My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
51. The house gets stronger
Returning to our garden, Hesti was beating the heaping stones.
"N-Daichi. Go home."
"I'm sorry. What are you doing?"
"Purification of magic stones. Otherwise, it is difficult to use. However, if processed, it can be used for canes, medicines, whatever."
It looks like it's shiny, but can it be refined?
"For many years, intuition"
Thumbs up.
Well, that's fine if you can use it.
"Oh, yes. I'll do this."
That's right, I showed Hesti the big magic stone I was carrying on my shoulder.
I thought that this was the only thing that could be used for something, but
"... I never saw that."
Hesti had rounded eyes.
"Do you know Hesti is a dungeon master? That's the magic stone."
"... I know the dungeon master, but I can't usually get big magic stones so far."
"Hey, but this came out when I defeated."
"This size is abnormal. Impossible. Mutation or something."
Really? Was it an unknown thing even in Hesti?
"Is it usable?"
"Hmm ... I don't know what will happen if I refine it."
Is this stone so dangerous? I brought it, but is it better to throw it somewhere?
"... If you bury it in the ground, you have enough power to make a dungeon."
"Huh? What is that? ... How do I throw it away?"
If you throw it away, a dungeon will occur or it will be too troublesome.
Hesti shook his head, worried about his head.
"No, it's okay. If you leave it alone, the monster is abnormal and it's dangerous.
"No, even if you say the right answer, you can't use it or throw it away?"
"Hmm, I'm fine. This house is more magical. If you bury it in the ground, the magic will circulate and you're under your control."
"Is that so?"
I'm not sure, but if it's safe and stable to bury it on the ground?
"Recommended. Also, if you give me a piece by crushing a little, I will study it. If it can be used, I will convert it into a tool"
"I'll ask you."
I lightly beat the magic stone.
Then it broke easily, so I decided to give it to Hesti.
"... Easy to break"
"Is it wrong?"
"Usually, it becomes harder according to the amount of magic.
"No, I just copied what Hesti did."
“…… an intuition for a long time was repainted in an instant…”
Hesti has begun to fall, but for the time being, he is passing crushed things,
"Oh, I was! Daiichi! Sister ----!"
"Nuu ..."
Anne walked around here.
The clothes were dirty and torn in places.
"What happened to Anne.
"Slightly defending the city, using too much power. This is how it is ..."
"Well, it was pretty flashy, so why did you come?"
"I'm going to replenish my magic power."
Supply, supply. Need to do here?
"Yes, because my desire to recover is ... yes ... yes ... to be attacked ..."
Anne's eyes are getting scary.
Is looking at Hesti, saying that.
"Oh ... I only need to do it once ... I can't lend my sister ...
"Well, what do you do, Hesty?"
"Wow, I, oh, I refuse."
Hesti refused while pale and light.
"Oh, it's neglected play, my sister! @ That's also good!"
Oh, yeah, this doesn't have to be a separate attack.
For now, if you leave it alone, it will recover. Then let it go.
"Huh ... oh ... Thank you, Sister. Slight recovery."
"Good fuel economy, you"
"No, not so much ... But Daiichi-sama, is that a monster magic stone?"
The recovered Anne points at the large magic stone I carry.
"Oh, it looks like it's too magical, so I'm going to bury it here."
"That's right ... yeah, then you can feel safe. I feel the magical power is too much for a gemstone. It's a dainty sculpture and it's tiny when viewed from this magical spot."
"No, I agree."
I got approval from the two Kings.
"Yes, then, do you want to bury it?"
The dungeon master's magic stone, except for a part, was embedded in the magic spot of my house.
And apparently, the magical power of my home seems to have been slightly enhanced.
It seems to be really insignificant.