My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life Chapter 639

There is no reason for him, because the other two are no longer there.

Astorford wiped his wet eyes and continued to speed up while silently mourning in his heart.

It all started with calculating each other, and looking back at the stupid calculation.

Cuchurin, Mordred, and Astorfo were all restricted in their actions the first time they met the enemy, which made them have to confront the undead army, but these were actually good.

Both Mordred and Kuchurin are the top heroes in their own country. Although Galula is powerful, it actually does not account for much in the sea of ​​undead, and more of the basic undead units.

Although Astorfo is inferior to the other two in terms of combat effectiveness, he has the sacred armor of the "Declaration of Destruction", and there are very few undead that can attack him, and the three of them are explosive in desperation and fight together. The situation was not as difficult as thought, of course, the price was blocked for a while.

At that time, they were focused on fighting and they didn't know that this was the biggest problem. After the magic effect of the conspiracy gradually faded and the undead were greatly reduced, they were once optimistic.

Until they ran into the ghost of the oversized skeleton who claimed to be Eleshkigal.

Recall that during the combat meeting, Kuchurin and others had sneered at the existence of the gods, which can be roughly summarized as follows:

Brother, Europe has been liberated, how about gods?Even if it is there, how strong can it be?If you say it, you may not believe it, but my teacher will kill that stuff!

Cuchurin said so, and then the three faces were photographed on the wall.

If it's just that, it's okay...Astorfo couldn't help tearing up when he thought of what happened afterwards.

Mr. Kuchurin who possesses skills is very capable, so he falls down quickly and stands up quickly, but it turns out that sometimes men can't be too fast.

When he saw Mr. Dagou, the quick gunner, smashed into the ground with half of his body upside down, Ah Fu knew that he could no longer fight.

It's so cruel, it's not human!

After that was Mordred, I have to say that Xiao Mo played a key role. After the current platoon dog fell and her face was swollen, Mordred finally made up his mind to use King Arthur’s sword. Sheath Avalon.

Then she stood there and couldn't move, because she would be slapped immediately after receiving Avalon, and the effect of Avalon might not last if she ran.

Two teammates made a heroic sacrifice and a squatting defense. Astorfo could only take the opportunity to rush out with the "Declaration of Breakthrough", which was also Mordred's wish.

"I won't move, I'm here to block him, you quickly send the coffin out, and then let the father come to pick me up!"

Mordred, who was killed in place, roared so loudly, Astorfo could only listen. He ran with all his strength, and with his efforts, the light of the exit was getting closer.

It's almost there, it's almost there.

The pink-haired boy thought, and then ran into a tall figure.

"Hi! Lovely Mr. Thief, Big Sister has been waiting for a long time."

py: "My identity is a bit much"

Introduction: [Welcome to use the prohibition and prohibition system, this system will randomly generate an identity for you every month, and you will get the memory, talent, ability, wealth, social relationship, responsibility and obligation of that identity]

[Note 1: Once the identity is loaded, it cannot be removed]

[Note two, the greater the convenience of identity acquisition, the greater the risk of identity tasks]

[Note three, complete the identity task, you can get a random ability increase]

[Note four, due to inevitable bugs, the identities you may obtain include but are not limited to the following]

[Yukixia Yukino's personal master]

[The King Lu Zibing who is proficient in the chariot lane]

[Genius players removed from the club]

[Einzbern’s wretched son-in-law]

[The young master who retired from the Cangqi family]

[The personal medical saint of the chairman of Xuedu]

[Super Xiaolong Ming of the Brave World]

Rebirth of the God of War of Chiba Takatenbara

[The appraiser with golden eyes]

Onmyoji of Fine Ventilation and Water Phases


[If you feel unwell, please bear with it]

Chapter XIX The old driver happy to send

Something happened.

This was the first reaction of Quezal Koyatl when he received the call ten minutes ago.

As a person in Uruk, who personally participated in the core battle during the mythological war, Quetzalcoatl is one of the existences who know that man best. For the people and gods who fought with him in this land , All the peace and tranquility now are brought about by that person's sacrifice.

And these are just achievements, not yet mixed with emotions.

If speaking emotionally, almost every senior in Babylon has a close relationship with him. Gilgamesh and Enki in the government regard him as close friends. Semiramis and Shiro Amakusa owe him his life. Religiously Two of his goddesses are rumored to be close to him, even lovers.

Although Quetzalcoatl herself has not figured out the specifics, even she has been favored by Roland, and for tomb robbery, Quezal Koyatl has zero tolerance!

As a traditional god, Quetzalcoatl feels that the tomb is a very solemn and sacred place, and it must not be desecrated. Although Roland is not dead, it is not alive. There is nothing wrong with using this set.

So when a pink-haired girl with a golden coffin broke through the passage she was guarding, Quezal Coyatre immediately stopped him, and then nothing else was a set of Mexican wrestling.

As a knight, I don’t know how many times Astorfo has seen him fight with swords, but this is the first time I have met and wrestled with him. It is almost conceivable what the fate of Astorfo, who has never played this hand, will be. .

Although the pink-haired knight also tried to use the treasure to "fall down with one touch" to make the Quetzalcoatl lose his balance and escape, but for the gods, this level of treasure can only make the Quetzalcoatl shake.

"Oh? It's a very interesting little prop, but this can't defeat my big sister!"

The Quetzalcoatl who said this made another move, smashing Astorfo into the ground, and it became a landmark building after Cuchulin.

But unlike Kuchurin, Astorfo didn't think he could win from the beginning, so he had the reason for fighting like this and his own way of dealing with it.

"Go, Junying!"


In the gap between the Quetzalcoatl came to look at Ah Fu who had fallen to the ground, a half-eagle and half-horse fantasy species suddenly appeared in front of Roland’s golden coffin with the light. The Quetzalcoatl sensed this change and immediately turned and wanted Blocking the opponent's summons, but I didn't expect that the starting jump was destroyed by "touch and fall" and it lasted for a second at night.

"not good!"

Quetzalcoatl was shocked at this moment, but it was too late. The silver-white steed eagle had already rushed out of the golden coffin and soared. Seeing this, the goddess became anxious and punched Astor. Fu then summoned the Fengshen pterosaur hurriedly to catch up.