My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
209. Construction of sand
When I practiced sand manipulation with Athena, I realized that sand was more difficult to handle than trees.
It is easy to change the shape because the original is smooth,
"It's hard to cure and maintain.
I made a sand golem as a trial, but if it was made too large, it would be chipped or collapsed.
For now, the only thing that can be made stable is a medium-sized golem of about 3 meters.
In addition, it has a smart shape unlike trees and water golems.
"Ah, that's hard, but I'm already making such a golem, Daiichi Onisan."
"Well, it can be made."
However, the difficulty level is another story.
Sand Golems will need a little more practice,
… The building seems to be hard to make, so it's a postponement. .
I made a sand miniature castle for fun, but it took a lot of time.
Sand seems to have many uses, but it seems that you have to think about where to use it.
If you think that it is a really difficult material,
"Ah, Daichi Onii-san, something will come from there!"
Athena suddenly shouted.
"Hmm? Is it over the rocky area of the lake?"
I turn to the one Athena points to.
There was a large rock of several meters in length, mixed with large gray and black.
Or rather, the rock was coming here.
"What is that? Golem?"
"No, daichi Oniisan. That's a rock club."
"Rock club?"
"Yeah, it's a crab that mimics the rocky shores of the water. I usually keep quiet, but when I'm hungry my temper gets rough."
Is that a crab?
If you look closely and look closely, you think the rock is the crab shell.
And I knew that he was coming towards us with huge scissors.
"What is that?-Why is my temper getting rough and attacking us?"
"That's right, because it's a creature that humans also attack."
"Well, can I skip it?"
She said, Athena nodded and made a difficult face.
"Yeah, every rock club has a rocky, thick shell, so it's hard to hit and fire. To be honest, I don't think it will work with my current attack."
"Isn't it hard to hit? ... It might be convenient to see how the sand golem is."
After looking back at Athena who tilts her head, I order the sand golem that I just made.
"Now, a sand golem. Try hitting that crab."
I want to know the durability and hardness of the golem that I made.
Pia says the hardness and thickness of the rock are considerable, and it would be just right for a trial shot.
I thought so and issued an order. Then
The Sand Golem fulfilled his orders immediately.
Walk on the sandy beach and approach the rock club.
And he swung his fist with a smoother motion than any of the golems he had made.
"Gee ..."
On the other hand, rock clubs are confident about their protection and rush into them.
Naturally, this would mean a head-on collision,
And the Sand Golem's fist got into the rock club's body from the front.
The center of the crab's body has been dented with the outer shell.
And the crab collapsed on the spot and stopped moving.
"Wow, ow ... it seems that the hardness is increasing with the magic of Daiichi Oniisan."
"... That's right. And there is also the nature of sand, this."
If you look at the impression of the fallen crab, you can see that the area around it has been shaved.
Because the sand is rough, it may have been cut with the fist hit.
"I felt like I was hitting while shaving. It would be dangerous if I reduced the polishing performance a little more,"
In this state, the whole body becomes a golem that looks like a file.
Or rather, this blow is too much.
"The crab we just cut is almost full and it's almost full of sand ..."
"Oh, oh, oh ... but I'm glad we got a big one, Onisan. The rock club seems to be delicious and you can eat a lot."
"That's right. Only this is big, I can eat a cup."
As Athena puts it, let's say it's good now that the crab has been caught successfully.
Lunch is just around the corner, and let's try what the taste is like.