My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
131.Dragon's True Reality and Valley and Forest Tea Party
One hut is set up in the Dragon Valley.
In the room, there were Dragon Kings such as Anne, Ramulos and Karen.
As they gathered during the day, they were talking together to exchange information on the movement of the cities and the movement of the countries,
"What do you mean, I think it's very good to have such a large number of people, but honestly I'm going to be in trouble if there is no older sister in the management role."
Anne looked around while scratching her cheek.
Hesti usually took the initiative in collecting information, but this time there is no such thing. That is why the pace of the talk often did not increase.
"Hesti was always doing the operation. I came to the Ryuo Congress for the first time in several decades, but it hasn't changed."
"What is it?"
"That's right. It hasn't changed for more than a hundred years."
Ramulos smiled casually and nodded Karen to agree.
"That's right. Hesti was the most detailed about what I need to be careful about now and what I should pay the most attention to now."
"So that's it……"
Anne is convinced that the wisely-informed Hesti-sister is as expected.
Then, Anne decided to take the initiative in trying to emulate her.
"The most notable thing right now is Speaking of Daiichi."
"Oh, yeah, that's right. I can't remove it."
"Yes, I totally agree. He doesn't hurt no matter how much he thinks ...!"
Karen utters a voice with slight excitement.
Anne also knows that she is an athletic athletic enthusiast, so she knows how excited she is.
"Speaking of which, you didn't challenge Daichi, Karen unnie."
"Yeah, well. With that difference, it would be more correct to subscribe rather than challenge. And I'm the one who subscribes.
"I understand that feeling, Karen unnie ...!"
Anne clenched her hands and strongly agreed.
Anne misses the past, as she asked her again and again until she approached her sister.
"Wow ... I'm doing something weird, but I don't want to bother Daiichi too much.
"I know, Lamuros .... But Ramoulos often feels easy in front of Daiichi, but he often loses his power there."
Daichi's magic is enormous. Hesti and others are used to it, so I guess there is nothing, but when I meet for the first time in a long time, I have the power to be honest and shocked to my body.
Anne wants to see her regularly because she feels so good, but she can't be comfortable.
"Around that, I think Ramulos is amazing, but why can you be like that?"
"Well, that's not surprising. Daiichi is a lifesaver, and in the first place, I won't be able to compete with me. He just doesn't make any sense to be vigilant. "
Ramulos laughs, so you can be comfortable.
After all, when you hear these lines, she thinks she is a long-lived Dragon King, and she is a very divisible person.
... I still have to study. Don't just be satisfied with seeing Daichi and your sister ...!
After seeing the two dragon kings, Anne suddenly remembered a story.
"Speaking of which, I remembered about Daiichi's case. Did you know that the power of Daiichi has activated the soil in the city and the forest? It looks like it has been strengthened. ''
"Well, that's right. The presence of magic stones can make it a simple dungeon ... maybe a good place to educate Princess Athena."
Karen nodded and began to think.
"Kyo, you're eager to educate, Karen unnie"
"That's already. It's a promise to grow up into a proper warrior. Thanks to Daichi, we've come one step closer to that promise. Thank you very much."
Even for Anne, it's very important to use magic stones and magical soil to make tools, so it's very helpful. However,
"Whether it has something to do with it, or something else, it seems like the forest dragons are behaving strangely."
"Speaking of which, on my way here, I saw a dragon who lost his reason and set a bed in the forest. It certainly felt strange."
Ramulos seems to have felt that tendency.
"Isn't it better to tell Daiichi the story around here?"
"Daiichi-san, right. That's right. It might be better to give information so as not to bother you."
"Yes, let's go down to Daiichi and my sister."
And the Dragon Kings start to move.
Before the sun set, the Dragon Kings came to our house together.
"I said I could come, but I came too soon."
"I'm sorry, ah, so many."
She sweats on her cheeks and Anne apologizes for her. From behind,
"I'm glad you came before I slept, Daichi! I have a lot to talk about."
"Daichi-san. It's been a long time. Let's go to the hot spring again."
There was a Ryuo who had no enthusiasm and had an enthusiasm.
They have really different personalities,
"Well, it's okay. I wanted to taste the apples because they had too much apples to bake or steam.
"I'm really sorry, Daichi. I'm saved ..."
"Thank you!"
I decided to talk to the Dragon Kings while drinking tea.