My House of Horrors

Chapter 2 Daily Tasks

The app on the phone with the Terror House Gate as its icon resembles a popular analog business tour, although it does not operate hotels, aquariums, pet parks, but haunted houses.

Chen Gong stared at the screen, he couldn't figure out why there was such a strange little game in the phone left behind by his parents.

He looked closely at the app interface, and all the information in it matched his haunted house, including the number of daily visitors and the facilities scene in the hall. The game gave Chen Song a strange feeling, as if the haunted house he needed to run in the game was his real haunted house.

Equally bad, equally close to collapse, is too much in common between the two.

“Is this game based on my haunted house prototype? If we change haunted houses in the game, can we benefit in reality? ”

Chen Gong continued to look down, the scene of the existing facilities in the horror house, the zombie resurrection night was devalued to no avail, and had appeared in the newspaper, even provoked a sensational meditation project, and only gave a half-star rating in the game evaluation.

“Even Adultery was given half a star, and I can't imagine how horrible those unlockable horror scenes are behind it.” He tries to unlock more scenes and touches this option and a line of words appears on the screen prompting him to complete a certain number of daily tasks in order to be eligible for unlocking.

“It seems that everyday tasks are the foundation of everything, and only by constantly completing everyday tasks can we unlock the scene of terror. More horror scenarios can attract a large number of tourists, increase tours and expand haunted houses and sites, thus creating a virtuous circle. ”

Chen Gong played a lot of hand games in his spare time, and quickly learned the rules of the game - the completion of everyday tasks will affect the development of the whole haunted house.

Click on Daily Tasks and three options appear on the screen:

Simple difficulty: The design of the haunted house has three main elements - stories, scenes, emotions, no soul without stories. Please improve the background story of the two horrible scenes of zombie resurrection night and underage marriage.

General difficulty: Fix all doll models in the Terror House by midnight.

Nightmare difficulty: I'm sure you're still wondering if there are ghosts in the world. Come play a little game, the truth is right at the moment you open your eyes.

Daily tasks are refreshed every morning and can only receive one task per day, with different difficulty and different rewards.

(Attention! Individual tasks are extremely dangerous, please choose carefully!

After watching the daily tasks, Chan Song was somewhat surprised: “The tasks in the game need to be accomplished in real life, is this an indirect indication that the game can affect reality? ”

To verify the speculation in his mind, he decided to take a task to try.

Daily tasks are graded by difficulty, you can only choose one per day. If you want to maximize the benefits, you must choose the most challenging, but the few tasks behind you are extremely dangerous prompts, making Chen Gong a little offensive.

“Difficult to choose from, the description of the nightmare difficulty task is vague, and at first glance it's a big pit. Why don't we start with the general difficulty and fix all the doll models by 12: 00 a.m. A little nervous, but not impossible. ”

Chen Guo was a very decisive person, and when he made the decision, he immediately went into action. Without wasting any time, he started examining doll props throughout the haunted house with a toolbox and a barrel of unopened artificial plasma.

At night, Chen Gong walked through a huge horrible house. In order to save electricity, he didn't even turn on the hallway lights. He held the flashlight in his arm and dragged the maintenance figure around.

If the scene is seen by an outsider for an unknown reason, it may scare the police directly.

“I'm exhausted. I didn't expect so many dolls to be in trouble. It looks like the maintenance was out of place! ”

At 11: 45 p.m., Chen Gong received a prompt to complete the task on his phone - “You have completed the general difficult daily task, focusing on the details, in order to create the perfect atmosphere of terror, congratulations on receiving the task reward - the background track" Black Friday ". ”

“Isn't Black Friday off-limits? It is said that more hearsay leads to the idea of suicide, and the original track has long disappeared.” Chen Gong found a CD pattern in his mobile prop library: "It's not a prank to treat this as a reward for a mission? ”

He tapped to the CD pattern, and a melody he'd never heard in a while rang in his ear.

It seemed that the voice itself was born of darkness, loneliness and sadness. Chen Song felt that everything was going away from him. He seemed to sink into the depths of the ocean and walked into an endless tunnel.

At the end of the song, Chen's back was wet, and he was glad he didn't choose to play it in a loop, otherwise he really didn't know if he could get out of the song.

“Seriously! It's supposed to be the original. ”

Complete the tasks in the game and get rewards in real life, which shows Chen Song a shortcut that can change the status quo of the Horror House.

Turn off the music and save carefully. After everything was taken care of, Chen Gong went into the staff lounge.

Lying in bed, he was tired, but not sleepy at all.

What he's going through today, for any normal person, takes time to digest.

Unconsciously after midnight, Chen Gong still stared at the ceiling.

“I can't sleep at all!” Bored and bored, he took the black phone out again: “It's after midnight, should the routine be refreshed? ”

By clicking on the app, the daily task column has changed.

Easy Difficulty: If you want to provide a very scary experience for your visitors, first pay attention to the pace of the tour, and the appearance of actors and agencies prematurely or late can cause loss of interest, so I suggest you install a sound detector in the haunted house as well as a monitor to keep your visitors under control.

General Difficulty: Unique trees, good haunted houses need good teams to operate, recruit more talent, they will help you through the difficult times.

Nightmare difficulty: I'm sure you're still wondering if there are ghosts in the world. Come play a little game, the truth is right at the moment you open your eyes.

Daily tasks are refreshed every morning and can only receive one task per day, with different difficulty and different rewards.

(Attention! Individual tasks are extremely dangerous, please choose carefully!

Three new day-to-day tasks emerged, which made Chan Song a little confused.

The simple task is to install sound detectors and surveillance in haunted houses, which can be accomplished with money. Unfortunately, Chen Gong has limited funds and cannot afford that much money.

Generally difficult tasks are also very unfriendly to Chen Song. He was accompanied by an old employee who had experienced the storm. He only offered to resign yesterday. Today he is asked to recruit a new recruit. Not to mention whether or not he can be recruited. Even if someone is willing to come, it will take a lot of time to train from the beginning. When the new recruit can be alone, the terror house is probably cold.

Excluding two difficult tasks, simple and general, Chen Gong focused his attention on the last daily task.

“The harder it gets, the richer the reward, should I try a nightmare level mission? ”