A few minutes after the pestle was completed, I was watching Nagini's afternoon training, and as expected the Nagini was blown away, so I picked up the Nagini and rested on the bench.
"I'm sorry ... every time, I'm sorry for my lack of strength ..."
Nagini vomits words while drinking water while sitting on a bench.
"Don't worry, I told you to take this much care."
"Thank you .... Fugu ... You have to get more power, you can't beat that. You have to do your best ..."
In the line "Are" where Nagini muttered, I remembered what I wanted to do.
"Speaking of which, Nagini. Cursed my sister, a monster that I can't beat unless I'm strong .... what kind of guy is that?"
If you ask that you have not heard of the target of subjugation, which is the main purpose of training,
"Uh ... yeah ..."
Nagini was muffled.
"Mum?-Is he a difficult person to explain?"
Is it an irregular shape or a monster that can hardly be seen? Nagini shook his head.
"Ah ... no. I'm just a little worried about how to say it, so I don't mind talking at all .... Rather, I want you to hear ... I'm thinking about where to start."
"Hmm ... well, if you can tell me, from the beginning.
You know the situation.
There is an example of old Hesti, but there is not much that can be stored.
Speaking of this, after seeing this with surprised eyes
"The teacher ... really takes care of you."
"I see. I think it's better for those around me."
Sakura and Hesti are taking care of me. Even the Dianeas were taking care of Nagini's training.
"No, that's what I can say to the teacher, and I'm really grateful."
Nagini exhales once with a smile.
"--And I'm grateful for that, and let's talk from scratch."
In response to the question from his teacher, Nagini puts a glass of water on the table. Then he turns to Daichi and opens his mouth again.
"Actually, I am not trying to deal with ordinary monsters, or rather, they shouldn't be monsters ..." The opponent is a monster. "
“Ancestral spirit? In the sense of words, is it the ancestral spirit?”
"Yes, it's the one who created the dragon kingdom long ago, called the" Genesis Dragon ", but the mighty power and will that he left in the country's mausoleum. I'll call it the combined soul. ''
"How does that relate to curses?"
It's no wonder that the teachers do not understand the connection between the ancestors' spirits and their curses. So Nagini continues to explain.
"The mighty power and will left by the founding dragon are to be inherited by the king of the dragon kingdom for generations. For the purpose of protecting and reflecting the nation. Atashi and Dora sister are at the same time I decided to become a king with two twins born in the country, so it became like two people would share it. ''
"Two people ... is that good? Is it possible for the king to be two people. Is it OK for the country?"
Nagini smiles bitterly at Daiichi's words.
Because we thought before we were tested.
"Yes, well. Because the ancestors told me that there was a group of kings who did that in the past, and that the country was close to just a land manager, so I complained There is no one in the literature or record that there was a king, but there is a precedent, so we passed on the challenge to us ... Thanks. "
"Challenge ...? That's ... it wasn't something that would definitely go well."
Nagini nodded while thinking that the master Daichi was good.
"In order to succeed, it is necessary to take a strong test. It is necessary to catch the mainstream of the power of the ancestors. If you fail it, you will die if you fail."
Memories of the trials that remain in Nagini. Nagini utters words while remembering it.
"... Well, my conclusion is that I'm a few orders of magnitude weaker than my sister, and my body can't stand to receive the power. But once I start the trial, I have to divide the distribution to the end, My sister couldn't bear it-Dora.
My sister always protects me. That's why I relied on my sister's words, "leave it alone." However,
"The power was too powerful. Even my older sister, who was many times better than me, couldn't stand it. And my older sister, who forcibly tried to take his strength ... fell down. I'm losing consciousness. "
"... The original power of the ancestors was originally inherited by a single person, but did they fall into such a state, even though they took it together?"
"The founding dragon explained that, so it was probably our lack of power."
Even though the ancestors told me it was time to take the test, I now know that I should have trained a bit more before taking the test.
"Wasn't he stopping if that might be the case if he lacks power? Parents and dragons in the country?"
"When we came to our heart, we had no parents anymore. The land was just a land, and there were no dragons to settle in. Since we were born, our sister and our sister have just started. I lived with the advice of the dragon, so I was like I was raised by the founder dragon ... so I took the word "soon" from the founder dragon Shin "
I didn't know at that time, and I was reckless as I was told. The price is that it came exactly.
Fortunately, fortunately, the sister who cannot wake up is being protected from the founder dragon.
The ancestral spirit said that with the help of blessing, you could manage for months without starving or dying.
But you never wake up.
"I was protected by my sister ... I was able to stay protected, but it really worked for me this time."
I thought it was not bad. So,
"--This time, I have to take that power up to my sister. So I decided to train."
That's what we decided before we came here.
I told you that Daiichi looked down and nodded lightly.
"I see. I'm sorry to remind me of the pain."
I'm sorry.
... I'm the one who hit me, but she's a kind person who thinks about me.
Nagini shakes her head while thinking.
"No, I'm fine at all. It's a past that I have to accept and I have to confront it.
Thanks to you, you can tighten your mind without training indiscriminately.
"I'll do my best in inheritance, I'll do my best again! I'll help my sister ... I'll be stronger ... I'll continue to ask for guidance!"
"Oh, yes. I'll do my best while asking Hesti what I can do."
"Yes! Thank you, Master!"