My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 551

Ai Lei, who has been in this city for two months, likes it very much, or she likes the city where she lives with the people she likes, and for the safety of that person at home, we should eliminate all underground forces as soon as possible and improve Law and order is Ai Lei's recent goal.

Although her behavior is currently running counter to this goal, Ai Lei herself does not know, not only that, but also happy for her luck.

"It looks like it's going to be very troublesome tonight. Fortunately, Mr. Roland worked overtime overnight!"

The blonde goddess looked at the downtown area, as if seeing a man working hard. After a long time, the girl recovered and shook her head and looked forward.

"No way, no way, now at work, you have to be serious... eh? That is... a motorcycle?"

The goddess, who was walking with a group of demons and ghosts, stared wide, and found a locomotive wrapped in golden electric light rushing here, and the lightning that contained evil spirits caused the Galula spirits to evade and disperse.

Sakata Kintoki rode out of the building on a motorcycle, stopped slowly in front of the ghosts, and smiled at the goddess in the red cloak above.

"Oh, lady of Gloden, my task is to stop you, can you please stay with me for a while?"

The man who got off the locomotive pointed to Ai Lei's blonde hair and said with admiration, Ishtar in the sky was relieved when he saw Sakata Kintoki.

"What, let us come in deliberately thinking that there is some secret weapon, is it still you?"

The black-haired goddess smiled and looked down. The target of her battle last time was this blond man. Although she was not weak, she was definitely not strong.

"Ailei, don't worry, you can deal with this guy Zhuo Zhuo more than... Wait, what's the matter?"

Ishtar was about to tell Elei the details of the other party, but suddenly felt that the breath of Sakata Kintoki's body suddenly changed. The manic magic mixed with thunder and lightning entangled his body, and the already strong man's muscles exploded and almost broke his clothes. .

The blond man's hair was put up in the thunder light, and his hands began to turn red. He opened the box behind the locomotive and took out a huge axe with the power of Thunder.

"Maybe I was weaker before, but tonight is different."

The son of Thor, who seemed to be a different person, put the big axe shining with golden light on his shoulders, looked at the ghost group ahead and laughed:

"I am tonight, but invincible Gloden's!"

My wife took me to drag racing.jpg

Chapter 42 Using You Crudely

"What, this guy's spiritual base has changed, what is going on?"

The long black-haired goddess in the sky stared at the man below, obviously not understanding what happened, but unlike Ishtar, who wanted to know the reason, Ai Lei, who faced Sakata Kintoki, had no time to think about it. .

"You all get back, just leave it to me here."

Eleshkigal gave orders to the Garura spirit floating nearby, and then his body jumped off the back of the great ghost, raising his weapon and pointing at Sakata Kintoki who was holding a golden axe.

"Since you came out on your own, then I am also on my own. I dare to provoke the gods. It's really brave. Let's make you suffer."

The goddess of Hades glared at the young man and began to show her power for the first time. The magic power on her body gradually shone and then quickly wrapped up. In a short time, a skeleton the size of a building had risen on the ground, and the inside of the skeleton was red. The magic power, white gauze on his head, and a huge light gun in his hand.

"Oh oh, this is really powerful. I had a headache for fighting women. I didn't expect to be such a big man. Honestly speaking, I feel more at ease."

"Humph, are you underestimating me?"

"No, I just simply can't shoot women and children."


Sakata Jinshi smiled candidly and raised the axe, while Ai Lei held the light gun and fell silent.

Although Ai Lei has not met many people because she has been in the Hades, she claims to be able to see through people's hearts to a certain extent as a god. Whatever the man in front of her says is true no matter how she looks at it, she has some moments. doubt.

Are the recent evil parties so qualified?Would it be possible to help the old woman cross the road or something?

Yes, Eresh Kigaal heard from Semiramis that the task to be done was the crusade against the underground evil forces. The last time I walked slowly and didn’t meet anyone, I learned afterwards that the protector was actually a The hidden bad guy gave her a very bad feeling, and when I met the target this time, I didn't think it was a bad guy.

"What the hell is going on... Forget it, the specific crime is the judge's business. In short, let's arrest you first."

The huge skeleton began a fierce hand-to-hand battle with Sakata Jinshi who wielded a big axe. The golden red light flashed brightly in the vicinity. During the battle between the two, Ishtar had already rushed into the underground headquarters of the cult alone. within.

The originally dark passages are now brightly lit. The bodies of the mysterious worshipers killed when Roland and others arrived have not had time to deal with them. They piled up all the way, Ishtar is floating, with the bloody smell and stench of choking noses. Xun made my head hurt.

"These...seems like cult members, they are so cruel, they don't leave me feeling."

Ishtar clutched his nose and muzzled all the way down, and finally came to a large underground square. Today, the messy decorations in the square have fallen to the ground, and there are still cult corpses lying at intervals. On the one hand, Ishtar ignored these dead guys and started looking for a target.

"Welcome, Miss Ishtar, how are you?"

The long-haired goddess was searching, and suddenly heard the voice calling herself, she raised her head to look at the sound source, and found that it was near the altar of the cultist.

Roland, who greeted Ishtar, was sitting on the edge of an altar, surrounded by a bunch of weird tributes, and there was a statue lying on the ground beside him. At this moment, he was holding a pipe in his hand and waving to her. Although he couldn't see his expression because of the mask, Ishtar could clearly hear the joyous emotions in his tone.

"You guy! I really dare to appear in front of me again!"

"Huh? Miss Ishtar what are you talking about? I haven't moved here for a long time. You should have come to see me, right?"

"Oh, if you say that, it is true, but I didn't come to quarrel with you when I came to see you. I still remember the last hatred. I won't be careless this time. You just waited to live in jail for a lifetime. Right!"

"Wait, Miss Ishtar, do you have any misunderstandings? Is it me who should arrest you in the present situation?"

Roland seemed to be helplessly knocking his hand with the pipe, and said in a lamenting tone:

"Although others may not know it, Ishtar-sama, who has lived in Uruk for many years, should know. Because of the indulgence of some gods in the sky, this city has many evil minds and cruel villains."

"These people are corrupt and bloodthirsty, colluding with the priests in many temples, and even politicians are powerful. And the cult before you now intends to murder hundreds of people. Fortunately, we stopped it in time, otherwise Ulu The police station is going to be slain again."

"In this case, you don't uphold justice for the people, but instead attack us who are meritorious officials. Isn't that right? Could it be didn't come for justice?"

Roland squinted his eyes behind the mask, looked around at Ishtar, who was a little speechless, and asked:

"Ishtar-sama, the goddess of the city, surely didn't come to trouble me because of a vulgar thing like money?"


Facing Roland's questioning with a smile, Ishtar seemed to have suffered a crit. The goddess with long black hair turned red in a short period of time. She stammered and smiled with trembling lips, and took two steps back to agree. :

"Hey, no, yes, of course I am not for money, I am to protect the city, money, money is only incidental!"

"So, does Lord Goddess think we did something wrong? Obviously we did justice and saved people, right?"

"This, this... may indeed be the case, but you don't have the right to do it, just...ahhhhhhhhhhhh, you have to come with me anyway!"

"Really? Because it is an oracle?"

"Yes, because it is an oracle, so...ah!"

Ishtar let out a short scream, and suddenly covered her mouth. Her red pupils looked at the opposite man in shock, while Roland frowned behind the mask.

"Sure enough, it's such a thing to stare at me."