My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 327

The saint under the firelight turned her head and glanced at Marda who was looking over, showing a quiet smile.

"I'm sorry, Malda, I will leave you alone."

"Jane, wait, what are you going to do? Jeanne!"

Black magic overflowed from Joan's body. Marda, who realized that something was wrong, shouted, but Joan ignored it.

Then, in the flames and smoke of the trees, the saint turned into a black dragon, which roared up to the sky and rushed toward the scarred roots, just like in the myth.


Above the canopy.

"I didn't expect it? Are you talking about the little girl who is eating the roots now?"

Facing Roland's doubt, Walklord asked quite contentedly, and his face revealed sarcasm.

"Do you think I didn't know that the traitor sent the blood of Nidhogg? You thought I didn't know that you got the blood of Isaac's Surtel? No, I know all of this."

"Your plan is actually not wrong. The roots of the World Tree really can't resist Nidhogg's bite, and the little girl can indeed bite off the roots, but you don't know. You think you can use Sur The blood of Ter is actually because of my strength."

The old man's face revealed a refreshing expression that revealed the answer, waiting for the despair of the proud young man opposite.

"You are the cause of the failure of this plan. You can only watch the beloved one die miserably after becoming a monster, repeat the results decades ago, and I will have no worries!"

Author's message:

py: "The Master of Secrets"

Introduction: From the plague swept across Europa in 1347, to the witch trial burning out the hope of the Middle Ages, to the thick smoke of steam covering the whole world.

Cthulhu’s babble resounded through the deep sea, deformed monsters raged across the earth, and fake gods kept humans in captivity.

And no one knows your name.


Your figure is engraved in the long river of history.

On the earth ravaged by the Black Death, the desperate girl was hoarse, but could do nothing.

The ordinary and noble saint dropped her head on the torture frame and died with devotion to the "god".

The virgin queen looked at your figure and made up her mind, and finally ascended to the throne.

The gears of science and technology are further accelerated, and the popularization of culture is once again on the agenda.

Everything flashed past like smoke.

In the end, everyone is happy.

Only you, immersed in the dream that will not stop.forever and ever……

Chapter 201 The Reversal of Cause and Effect

Above the canopy.

Walklord looked up at the man in the sky, a little uncontrollable smile, although he looked up, but now he felt that he was looking down, it was a sense of omnipotence in which everything was under control.

After a few seconds of silence, the young man spoke slowly, his voice hard.

"What do you mean?"

"Haha, it's very simple. How do you think I crawled out from the inside? Only by mystery? No, no matter how powerful the fantasy species is, it is trapped inside the world. How can my return count on those? My return, It’s because of human principles."

"The power of humanity and mystery are just like the opposite. They can depend on each other, just like the little girl who became a dragon, and the reason why I can crawl out of death is because of your power. "

"For fifty years, when I was hiding in the gap between the roots and eroding your human power step by step based on my body, I finally gained part of it. Of course, I also paid a huge price."

"I got the signpost to come back, and you got the power to use the blood of God freely. Although this exchange is completely unfair, it is undeniable that in half a century, our powers have exchanged and adapted to each other. The result is that neither of us can kill each other."


Roland lowered his head when he heard it fall on the ground, making it difficult to see his expression for a while.

"So, it's no wonder that I will sleep for fifty years. It is you who have been interfering with me through the crown of gods. That part of the curse belongs to humanity-the elimination of side effects is not because of deep sleep, but because of your absorption. That’s why you approached me to negotiate a peace."

"Yes, I have a part of your human power, you have a part of my mysterious power, we can't tell each other's victory or defeat, so there is no need to fight, which is meaningless."

The smile on Lockward's face could not be concealed. He raised his head and silently stated that his victory was in hand, while Roland lowered his head, but the last way he had dreamed a few days ago appeared in his mind.

That is the ending of Joan, there are only three pictures in total.

The first picture is in a foggy battlefield. Roland recognized Heim’s underworld at a glance, and Joan of Arc was commanding the human army and the flying dragons in the sky to rush towards the sea-like corpses. Behind the tide of corpses is a huge dog-shaped monster, and behind it are the roots of the sky pillar.

The second picture is still in the underworld of Heim. Under the flames of the explosion, the severely wounded Joan and the soldiers looking at the roots of the tree that were not completely destroyed, the faces full of despair.

The seriously injured Joan was also looking at the tree roots. Many emotions flashed in her eyes, such as sadness, despair, hatred and dissatisfaction. In the end everything turned into resolute peace. She prayed under the firelight, and then black Magic power covered her, and she turned into a magic dragon in mythology, gnawing away the remaining roots.

In the third picture, the dragon bite off the root of the tree, but was severely injured after being pierced by the tree. She struggled to fly to the sky, trying to swallow the culprit above the canopy, but was caught by more trees. The gun was stabbed to death, and his body was held high above the world tree, as the most direct end of the resistance to frighten the Quartet.

This is the end of Joan of Arc. She swallowed the roots of the tree at the cost of turning into a monster, but she still did not save the land and people she loved. Finally, she was pierced by a thousand arrows and died. After death, she would never rest in the air.

Although he knew the ending before watching, Roland still couldn't control his anger. Joan died of hatred. After his death, the corpse deeply angered the youth. It can be said that from that moment on, his killing intent on Rockward It has been boiling.

But just anger is meaningless. Roland wants to change everything, but he has to admit that Joan’s ending is difficult to change. She is too special. She is a necessary figure to cut the roots of the world tree and is completing this task. At the same time, she would be seriously injured and dying.

Everything seems to have come to a dead end, just like the arrangement of fate. At the moment when he turned into an evil dragon, Jeanne must think that way.

"This is indeed destiny." Roland lowered his head and muttered: "Destiny lets us meet, and I want you to live."


In the fire, the black dragon gnawed the roots, the giant dogs howled, the sea monsters danced wildly, the ghosts flew towards the roots in droves, the zombies also left like a low tide, the surviving warriors of mankind Looking at the distant scene in a daze, he still seemed to be unable to believe the mythical scene before him.

The saint turned into a black dragon, desperately dying to give the World Tree a fatal blow, and all the monsters were attracted.

After a brief period of confusion, the soldiers began to sober up, and launched a frantic pursuit of the enemy without order. The retreat instruction was cancelled and changed to a whole army assault.

"Cover! Cover!"

"Push up! Buy time for the saint!"

The squadron captains roared and rushed into the tide of corpses alone, and the soldiers behind them followed closely behind them. The magician's pale face shot out the enemy's bullets, and the archers who had exhausted their bows drew their swords for melee.

The saint who leads the army is willing to sacrifice her life for justice, so why not the soldiers who follow her?

This is the last struggle in the desperate situation. The soldiers carrying hundreds of millions of lives behind them are living and dying at this moment, and in exchange for a loud noise to reverse the battle.