My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
-Side Witch's Land Prussia
At midnight, Dianahia turns into a castle with a black flying dragon, and the commander of the Knights welcomes him.
"Dianaia, is this one ?!"
He and I are the only people who work in the political affairs late at night.
Therefore, the prey is brought in late at night.
"Once ... a flying dragon scorched with my spell. Please redeem it later and put it in the national treasury."
"Hah ... but the shape of this scale is a high-class flying dragon ... ?? No, if the scale repelling magic would look like this!"
A flying dragon is a scale and you can see the difference in case.
However, unless you are accustomed to being a connoisseur or an expert in discrimination, you cannot make a distinction.
The Commander of the Knights of the Magic meets both conditions.
"Is it an advanced flying dragon?"
"Yeah, definitely! I mean it charred-if princess, did you raise your arm?"
The leader of the knight grinned, grinning.
"I've been struggling from great magician to super-class magician, but I'm not going to be defeating alone. As a former magical tutor, I'm happy."
There are first and second grades in magicians, but the tenth is the largest. The next big is super. Next is the mythical class, the highest grade.
In other words, Dianaia is the third magician on the scale of this country,
"I'm weak. The knight commander."
"Humble again. There are no more than ten great sorcerers in this country ..."
"... No, it's just with the help of his man in the ground."
Speaking, the commander tilted his head.
"Do you borrow power? What is it?"
"Oh, if you're the Commander of the Knights, you know ... I've been" added on. "Just touch me."
"... It's an easy addition just by touching it ...? That's a mistake ..."
It's not a mistake.
Pia: Even if I remember that feeling, it was an addition.
"But that should be a technique that you can't use without a ritual !?"
"Oh, well, originally, but it was just touched and done."
The technique of delivering magic is quite difficult.
Temporary grants are difficult without preparation.
"Only a super-class magician can do that ..."
"Oh, I don't know if I'm still there, but a super or mythical sorcerer could do it."
There is only one person in the country who has been granted a super-class, but I think I was doing something similar.
Even at the legendary and rumor levels, there are such anecdotes. However,
"It's worth noting that the man in the terrain has done it lightly and that I have been allowed to survive by his care."
"Yes, because adding is a risky technology ..."
If you inject too much magic power, there is a danger of exploding from the inside.
But it didn't happen.
… Probably because of his concern.
I thought it was lucky, but that strong and gentle monster.
I suppose that I was concerned about my body and kept it to the limit.
"No way, you can use that magic. In a sense, you're a super-class or better."
"I haven't registered with the Magic Society here, but ... I was scared and respected at that time. I was fired out of control and I wasn't comfortable. "
Well, otherwise you would have been killed by a senior dragon.
Dianaia thinks that the buds that survived were good.
"Huh ... it's tough.-Even though the movement of the Dragon King is becoming more active and the danger is increasing, there are such monsters in the forest."
Oh, there was such a report.
"The decrease in flying dragons may be due to the fact that the dormant Dragon King has begun to move."
"For some reason, the raids of the werewolf have been reduced ..."
A former wolf, who had previously randomly attacked adventurers, merchants, farmers and the people of the royal capital, and robbed, now lives quietly in the woods.
Some seem to be interacting with the people of the royal capital. It's as if the clan's leader has replaced it.
"When I checked before, I felt like Icaike's young wolf was the leader, but did he die?"
"Okay, I don't know. I just doubt it's a precursor to a catastrophe."
"Really. It seems better to worry about our country than to worry about him."
Fu, and the royal government officials sighed together.