My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~
253: The result of another training
By my blow, all the founder dragon's neck turned to this. With magic in your mouth.
"Oh, have you seen this at last, but you're not turning dangerous things?"
She casts magic, but she beats her neck while playing with the arm of a wood armor with a pestle.
"Oh ...?"
Another founder dragon's neck flew. But,
"Muh, oh ..."
As well as a bumpy and foamy thing, the neck grew.
"Another one!"
Hit it further from the side where it plays.
This time, the head did not fly, but the founding dragon giant floated and blew away. Still,
"Effectiveness ...!"
Recover from the damaged side. This has always been this.
"There's no limit to regeneration ... like that."
"Well, no matter how much you blow it out, your neck will regenerate .........! You have to defeat the center of your body, the heart ...!"
That's it. This kind of negotiation does not end unless the core parts are removed.
I know because I have fought.
"But, Nagini. When my heart is in my body, this huge neck is in the way ...!"
"Hey, really. The head of the founding dragon has accumulated energy and is hitting in response to this attack. If you shoot the heart, you have to pull out that breath.
As Dianea and Hestie cast magic on one of their necks, the founder dragon's neck casts magic like a volley gun.
As long as there is at least one neck, the attack will not stop. Becomes
"... I guess it's okay to blow that whole body off of that whole neck."
"Well, in theory, yes ... but it's not that easy."
Hesti repeats Nagini's words.
"No. If you do that, you need more power to swallow the magic of the founder dragon."
"I see. It's hard, but ..."
By hitting my head several times, I figured out how much power I could cope with. So,
"It's an eagle's body. I won't disturb my eagle's dream ...!"
Looking at the eight-necked giant dragon rushing into here, I set up my fist.
"I can't do it, so try it."
"Huh, are you really saying this?"
Nagini opened my eyes to my words.
But everyone else nodded as convinced.
Apparently, it seems to leave.
"I'll secure you here! Don't worry, Daiichi!"
"Then we're coming."
Then just try as declared.
I catch the founder dragon that I just blew off in my sight, hold both arms with a pestle, and set the anchor on the sole deep into the ground.
There is no problem no matter how much power this gives. At the same time, the punches on both arms rotate, filling with black and white light.
"Ningen is like that ...?!?, But it's not ..."
The founder dragon tried to speed up the approach, as if he felt threatened by the power. But,"
"Nuu !?"
Trees entwined at the feet all at once.
Although some were torn off, the rush of the founder dragon stopped there.
"Lord, I stopped my feet."
It's Sakura's magic. In Wood Armor, he tells me with a smile.
"Filling is complete. Please do it."
"Oh, thank you, Sakura"
-Thanks to this, I can concentrate on this tool for the first time.
We already know the power of using one. What happens if you use two of them at the same time?
I pull both fists while thinking.
In this act, the rotation of the pestle is further accelerated, and the filled light itself starts to shine.
"I just stopped my feet and the eagle didn't stop ...! The ideal body is there!"
On the other hand, the founder dragon in front also had accumulated light in its eight necks.
"Don't disturb me! Ah!" The dragon's roar of war ... "
And breath is released from eight necks.
Lumps of magic, mixed with lightning strikes, flames, and light, fly toward you. It's fast.
But there is no problem.
Because this preparation has already been completed.
"The founder dragon that can eat and defeat all delusions.-" Kongo Kaikai. Mode-Twin Vajra Maximum .... !! "
Along with the words, I waved my arms at awesome speed.
Two striations are emitted with the sound of air exploding.
It collides with the breath coming.
Hikari and Breath antagonize for a moment, but-
"Nah ... this is the power ... !!!"
The momentum of Kojo never stops.
I swallowed the founder dragon's body at once.
And the only thing left behind was the land where the wilderness was hollowed out by two striations.