My House of Horrors

Chapter 41: Hold Your Breath

“Lucky Ghost, your courage is astonishing. This nightmare mission is both a test and a reward! ”

“The name of the game below is Deepwater, and it can span life and death, letting you see the dead. ”

“Mission requirement: enter the bathroom alone at 3.30 a.m., lock the bathroom door, turn off the lights, fill the bathtub with water, light a candle around it and lie down in it. ”

“3: 30 am to 3: 44 am is the heaviest time of the night, and the junction point of the day, all you need to do is hold your breath at 3: 44 and sink into the bottom of the pool, remembering the name of the person you most want to see. ”

“You will see him on the brink of life and death as you walk between the night and the dawn. ”

“Successfully met the mistress and the mission was successful. If never seen, the task automatically succeeds after 60 seconds of inactivity. ”

After reading the task information on the black phone, Chen Song's mood is very complicated.

Compared to the first nightmare-level mission, it feels much simpler to close your eyes for 30 minutes in a horrible environment, requiring strong psychological qualities and excessive courage, while the overwhelming majority of people can do it in 60 seconds.

But it is precisely because the vast majority of people can do it that he feels uneasy. After all, this is a nightmare-level task, and there must be some unknown risk hidden.

“Same as the last nightmare mission site, it all takes place in the bathroom, except that this time you have to sink into the bathtub and hold your breath for 60 seconds.” He thought carefully about the entire mission process, counting the preparation time, and frankly, only a dozen minutes. What terrible things can happen in such a short time?

Chen Gong was a little moved, not only because the task seemed relatively simple, but also because of a phrase in the introduction to the task - to cross the line between life and death and to see the missing dead.

The more critical it is, the calmer Chen Song will be, sitting in a chair thinking about a possibility.

His parents disappeared at an abandoned hospital in the suburbs, leaving behind black phones and puppets, and he activated black phones as he prepared to abandon the terror house.

When you go on your first nightmare mission, the puppet becomes a key item to stop the monster from coming out of the mirror. It's worth thinking about: are the puppets and the black phones the relics of their parents, and is it possible that they left both intentionally?

If they really set it all up, then this second nightmare task is worth having fun with.

“Are they likely to want to see me this way and then reveal more information?” Of course, this is just Chen Song's guess. In fact, regardless of whether or not his parents set up the nightmare task, Chen Song would do it.

Across life and death, meeting people is an opportunity for Chan Song to see if his parents still exist in the world.

If not, it means that his parents are only missing and still alive.

If they do, that proves Chen Gong's first guess, that his parents left a black phone with something to tell him, and maybe their real last words are hidden in it.

“I guess I don't have a choice.” Chen Gong glanced at the watch. It is now 2: 55 a.m., 35 minutes from the start of the mission: “It took too long to break the mirror on the third floor, which is not a good idea. ”

The task is to lie in a bathtub full of water, but the only room in the whole haunted house with a bathtub is in the midnight escape scene.

At the end of the employee aisle there is a room with a bathtub, where Chen Gong enters and exits the scene when he scared them.

“With thirty-five minutes left, it's definitely not too late to go out and find a hotel with a bathtub, just a wave of monsters in the mirror.” Now that he had made his choice, Chen Gong would not hesitate anymore. He put all four puppets on his body, ran out of the haunted house, sneaked into the garden staff canteen in the middle of the night, and brought out two knives.

“Although this knife has not slaughtered pigs and sheep, I have seen the chef use it to kill chickens and fish before, and I think it has been slaughtered.” Put the knife on the tip of his nose and smell it, without any slaughter, only a strong peppery smell that made him want to weep.

Upon returning to the haunted house, Chen Gong ran with an iron barrel, both the bathroom and the bathroom, and finally filled the bathtub with water ten minutes before the start of the mission.

“Preparation is complete and ready to begin.” The front door of the midnight escape scene was locked, and Chen Gong entered through the employee's passage, standing alone in the bathroom according to the task requirements on the black phone.

The mirror in this room had already been smashed by Chan Song, and at this time the pieces of the ground made a squeaky, squeaky sound stepping on it.

“The water was moving quite a bit, and the monster in the mirror should have known I was coming in, but it doesn't matter, I just need to hold my breath for a minute and I'll be safe. ”

This task, in Chen Song's view, is odd, but not too dangerous.

He locked the bathroom door backwards, placed behind the door the puppet his parents had left behind, and then placed around the bathtub four puppets that were left with the victim's cruelty.

“Gentlemen, it's up to you to buy me a minute in any case! ”

As before, he turned on his phone's camera and placed it at a suitable angle for recording. However, due to the darkness of the house, the screen was almost pitch black and only one person could barely be seen.

At the last three minutes, Chen Gong took everything out of his pocket and placed it on the sink. A candle was lit around the bathtub as required by the black phone.

The swinging candle fire became the only source of light in the house, reflecting the mirror fragments on the ground, each of which revealed the figure of an old song.

He took off his shirt and walked to the bathtub.

There are shallow ripples on the water, and the bathtub is bright and shallow, but the light is too dark to see the bottom at a glance.

Reaching out his hand and pulling the water, a chill climbed up Chen Gong's body along his fingertips, he had to strike a chill: “This mission is weird. ”

Finally, Chen Guo sat in the bathtub with two kitchen knives.

As he entered, the water swept out, spilled all over the floor, and flowed over the mirror fragments.

“It's cold...”

Chen Gong felt that the heat in his body was rapidly passing, even his heart beating a lot slower.

The water beads drip down the edge of the tub, and there is no sound in the house other than that.

“One minute, just through this minute, you get rewards and validate my thoughts! ”

Chen Gong constantly adjusted his breath and waited for 3: 44 a.m.