My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
95.Spectacle after a long absence
After reducing the huge tree that was growing above the store so that it was out of the way, I was cleaning up the store.
The store was slightly distorted due to the forcible growth of giant trees using apples.
I fixed it and the inside was a little rough, so I have a lot to do.
"In this case, it is likely to open a store tomorrow."
"Yes, but I wanted to clean it, so it was just fine."
Sakura smiles and piles up apple boxes.
"Okay. I'll leave it here."
"Oh, thank you."
There are a few more boxes left outside, so carry them in and run the small golems tomorrow morning, and you're all set.
I thought it was going well, and suddenly Sakura looked up at the void.
"Oh, the reaction of magic. It looks like something is coming to the center of the room, Lord."
"Hmm? What is it?"
"Um, the sense of magic is like a precursor to teleportation."
"Well, you know that, isn't teleportation coming to Diana?"
"How about. I don't know that much ..."
You told me to guide you at night or go to the festival together, so did you come here?
I thought so, I watched the center of the room. Then
"This is here ...?"
Unexpectedly, a strange little girl in a beautiful dress appeared.
Athena remembered being teleported by her older sister.
... The sister who moved to help out of the torrent of intense magic was amazing ...
While thinking of such a thing, I looked around the place where I teleported.
It was a large, clean wooden room.
There were people around you who saw this.
: Maybe you have entered a house of a resident you do not know.
I thought so and tried to open my mouth immediately
" ... re ...?"
The mouth did not open well.
That is not all. My trembling did not stop.
I noticed that my body was so abnormal.
…… This man ’s magic, what ……?
Being pressured by the magical powers of the girl watching you.
And there is more monster-like magical power from the man next to her, and she is shrugging herself.
…… This is killed …….
Athena who judges instantly tries to cast magic on the spot.
The magic of emergency escape learned from my older sister.
"Ki, Kinku, emergency teleport ..."
However, the roots of the teeth do not match, and the tongue is entangled.
I can't speak well and I can't use magic. In such a place,
"Hey, what's up?"
"Hi, ... a"
I was shouted at me.
Anyway, this place is a useless place.
If I didn't leave immediately, I looked around and tried to go to the door behind.
—The moment, the door opens.
"Hmm, I brought an extra box. If you put it here, who is it? This child"
Athena bumped lightly with a white-haired girl carrying a wooden box
However, contrary to that feeling, the magical power to feel was enormous.
"That !!"
Athena immediately leaped back and was almost joked. But
"Hey, you're shaking, are you really OK?"
A man with a magical power like a monster has gently supported her back.
That was the limit of Athena.
She dropped her pet and her ass on the ground,
"Fee ..."
I just peeed grandly.