My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 156

By the campfire on the shore, Malda squatted and muttered to herself with her hands on her knees. Jeanne looked at such a senior with a wry smile, and handed the army food.

"Malda, eat something."


The blue-haired saint took the compressed biscuits and looked at the opposite man biting bitterly. Although she could not blame Roland rationally, Malda was ashamed to death at the thought of being hugged naked by him for two days.

How can you get married from now on!

The blue-haired saint was tearful, but Roland on the opposite side was smiling.

It's been a long time since I saw such a lively girl.

Roland sighed. In that half a century ago, what he saw most was the despair and fear and lifelessness that existed in almost everyone's eyes. People nowadays probably don't know how precious a smile was in those days. s things.

Thinking of the past, Roland once again saw the face of the girl who died in his arms, and a heart-wrenching feeling suddenly struck him. His expression was distorted for a moment, and then he immediately forced his control to divert his attention. He turned his head and was seeing The blonde saint on the other side had a worried face.

"Under the crown, you..."

"It's okay."

Roland, who has been energized since waking up, smiled. He looked at the two people who were already energetic, and said: "After eating, rest early and leave tomorrow morning. The coffin board is too hard, I want to sleep in bed."

Author's message:

ps: I started paying back today, can you keep up with my Speed?

Chapter 23 Reunion

Roland and his group's return journey was simple.

After waking up to check his equipment, Roland returned the scepter of the cross that he had picked up from Hull’s Gate to Marda. He did not know whether it was the joy of the scepter's loss or the night after which he finally figured it out. The atmosphere between the two of them in the morning is no longer so tense , Malda can also inquire about Roland normally.

"Master Roland, your appearance seems to be different from the record."

"I'm in the soul state now, in the most essential form. The external information is just the appearance of the body I made. It's okay. Alisa and the others recognize me like this."

"That's it."

To answer the question, the three set out on their way home. After returning the hot spring to the crying Ifrit, the group left the Forest of the Nine Realms and finally breathed the air of civilization.

Compared with the time when he was in the Demon Realm, Roland was a bit reticent after he came out. After all, everything in the outside world has changed too much in the past half century, and he needs to take some time to adapt.

After rendezvous with the corresponding troops, Joan and Malda became a little busy. The two confirmed that Rogers was recovering from his injuries in a nearby hospital. Malda was relieved when he heard this, and Joan continued to arrange the return journey.

Seeing the two men's majestic appearance in front of outsiders, and remembering their embarrassment last night, Roland laughed unconsciously, and was immediately glared by Malda.

Because of the different appearances, Roland did not receive any special attention. After discussing with the Pope, Joan and Marda reported the mission in the name of failure. Roland covered his face and pretended to be the survivor of the mission. It was under the escort of the sainthood that the group boarded the plane and flew directly to Reims.


A few hours later, the Papal Palace.

Roland followed the nervous Marda and Joan, and entered the Pope’s Palace without any hindrance. After the door of the Jinjian Chamber was closed, the two saints waited for the Pope's arrival.

After all, it is the first time to see the deceased in half a century, and the Pope may have been impatient.

The two thought so, but the facts surprised them even more. Jin saw that the door to the Pope's palace was opened. Without the invitation of the maid, only the mechanical sound of [Almighty] gave instructions.

"The Pope is waiting for you, Lord Roland, please move in."

"Wait, wait, the bedroom? This..."

Although Joan was surprised but still calm, Malda asked with a somewhat unacceptable question. She looked at Roland who was standing on the side with a vigilant look. The meaning in her eyes was simple.

You don’t do anything abrupt, do you?

"Do I make you doubt that?"

Roland scratched his cheek helplessly, but Malda hesitated for a moment and reminded:

"Lisa-sama is already expensive as the Pope, so when we meet..."

Malda didn’t finish talking, but the meaning is already obvious. People will change. The subordinates who used to drink are now in high positions, and using the old attitude may be unpleasant, although Malda thinks Alisa It shouldn't be such a person, but still couldn't help reminding Roland.

The black-haired young man opened his eyes wide, and was a little surprised at this kind reminder from Malda. The girl seemed to be more kind and approachable than he thought. Could it be because of being held together for two days?

He responded vaguely, turning his head uncomfortably, then adjusted his mind and walked into the inner palace of the Pope.

Crossing the small bridge on the holy pond and crossing the corridor, the door of the papal house came into view. Roland stopped in front of the golden embossed and painted door, and then softly asked, "Alice?"

"Please come in."

Some hoarse voices came, and Roland pushed the door in and saw the red-haired beauty looking at him in the center of the room.


There was an unspeakable silence, and both of them were carefully observing each other's changes. After a while, Alisa choked and spoke first:

"I thought you were dead."


Roland's brain was blank for a while and he didn't know what to say, and while the red hair was floating, this was always awe-inspiring in front of outsiders. The Pope, who had walked the route of a strong woman for decades, had red eyes, and tears rolled from his pupils. Next, she walked step by step toward the figure that had appeared in her dreams countless times, choked up and said:

"You are missing, Anna Sister is gone, Nelson, Claude, John, are all dead, just, I am the only one left, you..."

Roland looked at Alyssa, who couldn't help crying halfway, and felt sad for a while. The friends around him died one by one. In the end, only himself was left. Roland didn't know how the youngest red-haired girl survived that. For a while, but after the same experience, he understands that it must be the pain and pressure of life better than death.

With tears in his eyes, he stepped forward and hugged the red-haired girl into his arms. Not only did the hugged Alisa didn't resist, but instead wrapped his arms around Roland and howled.

In that sad cry, Alyssa released all the weakness behind her decades of strength. Roland hugged the girl in distress. He tried his best to look up to the sky to suppress tears, but it didn't help.

After a long time, Alisha stopped crying a bit. She leaned in Roland’s arms and sobbed in a daze, seeming to remember the past, and Roland did not bother her, but stroked her head, just like the first time decades ago. The night the girl collapsed after killing the cultist.

"feel better now?"


After being silent for a while, Roland decided to change the subject. He thought for a while and asked:

"After we left, did anything big happen?"

"Too many things have happened, but when it comes to big things, it is probably to keep the fruits of victory you created."

Alyssa eased her emotions, and then smiled bitterly and said: "At that time, there were only a few old, weak, sick and disabled in the trial court. The achievements you created were too brilliant, and all the forces wanted to share their pie. It was the saddest period of time. Day, if it were not for the help of the Templars under your command, the Inquisition would probably not have survived that period."

The familiar words stunned Roland. He asked with some concern: "Are those guys okay now?"