My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
210.Starting around the beach
After eating fresh crab and prey brought by Hesti for lunch, I was on the sandy beach to improve the sand golem.
"Is it something like this?"
Three golems of about 5 meters were completed in front of you.
Skillfully, by adding water and hardening the sand, it was possible to make such a sand golem.
"Because there is surprisingly much that can be done with sand."
I want to be able to make as many as possible.
Anyway, if you have a sand golem, you can grind the surface of the wood golem to make it more slippery.
… Thank you for this polishing ability.
Until now, when cleaning the surface of a wood golem, I basically imagined a smooth surface with magic.
The rough part came out of it, but the details had to be done by hand.
It is really thankful that it has become so much easier thanks to the Sand Golem.
If you pat the surface of the sand golem lightly,
"Daichi. I'm going to go soon, but I don't think you need such a golem-like armament?"
Dianeia came from the cottage and said that.
I didn't think you would suddenly be treated as a golem.
"Dianaia, this is the result of playing in the sand, not armed. You don't have any particular gear?"
"Oh, oh, yeah, yeah. Well, for Goichi, the golem was something that could be made lightly. No matter what material it was, I think it would be as strange as possible ..."
Even if the material changes, the way of making hardly changes, so it's as much as possible.
How about it being treated strangely?
Well, I'm not going to say anything about the golem now, so let's go through it.
"Anyway, departure."
"Oh, the sun has risen nicely. I think the surrounding facilities are also moving well, and I think that if you move from this time you can see various things."
"Thank you for your care"
I already have shoes that can be safely walked out and straw hats.
The preparation is complete and you can go at any time.
"Can Dianeia go as it is?"
When she heard, she nodded and spread her hands.
"Oh, as you can see, I've got my clothes on. The sun protection is perfect."
In sight, she wore a thin shirt over an orange swimsuit.
I know I'm wearing a swimsuit underneath, but it looks sexy. Looking at her while thinking about such a thing,
"Uh, um, what happened, Daichi? Did you stare so much, was there something strange?"
"Oh, well, I think it's sexy."
"Well ...!?"
I thought it was a strange thing to deceive it, and when I told my thoughts in a straight ball, Dianaia's face turned red.
This reaction was a bit unexpected. With confidence, "Um, thank you! I thought he would say,
"Oh, that's something Suman. I should have told you around."
"No, no, it's okay! I'm not bad at all! I'd rather look more!"
Dianaia said that while shaking his head.
Your face is subtly subtle, and I'd be happy if you didn't really feel bad.
"That's good ... then I'll ask for your guidance."
"Um, um, ask me.-By the way, I think it would be better to teleport to a nearby area and then feel like walking a little, but is it all right to move?"
"Oh, okay"
"So, let's go."
Dianaia holds his hand while saying.
However, his hand was trembling slightly.
"Dianaia. It's trembling, isn't it like dehydration?"
"U, um! That's okay, because I've been replenishing it well. Don't worry because this tremor is just nervous!"
Your face is slightly red, but if you are fine, leave it as it is.
"Then, let's go.-" Teleport! "
Then I moved from the sandy beach, while being held by Dianea.