gone to the battlefield, but my body is tense due to the cold.
Even if it's on fire, it's pretty good.
If there's a nice smell of warm soup in there, I want to reach out to whoever it is.
"- That smells good. You're selling it?
I guess this is how it came about. A few mercenary-like people call out to the man scratching the big pot around and his turn for soup.
I can see a lot of soldiers and mercenaries sipping soup around, so I can see they're handing it out for a fee or free. So I talked to a lot of people.
"No, it's free. I didn't put any gear in it because it was before the battle, but I need you to warm up."
The man with the soup number who answered so leans over a transparent soup in a wooden vessel. I'd love to have meat in it, even if it's sliced, but I don't eat as much stuff before the fight as I do professionally. Heavier in the body.
"Appreciate it"
"I can't drink right now."
"Oh, that's good. This... would be great with meat in it."
The warriors who are going to the battlefield will have only a few moments of soothing time.
"- Thanks for everything, Shilo. I'm coming through."
Rounding in front of a luxurious tent, a giant white wolf - a voice to the werewolf beast Siloccherolo, before Eolazel steps inside.
She is an escort.
In this situation, where it is not strange to be targeted for life by anyone, it is an awesome shield, a spear and a fang that leaves the raiders and assassins by the time of perfection.
Many people are alarmed by the fact that they are not people.
Now she's already done some work without anyone noticing.
"- Ah, brother..."
Inside the tent, there is one First Prince Asiczaria. He had his head and was trembling with a bright blue face.
To Ashik Zaria, who originally weighed more on knowledge than Wu, this situation… I guess the situation that there is going to be war is at last heavy on the mind and spirit.
Lots of people are going to bleed and die.
That's Asiczaria's ordinance, too.
I don't know about royalty, but if you're a decent person, it's natural that you have something to feel.
Asiczaria is unlikely to be a strong king.
But you can be a king who knows the weight of the wounds and lives of your people.
If it weren't for these irregular things in the first place, I wouldn't have been on the battlefield.
Now is the time in the world of Tahei when culture and technology are honored over war.
But this event.
Irregular, but certainly also inevitable as royalty. This kind of home commotion (...) is not uncommon for succession to the throne.
"Looks like I'm glad I got here soon."
That said, Eolazel sits in a crate instead of a chair.
Asic Zaria is so hunted down that it will be crushed by heavy pressure as it is.
I think I'm going to throw up, call out, cry out.
"Now the reward is in. It's progressing fine over there."
"Ho, is that true!?
Eolazel nods and herself tells a rather relieved continuation.
"If we succeed, there will be no dead."
- "I'm not answering" is just restful. Optimistic hope.
I want to believe that it's only minimal, but... no, I can't, given the strength of the sync.
It's just that right now, right now...
"You can go back to that chair without tarnishing the night and the throne."
Even if it's a lie, I can only desperately support my brother who's about to crumble.
I often talk to Asic Zaria and leave the tent.
and - in front of the tent, Siroccarolo sat and waited.
"What's wrong with you?
When asked so, the white wolf turns in the direction of God.
I followed my gaze... people were down. If you look closely, you're not alone. There are about two of them.
"Right. Thank you. You saved me again."
Apparently, Siroccarolo did some escort work for me.
We do not know who the fallen are.
I look like a mercenary in my outfit, but I'm losing my mind, so I can't possibly talk.
Are you the assassin who came after Asiczaria's neck, or did you try to sell Asiczaria's neck into a second prince Dusty Orb for a souvenir?
- Either way, little things before they matter.
"You can leave them alone."
Soon a signal will come from Barbarant and it will move. I don't have time to think about dealing with it.
"Just hang out with me a little longer. Please."
Ciroccarolo answered nothing and circled in front of the tent again. The action is the answer.
When the night was deepening and tension was rising.
Did the eorazel have somewhat of an encouraging effect, with the fine sword that Ashiczaria is unfamiliar with on her hips, waiting for her to stand with dignity.
The soldiers, if stuck, are moving at the direction of the Marquis of Monti.
And the mercenaries are gold.
- But the way our own generals stand unabashedly is quite reliable.
At least I can feel a little relieved if I don't give orders to let you die in vain.
Plus, the white wolf who's always beside the prince.
It has an intelligent atmosphere that doesn't seem like just a beast, and is as beautiful and smart as a holy beast listening to a fairy tale.
A prince who obeys something like that is likely to be illusioned that it is destiny or righteousness that heaven has ordained.
Besides, that suspicious squire.
He wears a hood deep in public and doesn't expose his face to anyone, but he's quite a man as far as he can see. It is also a beautiful man no less than a prince. Both women and men, dictated like light mouths, are so beautifully shaped that they can't help but be aware.
The way those two and one head look at the Barbarant kingdom still from the shade of the tree is nothing more than a blooming hua on the battlefield.
The few female mercenaries, to the Rin Prince, to the suspicious squire, to the white and luxurious chest hair. Seeing princes, suspicious squires and white, extravagant chest hairs while usually winning and masculine female mercenaries cackle like just girls and get intrigued by rumors can be turned white by fellow mercenaries who know their horrible nature like killing and exciting creatures with laughter, but it doesn't matter if some male mercenaries are also in love with princes, squires and chest hairs, or if they have a slightly unusual sexuality.
- A small light blinked three times, more than in the direction of the Barbarant.
The signal I've been waiting for is finally here.
"All hands! Gather around!!
Rarely does Eolazel raise his voice and finally gather the soldiers and mercenaries he was preparing for.
They move fast just because they were ready.
In no time, more than two hundred righteous and bloodthirsty men gather to pay attention to their own general, the true prince - the first prince of the Kingdom of Barbarant, Asic Zaria Ray Blue Barbarant, who is a step high on a crate.
"I won't tell you much!
There is no other sound.
Asic Zaria's voice passes on this occasion where only fervor and madness can stand back. - If you look closely, your body and your verbal lips are trembling, but you are desperate to keep face to face with your royal abdominal skills.
"For money or loyalty! You don't have to do this for me! For each desire and ambition - fight with me!
"- Whoa, whoa!
Pulling out the fine sword and putting it up, the men, already daunted to the brink of explosion, bark like beasts.
And not to be beaten by those beasts, Eolazel raised his voice again.
"Hand out a cup of economy over this! Drink up with us and hit Barbarant Castle!!
The man who was the soup number and a few people who seemed to help turn the cup to everyone. It's a crude, small vessel because of the high number, but I don't care about that now.
When the vessel is handed out, now whoever passes from right to left pours the liquor, nibbling and flashy.
Soon, vessels and poured liquor were prepared in everyone's hands.
The smell of alcohol rises a bit even though it's sneezy - but now that everyone is dawning, it's not something that bothers me.
"- Bye! For each battle!
Asic Zaria, who took the head, put a vessel on his mouth.
And the soldiers and the mercenaries, they drank all the time.
Then after a while.
"... wiped out..."
Ashiczaria groaned.
Soon after he drinks up, one, and another, soldiers and mercenaries fall.
If you noticed, almost everyone had fallen on the spot.
"Oh, oh... Oh, oh..."
"... uhh, uhh, uhh..."
But those who have not fallen are also groaning and unable to move quickly.
- Thus, more than two hundred people gathered for civil unrest were wiped out before they fought.