My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 227

"I know what you are thinking. You used to have a lot of credit for the establishment of this country, but the Knights Templar gave it away, and you will naturally be unwilling, but now this issue is put aside for the time being, let's talk about it first. Talk about this country."

When Roland said this, he suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Morgan Lefy. He was a little bit fascinated: "Everyone who has gathered here at that time built it with the most lofty ideas, but I have to say Yes, as our group of people ages, this country also ages."

"The long sword of its philosophy is rusty, the spirit of unity no longer exists, the line of defense is full of holes, and the atmosphere of the high-level is even more rotten. The dream of Gao Jie has been stained little by little. Until now, the enemy's sword Put it on its neck."

He laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"I could have obeyed the rules of time and watched it decay and weather over the years, but unfortunately things were not satisfactory. In the arena of Europe, it may be old and may not be able to carry a gun and a horse, but I will never I can’t accept that it was slashed under the horse by the trash we had beaten to death, so I stepped forward and once again lighted the lantern that illuminates Western Europe."

"Then knights, please follow me again."

As he said so, he raised the hand that released the light, Bruce also raised his hand in a hurry, the next moment the light in the youth's hand fell on everyone who raised his hand, Bruce felt his body shake, a familiar force passed half a century later Bloom in the body again.

The old man grinned, and according to the old rules, he walked forward to receive the tasks that he had already written from the leader. After all the tasks were distributed, the people in the team needed to find their own companions. Then, under William’s organization, the crowd turned towards the one in front of the church. The man bowed slightly and turned away.

Bruce watched the nodding young man turn and leave, as in the past, that person's voice sounded behind him, reaching his ears like a sheltering spell.

"Knights, I am with you."

Chapter 97 You Are Guilty

Joan, wearing a straitjacket that restrains his magical powers, struggled painfully in the lower-level felon detention area of ​​the court cell.

She twisted her body, hoping to relieve the burning pain in her body. With light blonde hair draped over her shoulders, Jeanne opened her now-golden eyes, carefully thinking about why she became like this.

The trigger is undoubtedly the negative emotions deep in my heart. It is the jealousy and fear of watching my lover about to be taken over by other women. These feelings turned on a certain switch in Joan's heart and became himself. The perfect opportunity for degeneration.

But this kind of thing is just an incentive, what is the real main cause?Jeanne felt the mutation from the depths of his soul, and suddenly felt a somewhat familiar breath.

where?Where did I meet this kind of breath?

The confused eyes of Joan on the bed gradually widened. She had already thought of where she had felt this kind of breath. It was in the magical realm of the Iberian Peninsula. The young man gave her blue water droplets.

God's blood!

Why is there such a treasure in my body that cultists regard as treasure?And why didn't he die?Joan is very aware of the resistance of humanity to these gods. It is logically impossible for the two to coexist. She shook her head and temporarily did not pursue this academic issue, but began to think about how it entered herself. In vivo.

"It's the inhibitor! That woman lied to me!"

There was a twisted expression on Joan’s face that was intertwined with regret and anger. She just thought about it and understood that everything she had encountered came from the woman named Yedel in the incantation research room, with a cursed huge magic power overflowing from her body. , And was absorbed by the restraints to further strengthen the restraint.

The uncontrollable hatred made Joan knock her hand on the wall. Without the support of magic power, the girl's repeated fists quickly dripped with blood, and the pain made her frown. She shouted to the monitoring device:

"Hey, can you hear me? Yedel in the Incantation Research Room is a rape, everyone is fine, please tell me these words! Catch the damn woman!"

Joan gasped and waited for an answer, but she didn't get any movement. She was about to shout again, but a familiar voice that she hated deeply came from the terminal.

"Miss Joan, I heard you are looking for me?"


When the girl who was about to talk heard the sound, she seemed to be still and motionless, but the voice of a woman began to ring in the monitoring device.

"Your hand seems to be injured. This is not okay. As our valuable experimenter, you can't have any accidents, but it doesn't matter. I will diagnose for you."

Jeanne shook her body when she heard the words of the enemy, and a sense of coldness and powerlessness spread from the depths of her heart. She sternly shouted: "Yedel! What the fucking woman wants to do to me!"

There was no movement from the monitoring equipment again, only the sound of Joan's nervous breathing in the cell, and soon after the heavy iron door opened in the sound of air pressure, at the same time a magical chain appeared on the restraint, restricting Joan to the wall.

"Hello, long time no see, Miss Jeanne."

"Yedel, you bastard!"

"Oh, please calm down."

The intellectual woman in white clothes and glasses narrowed her reptile-like snake eyes and chuckled. She tapped the terminal on her wrist with her finger, and the chains that bound Joan immediately tightened and tied her firmly to the wall.

"Then, let us deal with the wound first."

Yedel walked to the girl's bleeding left hand, a faint light radiating from his hand to heal Jeanne.

"What the hell did you do to me!"

"You should have guessed it. The blood of Niederhogg I injected for you before, yes, it is the blood of the evil dragon in myths and legends."

"Impossible! I am a hero, how could I accept that kind of thing!"

"Are you serious about saying that?"


Yedel stretched out his hand and stroked Jeanne's body, her hand wandered around the bumpy figure, narrowing her pupils with some charm.

"Stop! Don't touch me, you are disgusting!"

"Ah, sorry, I can't help but be fascinated because it's so beautiful, but Miss Joan, in fact, you have some unknown special abilities, right?"


The question with a smile made the angry Joan suddenly stop. Yedel approached her face and asked softly: "For example, you can control flying dragons by nature."

"Why, why do you guys..."

"You are indeed very careful. It seems that you have never seen your ability, but unfortunately, there are many cases similar to yours. They are called qualified persons in our clan."

Yevel sucked Joan's body fragrance and said intoxicated: "Yes, they are qualified for the blood of God. Of course, they can't be compared with an individual with a near perfect match like you."

"You guys, what are you going to do to make me like this?"

Jeanne raised her head and stared at the woman in front of her, and Yevel stared at her for a while and stood up, his expression slightly serious.

"It's very simple, I want to persuade you to join us."

"Dreaming! I am a saint, how can I be with you filthy trash!"

"Saint? Ha, ha, no, don't you know it?"

Yedel took Joan of Arc's hand and smiled faintly: "Look at this cursed filthy magic, look at this flame of anger and hatred, are these what the saint should have?"

"You are no longer a saint, but a witch, dragon witch."

"Shut up! This is because of your conspiracy, the trial court will..."

Jeanne, who was locked on the wall, retorted angrily, but the conversation stopped in the middle. She looked at the woman in white without any fear, then looked up at the monitoring equipment, her heart was cold.

"Yes, as you think, the trial court is now ours."

"how come......"