My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 82

"She is the same as Votegen, the mysterious child protected by the power of the island. Yes, the conceptual heart that has absorbed her power should be no weaker than Votegen, with both the power of the island and the dragon species. This kind of power, Arthur's ability will definitely exceed expectations!"

He looked at the young man in front of him excitedly, longing for him as a magician of God and nodded in affirmation.

"It is feasible, but the specific situation needs to be observed, but..."


"She is your daughter."

The young man’s question silenced the old man for a while, and after a while, Youser said indifferently: “She can’t, she can’t beat Votigeng.”

"When she grows up, she may be able to compete with the incarnation of the island's Fu Tigeng, but it is as difficult as climbing to win if she wants to win. She has no such possibility."


The youth's rare silence, the old man in front of him is crazy in his eyes, human nature seems to have been unable to hold him, he has become more and more unscrupulous for the purpose of that ideal king over the years.

"That kid, is it Morgan Lefey?"

"Yes, you know her."

"I saw her before to observe the power of the island."

"That's it." Youser stood up and seemed to be thinking about something. After a moment, he said, "You approach him as a mentor, and observe how her island power grows and adapts?"


The rare frown of the young man seemed to be puzzled by the old man's proposal.

"It's my daughter anyway. Although it is natural to dedicate myself to Britain, I am still afraid that I will be affected by my feelings."

Uther walked to the center of the room, only the tall training cabin was left in his eyes.

"You said you don't have feelings, Merlin is unreliable. It is best for you to approach her."

"You will neither have pity nor sadness. It is so easy to pretend to be her good teacher. You don't have to bother to teach. Just take her around and play. After all, it is my child. I hope she can get through it before death. A happy time."

Looking at the data in the training cabin, the old man entrusted his daughter as if he had ordered chores.

"...Well, for our goal, as you wish."


A few days later.

"Lan Qing, you actually want to be the first prince's tutor? Oh, oh, this is really..."

The frivolous flower magician acting as a guide led the youth to turn left and right through the magnificent palace, talking endlessly about his thoughts.

"Initially I thought Lan Qing was my kind, not emotional and ignorant of the world. I didn't expect to read it wrong. You would actually see this troublesome thing on your body. What kind of mood change is it?"

Merlin turned his head, his goal was still the poker face that was beautiful but without emotional fluctuations, he raised his eyebrows, and started talking to himself again.

"But speaking of it, King Youser has finally begun to face his own child, and that is, he is also a father anyway. It is also an obligation to find a good teacher for his child."

"To be honest, he has become more and more paranoid since the implementation of the Ideal King plan. I thought he would hate this child who is protected by the power of the island just like Vodgon."

He looked back again and found that the youth's expression remained unchanged, and the magician of the flower sighed.

"Lan Qing, you won't be welcomed by the children like this, just smile a little."

"Don't worry, I will play the role of an approachable mentor. The disguise is perfect. The chance of seeing the first queen is close to zero."


Merlin was speechless, and after thinking about it, he added: "Perhaps because of the lack of parental company since childhood, the first female character is a bit timid to admit birth. I am not good at coaxing children. I can only rely on Lan Qing."

"Aren't you good at it? Maybe one day you will be your child's mentor."

"No, no, how could I take that kind of trouble."

Mei Lin repeatedly denied Yin Lan's prediction, and the two unconsciously walked to the front door of the meeting room.

"That's it, the first queen is in it, Lan Qing, I will leave first."

The flower magician who completed the task hurriedly slipped away, without knowing which woman he fell into. The young man watched him walking away and turned and pushed the door inside.

Behind the door is the exquisitely decorated living room. At this time, on the antique sofa, there is a little platinum blonde fidgeting girl.

The sound of the young man pushing the door caught her attention. She raised her head and hurriedly got up from the sofa. She looked at the approaching figure and said timidly but diligently:

"I, I...I'm Morgan Leffey, it's nice to meet you, teacher!"

The young man stood still and looked at the girl who had plucked up the courage to look at him with tears in her eyes and her body was trembling. He paused for a moment and responded:

"Well, I am your mentor, you can call me-Lan."

The story of the two began.

Author's message:

ps: Don’t worry, I’m a little busy during Mid-Autumn Festival, there are still today

Chapter 75 The Change of Two People (4/6)

Then, time passed.

In this way, young people with almost no emotions and children who lack caring began to play like learning in the name of mentor and apprentice.

They look for mutant creatures in the sea, watch the performance of animal souls in the magical realm, and look up at the once-in-a-century meteor in the mountains.

Their footprints covered thousands of mountains and rivers, and traveled across Britain. During this long time together, the girls gradually opened up their hearts and became cheerful and lively, and their talents began to gradually shine.

In every day that seemed to be happy, the two approached the end of the plan.

In a dimly lit room with dense pipelines, Youser looked at Yin Lan who was busy not far away and asked incomprehensibly.

"what are you doing?"

"Translate the classics of the magician of God."

"Huh? You actually do this kind of public welfare? To the Royal Library?"

"No, this is Morgan's textbook."

The young man continued his homework without raising his head, but Yusser frowned when he heard about it for the first time.

"What do you teach her to do?"