My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 91

The overly straightforward statement made the ownership of the House of Lords all stunned. After a short silence, there were overwhelming accusations and abuses.

"Boy what are you talking about?"

"God! It's really a tide of magic power, how can it be!"

"Look at what good things you did!"

Rages, sighs, screams of horror, all kinds of sounds mixed together to make people's brains ache, Kai looked at the world in this chaotic world, and continued to speak.

"I haven't finished talking yet."

"Less than ten days have passed since civilization fell."

"This disaster was caused by man-made Votigeng."

"We can stop the disaster by attacking Camelot within ten days and defeating the Humble King."

One by one, blockbuster bombs were dropped on the powerful, the House of Lords finally returned to silence after the noise. The powers in various fields and the heads of the family began to think silently and digest the information they had just learned.

Violet Duke Mordel closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, and finally asked: "Could the king have the will? What do you think the Prime Minister should do?"

"We haven't contacted Wang yet."

One sentence of Kay made the dignitaries who were afraid of being tied to the chariot a breath of air, while the next sentence made them doubt their ears.

"I think that a national mobilization order should be issued to reorganize all the people over 16 years old and under 60 years old in Britain to enter the magical land, including some prisoners in prison, and the leading garrisons. All effective strategic plans should be launched to cooperate in the shortest time. Our troops in the Demon Territory launched an attack on Camelot."


An aristocratic viscount stood up first and interrupted Kay's next words. He patted the tabletop with an angry face.

"The country’s strategic plan will not be mentioned for the time being. All the equipment and weapons used by the garrison are our private property, and many of them are even the lower heroes that we have brought at a huge price. You are infringing on our rights. !"

Kay looked at the Viscount with no expression, while the other dignitaries in the House of Lords looked mixed, hesitant, contemptuous, contemplative, agreeing, at least for the time being, no one stood up to refute him.

The Viscount seemed to be encouraged in this silence. He opened his arms and shouted in the chamber like the protagonist of the drama.

"Everyone, think about your magically adaptable children, relatives and friends. When Wang loses contact and I don't know anything about it, is it really a wise choice to send them to the Demon Realm like this?"

"Once the action fails, under the catastrophe of the magic tide and the fall of civilization, there will probably be very few survivors of the expeditionary army. How can we who have lost everything stand in the world?"

Kai raised his head and looked at the magnificent ceiling silently. The words of the Viscount in front of him were on his mind. Yes, it's troublesome, I really want to run.

Kai understands the thoughts of these indecisive dignitaries. Even if the country is in distress, as long as they hold the wealth and power in their hands, where can they not be happy?Although there is no power, it is more than enough to be a rich man.

Otherwise I can run too?This is the fall of civilization, and the feat of redemption is unprecedented. I am afraid that only fools will stay here and wait for death, right?other people?What do they care about?

In the sloppy consciousness, the familiar smiling face of the blond girl appeared in front of her, surrounded by her friends who walked through the ups and downs with Kai.

Yeah, now...

The gushing magic power is like explosives, exerting its power under the drive of the flesh, Kay waved his arm in the air, and the strong blow of the fist knocked the Viscount who was persuading everyone to the ground.

The Viscount’s body knocked over the table and slid on the ground. In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, Kai calmly stood up, and the Viscount tremblingly climbed up, covering his bleeding cheeks and pointing to the one who dared to commit violence on such a formal occasion. knight.

"You, how dare you!"

"Viscount Brent."

Kay reached out and picked up the file on the table in front of him.

"Before you accuse me, I want to read your charge."

"Charge? What are you talking about!"

"Two hours ago, you just met your lawyer Marshall. According to our intelligence, Marshall was an undercover agent from the Gospel Council in Britain for more than ten years, and you know this well."

"As for the content of your conversation, it is that he asked you to advocate retreat in the parliament. For this reason, he is willing to unconditionally accept your family to seek refuge in the Pacific Federation and provide large sums of funds and real estate. Specifically, let me see... ...The West Coast area, a big deal."

Viscount Brent's face was distorted in Kay's ridicule, and then he retorted hoarsely: "Framework! This is absolutely framed!"

"There are 13 hours and 25 minutes ago, you took the initiative to contact the French Minister of Finance of the European Union, but your application for asylum was rejected, and before..."

Brent listened to the crimes that were announced to the public with a hell look on his face. The evidence tossed on the ground was more detailed than he could think of. He trembled his lips but couldn't speak.

Kai calmly read the investigation information from the Assassin organization, put down the documents in his hand, and looked at him like a sword.

"According to the British Wartime Emergency Plan and Article 42 of the King Arthur Wartime Regulations, I declare that you have been deprived of all duties and arrested for treason."

The guards who had been waiting on both sides rushed forward to mention Viscount Brent, who was dumbfounded in front of a large number of evidence, and walked out of the House of Lords in the complicated eyes of many powerful and powerful people.

Kai turned to face the silent people, his eyes were angry but his voice was calm and said: "I know what some of you here are thinking, and it's just as you think."

"There are always people who lie on the lion named Britain and suck blood, but they hook up with the Gospel Council on the other side of the ocean, and they are glaring with Europe across the strait."

"Before, the king's tolerance and kindness protected you, but now..."

Kai smashed his hands on the table in front of him, the wood turned into powder and scattered on the ground in the loud roar.

"The country will die! Britain is at stake!"

He drew out his decorative saber and threw it to the ground under his feet. Encased in magic, the gorgeous artwork turned iron like mud, the earth splashed, and the earth of the sword was trembling.

"Any crime has a time for liquidation, and I hope, at least not today."

"Dying like a maggot under the evidence of the crime, fleeing like a coward, or picking up the sword, stepping on the horse, charging for reputation and glory, and fighting to the end for the motherland and the people!"


"Unite as one, do our best to share the destiny with the country!"

"Who agrees?"

"Who opposes?"

In the hoarse roar, Kai's red eyes scanned the entire House of Lords, like a beast who chose to eat, and amidst the evasive gaze and silence, one figure finally stood up.

Violet Duke Mordel stood up, his beard trembled on his old face, and he smiled grimly, like an old lion.

"That's good, but it's not your turn to teach us, boy!"

Chapter 82 The Heroes of Britain (5/6)

In the House of Lords, the faction of meritorious nobles raised their heads and looked at the figure standing in the front.

Mordel's face flushed, and the humiliation of the kid in front of him made him furious. He raised his eyes and glanced at Kai, and asked mockingly, "Who do you think we are?"

"Timid? Run away? Pooh!"