My House of Horrors

Chapter 324 Accepted Quality (III)

Chen Gong climbed out of the tunnel and looked around.

There are no windows in the house, and a few freshly dead poultry are not far from the tunnel.

“She uses poultry blood? Can this fool Li Ghost? ”

You can hear the baby crying in your ears, and Chen Gong comes down the stairs to the second floor.

It is obvious that this is a woman's room, with simple furniture in the house, and what is different from the other houses is that there is no coffin parked in the house, but a wooden bed.

Lift open the thick bed curtains and lay several bamboo baskets side by side on the wooden bed with a grass leaf in each baby's mouth.

The grass leaves seem to have an Anshen effect, and a few babies have left their parents, but they are not too crying.

“Whenever this Zhu woman takes the child away, she actually wants to protect it? ”

Soon after, Chen Gong found a book under the bed pillow with a personal name and address on it.

People who write these things may know only a few words, and many places are replaced by symbols.

“The Zhu woman outside also looks three or forty years old, but this book is yellow and dilapidated, and it feels like it should have been many years ago.” Chen Gong has the book, he really can't read the words, like Chinese characters, but most of them can't recognize it: “The address is very vague, but the names of the people can tell how many, are they just children who have been rescued? ”

“You're right, they're all kids I sent out.” Suddenly there was an old lady's voice behind her, and Chan Song immediately turned around with the repeater.

“I'm the one who should be scared, right? Or do you think an old man with half a foot in his coffin could threaten you? ”

It seemed to be due to a lack of teeth, and the sound sounded strange. Chen Singer walked into the house with a repeater and saw an old lady with a severe hunchback and wrinkles in the second floor compartment.

She lay on a wooden bed in the compartment with her legs shrinking and only her head and one arm could barely move.

“Who are you?” The old man looked very old, and Chen Song couldn't help but call himself "you”.

The old man looked at Chan Song, and she grinned and laughed: “I am a man who has been looked after by powerful ghosts. ”

When he heard this, Chan Song's head buzzed, and the old man said the word he could not get used to!

“Your children are very kind to me, you must have dealt with them too.” Nature is what they refer to in the old population.

“Yes, not only have I dealt with them, but I have also built a home dedicated to them. ”

“You're much better than me.” The old man tried so hard to show his goodwill: “Sit down, I didn't hear the door ring, you should have come in through the hall tunnel, I guess you were going to sneak the baby away while the sacrifice was taking place? ”

“Well, that's the plan.” Chen Gong didn't come near the old man, he just dropped the repeater in his hand.

“As I thought, those who can be looked after by powerful ghosts must have qualities that even ghosts recognize.” The old man's voice is flat, but it sounds comfortable.

“Quality recognized by Ghost Li? ”


The old man painstakingly nodded, and under the questioning of Chan Song, she told the original story of what had happened that year.

Much like Qing said, the difference is that the ghost in the old man's mouth is not unrestrained killer revenge, and there seems to be a residual emotion.

The old man had saved the female ghost three times, and the female ghost promised to do three things for the old man.

It also treats the elderly in a special way, for example, it never enters the elderly's house, and when there are other evils in the village, as long as they threaten the lives of the elderly, the ghost will appear to destroy them.

“She washed the village with blood, and the perpetrators were not spared, which I can understand and even feel very happy about. But what happened after that made me feel a little uncomfortable.” The old man was in poor health and said he was going to rest for a moment: “There was a red door in the house where she used to live, which only she could push open. ”

“After the bloodbathing of the village, she let go of her obsession and was supposed to leave. She wanted to go in the door before she left, but that's how she saw the problem. ”

“When she came out of the door again, resentment engulfed her, and her eyes filled with viciousness, and she turned completely into another person. ”

“I do not know what she encountered in the door but that she was full of malice about everything and that she was prepared to imprison the offspring of the evildoers here so that they could only be monsters in their lifetime, and even all normal people could not be forgiven in her view. ”

The voice of the old man revealed a deep hidden pain: "I had no power to stop her, but to save innocent children in her own way when she was mad. ”

“As you can see today, every year she wakes up and enters the world behind the door, and if she puts them elsewhere, she kills them with her bare hands, and I'm the only one who can keep them safe. ”

“Get over it, just spend the night, and when she comes out the door, she'll fall asleep again. ”

The old man also doesn't know what's behind the door, she only knows that the ghost goes to the inner world this time of year.

“Then why don't you run away? All out of the village.” Chen said.

“Anyone who drinks well water cannot escape and will be haunted by her for life, which is why I only save newborn babies. ”

“entangled for life? But I heard that a part of your village escaped more than a decade ago, and there were no accidents.” Chen Gong is talking about Jiangzheng's father and them.

“It was an accident that one day more than a decade ago, after she entered the door, she didn't come back that night. ”

“The people in the village spent a month hanging their hearts and minds and found that she was still not back, and some thought she might have died at the door. ”

“At the time, there were two voices in the village, one to remain in peace in the mountain village and the other to take advantage of the opportunity to escape. ”

“Later, some of the less visible body deformities snuck out, and on the third day after their escape, she returned. ”

“Among those who fled were my descendants, and I implored her to let them go, using two lovers to keep them safe for twenty years. ”

The old man coughed more and more, Chen Gong dared not continue to ask, he already knew enough from the old man.

“Grandma, rest well and I'll leave you alone. Those kids, I'm taking one, that's my deal with someone in your village. ”

Chen Qing turned around to look for Aqing's child by the bed. Before taking a few steps, an old man's voice came from behind him: “Actually, I asked you to come here and do another thing. ”

“Does it have anything to do with that dancing ghost?” Chen Gong has found a baby with copper money hanging around his neck and looks cute.

The old man shook his head, his eyes staring at Chen Sing's face: “Did you notice that his temperature is slowly getting lower? ”