My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
161. Swing as the name suggests
I got off the stage and went out.
"It was a good song, so don't stop me, Kattractor."
In addition to it,
"I don't want to bring that poison-like water into the forest. If the water in my house gets dirty, what will it do?"
I go out with the golems. And
"The enemy that threatens my comfort will be defeated with my own power!" Kongou / Damage "Revised-Mode" Vajra "!"
My armor switches.
From moving things to fighting things.
When they arrived at Dianaia, they looked at me with a tired but relieved face.
"Daiichi, have you come ...?"
"I'm sorry to be late"
"No, don't worry. It's because of this situation that I made it ahead of schedule ..."
"Hey, don't overdo it because it's wobbly."
"No, I can still move, so I'll do my best to support you."
Speaking of that, Dianaia stood up and held her cane.
I observe a tractor while thinking that it is a strong princess.
Purple water was in the shape of a dragon, with countless black crystals floating in it.
"――It looks like the same structure as the water golem. The body is built around the core."
Sakura explained at your ear, but indeed, is it a big version of Water Golem?
"I mean, if he breaks through that core, can he beat him?"
When I asked Dianea, she returned a positive nod.
"Oh, oh, but be careful, Daichi. It's water as soon as you get a blow and it runs away, and in the meantime that poisonous water goes around here."
Certainly, purple water is still flowing. The muddy forest was probably due to this.
It's very disturbing.
"-First, stop the poisonous water leaking from him.-Wood Golem, go."
I run the wood golems to the cutler.
"Ah, are you going to keep those golems down ?!, but the size difference ..."
"No, I can't do that."
The only thing I let the golems do was put apples under the feet of the cattractor. That was all I needed. Anyway,
"-Trees, shut up!"
Because that alone, the tree grew from the foot of the cattractor and covered his whole body.
"Gaa ...!?"
The tractor twists and tries to escape, but does not.
"I'm used to making water golems ...!"
In a blink of an eye, the apple tree became the outer shell that kept the whole body of the cuttractor down.
One of the leaks is a strong shell that does not cause water leakage.
"Is there such a way, is it good ...?"
Dianaia has a strange surprise, but it's good because she has kept her poisonous water low. But well,
"Isn't it long?"
You can see that it is rampaging inside.
You can be caught for a short time. In the meantime, you have to decide the game,
"Well, can you launch it all in the air?"
"U, launch? ... Um, if you repel the barrier, you can't help but ..."
Dianaia has a difficult face. If you think that it is difficult if it is that size,
"I can do it"
Hesti came sideways and said so.
Her face was covered with poisonous water, but she was still fine,
"Oh, Hesty. I'm sorry to be late."
"I don't care. Thanks to you, I'm saved now.-So, should I launch that one?"
"Is it possible?"
"Possible. You can use the breath of the shock, you can use it. That is lighter than Ramulos. Above all, I'm more power-up than before."
Hesti, while paying the poisonous water, was thrilled.
"It was good. I can use this arm because of that."
"No way to use that arm ..."
"Oh, I'll shake this right arm."
The moment he said, Hesti's face was pulled.
"Yes, it would be terrible to shoot it at the ground."
Dianaia's face also solidified.
"I used it when I blew Karen off, but ... it's a lot of work, right?"
Nevertheless, the plains had quite a few traces.
If possible, I don't want to do the same.
If you can make a hole in the plain, that ’s fine, but it ’s not good
"Oh, I understand. I'll take that responsibility and launch it."
"-Well, I'll help you too. First, you should be able to jump it up."
They seem to have decided.
When I thought so, a beautiful voice came from behind.
"I'll support you with a song too.
Manaril also seems to be participating. Thank you.
"Thank you, all three.
Starting with my words, the three of them started their actions.
"Twenty Barriers!"
First, Dianea uses the barrier to float the body of a tree-cut tractor. And
"Breath of shock ...!”
Hesti, who came underneath, struck her.
The impact from a small body, however, was tremendous, and the tractor flew in the air. As expected, it is Hesti.
"I can do it seriously with this."
As a matter of fact, this is the first time that this Kongo punch has been used seriously.
I was able to moderate it, but I used it carefully.
Because you can't really use it and break it in various ways.
But if you can hit into the sky, you don't need to worry.
Punch the anchor on the ground.
Even the muddy ground penetrates, and the anchor decreases deep into the ground.
Since it is known that it is high power, thorough countermeasures are taken.
"Sakura, leave the back."
"Yes, please give my best to the Lord."
The whole body is strongly supported by the power of Sakura.
If this is the case, you can wield your arms with confidence.
"It's my first time, take it, Cuttractor."
From there, it is a serious blow.
Use the Kongo punch seriously.
For that concept, the aircraft that adopted the name of the punch as it is,
"--Vajra, pierce to heaven!"
Swept right arm at high speed.
It was released at the speed of pulling out even the wall of water vapor.
“…… a !?”
I hit the retractor instantly.
The impact of penetrating even hard tree walls instantly tears through clouds and air and rushes.
And the screams that don't sound like the voices of Cattractor sound
Even without leaving even a piece of that body.